3: Far Too Young To Die

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My angel.

"Gerard?" He called out. I felt a sweep of joy overcome me for a moment. But then I realized that I was in the middle of committing suicide. I tried to remain as quiet as possible, but I kept sniffling. I gave myself away. He already knew I was here anyway. So what was the point of trying? "Are you okay?"

I just started sobbing.

"Can I come in?" He asked, speaking softly with concern in his voice. I heard the worry in his voice. Worry and concern for me? Why was he worrying about me? We hardly knew each other. I was surprised he knew my name, since I totally forgot his. Which reminded me to ask.

"W-what's your name again?" I whimpered, trying hard not to keep crying. I was a failure at stopping myself from crying today. It just wouldn't work. I began biting my lip. I started to feel lightheaded. Oh crap, I forgot.

"Frank," he replied, leaning against the door. I thought about what a great name Frank was and how much part of me wished I could live long enough to say it a couple times. "Can I come in now? Please?" He was begging. Why was he being so nice to me? I didn't deserve it. I was such a horrible person that even Lindsey hated me now. I didn't even know Lindsey was capable of hating, because she's so kind. But, back to Frank. Frank... Yeah, what a nice name. I'm glad I know now. I'm glad I found out before I died.

"I-I don't think you wanna do that," I responded, sighing. I'm sure he didn't. I had written stuff on the walls that was very depressing to read. Plus, the last thing this angel needed was to see someone die. Especially someone he hardly knew but was worried about. And well, now I had to ask: "Why are you being so nice to me, Frank?"

He was quiet for a slight moment. "Because. You seemed real upset with that girl. Was she your girlfriend?"

I laughed dryly. "I wish. Nobody loves me. I'm just a stupid coward that hides from the world because I don't deserve to live."

"Yes, you do!" He said angrily and he stomped his foot. He stomped his foot, like a five-year-old kid who's mom told them they couldn't have candy. "No one deserves to die! Not even you! Look, now I know I don't know you too well, but you seem nice. And you're not stupid. And any girl would be lucky to have you. They just don't see that yet. They don't see that you're a good person. I could see it when I first saw you. You have good in you. And you don't deserve to die. You're far too young to die. Will you please let me in?"

I was stunned. That was an amazing speech. It made me lose control and I started bawling my eyes out. I never knew anyone who thought that well of me. Pretty much, no one's ever said that to me. Mikey might have. But nobody else made me feel like that. For once, I felt... Happy. For the first time in awhile, I felt happy. The real kind of happy.

He crawled underneath the stall. He stood up and brushed himself off. Then he looked down at me. Mostly my wrists are what caught his attention. He gasped and covered his mouth. When I realized what he was staring at, I freaked out a little. I looked down.

"Gerard... What did you do?" He asked quickly, grabbing my wrists. He looked at me and I felt ashamed. I was so fucking selfish! I was about to abandon my little brother and leave him all alone to fend for himself with Mom and Tobias. How stupid am I really?! I'm so very selfish. I'll never forgive myself for this.

"I-I... I didn't mean to cut this deep," I whimpered, truthfully though. I truly had forgotten all about my suicide attempt. I dropped the bloody razorblade and it fell to the floor. Frank looked at me with an anger burning in his eyes and I instantly got scared. Now he definitely would hate me. I mean, this was my first attempt, so I was doing good until now. But now, I felt really lonely. Even though I wasn't alone, I felt like I would be shortly. Then Frank did what I never expected.

My Angel (Frerard) [REWRITE] *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now