12: You're Beautiful. You're Perfect.

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We sat in silence for a few moments, recollecting our thoughts on the situation. I looked out the window and notice that dusk had fallen... and of course, I had to walk home. I sighed. Frank looked at me worriedly.

"I gotta walk home, Frankie," I said, getting up. He grabbed my arm and looked at me. I looked back at him.

"Or you could just stay here," he offered. "It's too dark for you to be walking home alone. What if you run into Bert McCracken? What if you run into him and he beats you and leaves you for dead? Or what if, god forbid, you get kidnapped or murdered or robbed? Things are better if you stay."

I blushed. Frankie really did care about me.

"But my mom will flip, my brother will worry and Tobias..." I paused, looking for the right words to say. "Tobias will just keep saying I'm dead or something because he's an asshole, and Mikey will cry."

He raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed. I sat back down next to him on the bed and he smiled.

"Thank you," he said softly. I hugged him. "They'll be fine, Gerard. And you'll be okay here. BJ went home for the night, okay? You can just lay with me. Everything will be okay, alright? Now, come here and let me warm you up."

I nodded and snuggled up beside him. He was nice and warm. He lifted the blankets so I could climb underneath and I did. He shivered when I curled up beside him.

"Damn, you're cold," he gasped. I giggled then looked up at my angel. "Oh, and one more thing. No sex tonight, okay? I'm still too fucked up. Otherwise, I'd be fucking you hard."

I blushed and pulled away from him, just staring at him as he giggled. I rolled my eyes at him. Thank god, this was a joke. When he finished laughing, he smirked like a motherfucker. I just rolled my eyes again, still blushing like hell.

"Oh lighten up," he giggled. "I'm just joking. Or am I? I'm not sure. You're pretty cute. I don't understand how you're still a virgin. I mean, look at you. You're sweet, you're a good listener, you're sexy as fuck. I don't get it. I would totally fuck you. That is, if I had no boyfriend and you were gay and if we weren't in a fucking hospital."

Holy. Fuck. Oh my god. He just called me sexy. He just said he'd fuck me. Oh god, I think I'm gonna die.

I blushed a deeper shade of red. Like, red red. I just stared at him. I couldn't even move. After a few moments, I gathered the courage to talk.

"Um, I am gay," I muttered, then gulped. Frank looked down at me. "Well, I'm not. I'm bisexual like BJ. And you're fucking with me, right?"

He shook his motherfucking head and smiled.

"Shit," I whispered. If he and BJ were broken up, he'd fucking fuck me. Not that it's a bad thing. I just know he'll never leave BJ. I don't know why I think he won't. I just do. I know he won't. I know things, okay? I know some things.

"Do I have a reason to?" He asked, pulling me back down to lay next to him. "You're a cutie. Anyone would be lucky to get to fuck you. Whether it's Lindsey, fucking me, anyone. You're such a good person, Gerard. Like I said, I don't know how you're still a virgin. As it is, I fucking stole your first kiss. It's just... you're just... awesome. You're a sweetheart. Would I lie to you?"

My Angel (Frerard) [REWRITE] *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now