Chapter II

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"I guess I should give you a tour, it shouldn't take long this apartment isn't very big," Eren said.

Levi nodded as Eren walked out of the small kitchen. To the left of the door as you enter was his living room that consisted of a TV, armchair and 3-person couch. Behind the couch was a small dining table with four chairs and to it's right was the kitchen. The rooms were located in a hallway that was to the the right. Down the hallway, the first door on the left was Eren's bedroom and the next door held a slightly smaller guest room. On the left was a bathroom and then the final door led to Eren's art room.

While showing Levi the last room, Levi immediately gave a look of disgust. Eren smiled and gave a small laugh. The art room was an absolute mess. Eren loved to paint and always made a mess doing so or with whatever other project he was doing. He would even make a mess simply sketching. So he just never bothered cleaning up the room.

They both went back into the living room. Eren sat on the armchair and Levi sat on the end of the couch closest to the chair. He pulled his knees up to his chest as his tail wrapped around and settled on his feet. He wasn't wearing shoes which was pretty typical for Neko's.

"So Levi, tell me about yourself," Eren invited.

Levi tensed up at this question, then relaxed a bit but still seemed uncomfortable. He would never admit it out loud but he disliked interacting new people to the point where it was scary for him.

"Not much to tell, as long as I have food and a place to sleep I am content. I will clean for you regardless of whether you want to me to or not," he said looking at Eren.

"Oh okay, that sounds good. You sure you don't need anything else?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I want to make you as comfortable as possible, I know it's never fun to be in a new situation and I know Neko's usually prefer a stable environment or something like that."

"How do you know so much about Neko's?" Levi asked skeptically.

"My best friend is a Neko, he is a bit different though he chose to go to school which was good because he's really smart. Also he's technically only half Neko but anyway I've learned what I know about Neko's from him, his name is Armin."

"Hmm, interesting."

Levi was confused as to how to act at this point. Most potential owners or at least people he had lived with would tell him what they want him to do and not do or whatever other rules they had and leave him alone and go about their lives as if he was never there. Except for the fact they never had to clean anything while he was there.
Hanji and Erwin were polite to him but they had busy lives. Eren for some reason wants to get to know him and treats him as though they will be more like roommates versus Levi just being a house cat. Normally he would be inclined to be irritated by Eren's happy attitude but it made him feel comfortable and safe. That was something Levi hadn't felt in a long time.

"So you can use the guest room or you can sleep wherever you want to, it doesn't matter to me. I usually go grocery shopping on Saturdays so you could make me a list of stuff you like to eat," Eren said thinking of maybe anything else that needed to be said.

"Okay," Levi said quietly.

"Do you have clothes or anything else?"

"Hanji told me about this on the car ride here."

Eren rolled his eyes. "That sounds like Hanji, we'll have to by her place tomorrow or something."

Levi blinked in response and Eren smiled at him. "Um, I work Monday through Friday from eight to two at a pottery shop and then you could tell from the art room I paint quite a bit as well as other types of art."

Levi nodded, indicating that he understand.

"To be honest I'm a bit nervous but I hope this works out you seem like a cool person," Eren told him scratching the back of his head.

Hmph "person", there he goes again being nice to me with no reason to be manipulative or lie to me, Levi thought.

"I hope so, too," Levi said in almost a whisper.

"Awesome!" Eren said with a big grin, he had the urge hug Levi or at least shake his hand but he didn't want to overstep his boundaries.

"I should make dinner, does stir fry sound good?"


A/N: Sorry it's not very interesting, but it was necessary for set up and all that. Hope you all have a nice day.

House Cat [Neko!Levi x Eren, Attack on Titan]Where stories live. Discover now