Chapter V

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Levi eventually got the the point where the only cleaning left was simply maintaining the small apartment. He kept a schedule of waking when Eren did, making breakfast if he felt like it and doing random daily chores until Eren left. He then napped while Eren was gone. Then when Eren came back would do more chores or hang out with Eren or watch tv with him.

As the weeks passed on he found himself with nothing to do more frequently. Then one day Eren suggested going to the library since Eren's own collection of books was limited. So one day while Eren was at work Levi put on his darkest clothing and walked the short distance to the library.

Once there he headed to the manga section, his mother lived in Japan most her life so seeing them filled him with nostalgia. He got some manga he hadn't read and found some normal novels that sounded interesting. Content with what he had chosen he went up to the front desk.

"Are you Armin?" He asked a young Neko who's hair looked made him look like a blonde coconut, which was exactly how Eren had described him to Levi earlier that morning.

"Yes do you need help?" He asked confused as to how Levi knew his name.

"I'm Levi, I would like to check out these books."

"Oh you're Levi! I should have guessed, Eren has told me so much about you."

"Really?" Levi said slightly curious but mostly he just wanted to check out his books and leave.

"Yeah, nothing bad of course. Anyway do you have a card?"

"No," Levi responded irritated. "The idiot didn't tell me I needed one."

"That sounds like him. Well..."

"Levi?" Said a deep voice to the right of the two Neko's.

"Erwin," Levi said greeting him.

"You two know each other?"Armin asked.

"Yes Levi stayed with me for awhile. How are you Levi, how are things going at Eren's?"

"Good," Levi said in response.
Erwin took note of the collar on his friends neck and smiled.

"I'm glad, do you need help here?"

"Well Levi needs to get a card the fee though to start one is 3 dollars," Armin said addressing the both of them.

"I don't have money with me," Levi stated.

"That's fine it's not a big deal if need be I'll cover it," Erwin said putting his hand the shoulder of his shorter friend.

With that, Armin got Levi's card set up and his books checked out.

"Thank you Armin your very helpful, I appreciate it. See you later Levi." Erwin said as he turned and left.

Armin blushed slightly and turned away. Levi gave a small wave goodbye taking note of the interaction between the two blondes. He thanked Armin quickly and then left for home.


Eren came home that day at the usual time to see Levi on the couch in a crisscrossed position, reading. The part about it that caught Eren off guard was the fact Levi was wearing glasses. Eren thought he looked smart not to mention adorable.

"I didn't know you wore glasses," Eren said walking in.

"Learn something new everyday," Levi responded sarcastically.

"What can I say, I try to live life to the fullest."

Eren set his bag down on the armchair and went around the furniture. He looked over Levi's shoulder to see what he was reading.

"Whatcha reading?" He asked.

"Manga." Levi said sassily.

"I can see that," Eren responded in a similar tone but not harshly.


"Sounds cool."

"So far it's fine."

"That's good, I might have to read it after you're done."

Eren went to his room to put his stuff away. When he came back Levi was still reading. He decided that he better make dinner tonight given that Levi had been doing it a lot recently. Also he knew better than to disturb someone while they're reading.

A couple hours later Eren, after one failed attempt make something fancy that had a name Eren couldn't even try to pronounce, he ended up throwing it all away and just made spaghetti. He then called Levi over for dinner.

"You spent two hours on spaghetti?" Levi asked while they ate.

"No this was my second attempt at dinner," Eren said embarrassed.

Levi made a "tch noise. "I could have made dinner you know."

"Well you were into your book enough not to notice the disaster that was me in the kitchen so I didn't want to disturb you," Eren said with a smile.

"How did you not burn the apartment down before I came?" Eren laughed at this.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence as they both ate Levi spoke up again.

"By the way thanks for telling me I needed a library card," he said in full sarcasm.

"Oh my gosh, sorry that didn't occur to me," Eren apologized realizing his mistake.

"It's fine Erwin took care of it."


"Yes, he runs the library. He is the head his parents business and bought the library when it was about to close down. I think he uses it as a way to relax. Honestly I'll never understand the man. I saw your blonde friend there as well."

"Oh yeah? Was Erwin there at the time?"

"Yes and they seemed very..."


"I suppose that's the most appropriate word."

They finished dinner and Levi insisted on doing the dishes and cleaning up the rest of Eren's cooking mess. Eren gave in and sat down to watch tv. Levi eventually joined him, curling up right next to him allowing Eren to pet him. After a little while Eren remembered something.

"Oh Marco and Jean invited us to dinner on Saturday and they also invited Sasha, Connie and Krista as well."

Levi frowned, he didn't like being around people in a social environment or in any circumstance for that matter. But he figured if Eren was with him it would be okay.

"Alright," he responded.

Eren smiled and went back to watching the tv.


A/N: I love that manga with a passion and am currently watching the anime so I couldn't not put it in, sorry. Anyway I need help coming up with a name for the pottery shop Eren works at. If it helps Petra is the manager although I don't say that for a couple chapters so spoilers but it's not that important. Thanks for the help and thanks to everyone who has voted and commented so far!

House Cat [Neko!Levi x Eren, Attack on Titan]Where stories live. Discover now