22: Valentine's Day; I Love Him To The Ends Of The Universe

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Gerard's POV

Valentine's day. I honestly don't understand it, really. Why do you have to show affection to your love on just one day? Why can't it be everyday? I mean, I know you wouldn't have the money to do something special everyday, but who said you even needed money? Even just a few kisses and a few 'I love you's should be okay. Or even just spending some time together.

But no, apparently it's just easier to show a bunch of love on one day of the year and just a few small, if that, signs of affection until the next February.

People are stupid.

And with Valentine's Day just creeping up on me, since it's like, the fucking thirteenth, it makes it hard to think because I know what I want to do then, well tomorrow. Fuck, now I sound like the rest of the world.


"Gerard, can I talk to you?" Frank asked, walking up to where I stood by my locker.

Frank and I hadn't said much since he confessed to having a crush on me. I debated on whether or not I should kiss him, but I decided not to. I want to wait. I want him to kiss me first, if I'm honest.

"Of course you can," I answered, closing my locker and waiting for him to speak. He didn't. "I'm listening."

"Can we go somewhere more private?" He asked suddenly, looking around and finally just looking at me. I nodded. He took my hand and lead me into the bathroom. "Here should be okay. Okay, so... Gerard, I need to ask you a question."

"Okay, Frank," I smiled, trying to make him more comfortable. I don't think it worked, but he returned the smile, blushing a little. "Go on, Frankie. You can ask me anything."

"Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?" He asked, looking down at his feet and blushing harder. I wasn't expecting that, to be honest.

"I don't," I said, smiling just a little more and blushing too. Thank god Frank wasn't looking at me.

"If you do, that's okay and forget I said anything." Had he not heard me?

"I don't," I insisted.

"Oh, really?" He asked, perhaps a little too excitedly. He looked up at me the instant he heard the words that left my lips. "Okay... Cool."

"Why?" I asked, chuckling just a little at his excitement.

"I just wanted to know if you'd come over tomorrow. That's all."

I thought about it for a moment. "Okay."

"Really?" He looked up to me with wide eyes.

"Yeah," I confirmed, chuckling again. "Why not?"



"Gerard!" Mom called from downstairs. "Mikey! Come downstairs please! I need to talk to you two!"

"Alright!" I shouted, climbing off my bed, temporarily abandoning my sketch, and running downstairs. "Yeah?" I asked when I finally got downstairs. Mikey was already sitting and Mom gestured for me to sit too.

"Boys," she began, taking a seat in the armchair and clasping her hands together. "We're moving."

"What?" Mikey and I exclaimed in unison, looking over at each other worriedly. We looked back to her and she had a slight smirk on her face that instantly pissed me off.

"We're moving," she repeated, leaving me and Mikey to gape at her.

"Out of town?" I asked, fearing the answer 'yes'.

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