11: Brendon Urie, The Secret Keeper; I Don't Love You

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I awoke in someone's arms. We were moving. Someone was carrying me. I knew by the scent of watermelons that it was someone I definitely knew. I opened my eyes.

"Brendon?" I croaked. He looked down at me and smiled. Damn, Brendon was strong for being... Well, Brendon. Scrawny, little nerdy Brendon. I looked up at him as well and his grin widened.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," he sang. I chuckled, but it stung my throat. I looked around. I couldn't see anything but woods. God, this is really creepy. And dammit, I needed to be with Frank right now. How long was I out?

"Where are we?" I panicked. I had no fucking idea where the hell I even was. "How long was I asleep? Where are we going? Brendon?"

He looked down at me and just giggled. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't worry, princess, we're almost there," he giggled. I shot him a scowl. He giggled again. "Oh stop, miss moodypants. I'm taking you to meet Ryan. He likes for us to meet here, in the woods. It's very private and quiet and quite romantic. You and Frankie could come here one time to fuck if you'd like. I give you permission."

My eyes widened and I blushed, my mouth agape. He laughed at me and I just stared at him.

"Frank and I aren't--"

"Oh, I'm just teasing, silly," he interrupted. I rolled my eyes at him and he giggled all girly like. Brendon was very gay. "But, it's quite obvious that you like him. More than friends. The way you stare at him, the way you blush when you're around him. I think you love him."

"No, I don't," I lied. I couldn't have this. Nope. No fucking way. No one could know how I felt about him. Well, Mikey and Pete were exceptions, but no one else. Not even Ray. "I don't love him, Brendon. We're just friends, okay?"

"Whatever you say, liar," he smirked. I wanted to slap him, but I needed him to get home, so that was a big fat NO. "When did friends start kissing, Gerard? When did they start choking each other with their tongues whilst they touched each other, hmm?"

I blushed again. "W-who told you that?" I chose my words carefully. If I said, 'how did you know?' then he'd know I was lying for sure. I'm totally in the shit right now, for fucking sure. Brendon was a good lie-detector.

"Pete's one of my best friends, Gerard. He tells me everything. He told me that he loved Mikey, he told me about you and Frank last night, he told me--"

"Okay, so we kissed, what's the big deal?" I snapped. Finally allowing the truth to fall from my lips, I blushed deeper. I cannot believe Pete would blab about my secret. I didn't go around screaming, 'Pete Wentz loves my brother, Mikey Way'! I just didn't... Okay, so maybe I told Ray. But that's not the point.

"Ah, so the truth is finally revealed!" Brendon exclaimed. He giggled that girly fucking giggle again and smiled. "What was it like? Did you like it? Is he a good kisser? Details, my friend!"

I told him about how I asked for Frank's help and then it became more. Not like I could lie to him. So I didn't. I explained everything and he just nodded and giggled as I spoke. Only commenting on a few things here and there.

"I won't tell anyone, Gerard," Brendon promised seriously. He looked into my eyes as he spoke, and I knew that I could trust Brendon for sure. "I promise. I don't blab other people's secrets. I'm a good, trustworthy secret keeper." Brendon Urie, the secret keeper. It suits him well. I nodded.

"How long before we get to Ryan?" I asked after a few minutes. I totally forgot about going to see Frank for a moment, and I was anxious to get there. Then I remembered to ask. "Oh yeah, why did you pick me up?"

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