Chapter XXIV

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A/N: This chapter is an extension of the last chapter just from Eren's point of view during the day (if you didn't read my last author's note). Hope you enjoy!


Eren woke up to Levi shaking him.

"You have ten minutes to get ready," He informed Eren in a monotone voice.

"But I wanna slee-, wait, what?!" Eren jumped out of bed.

Eren had slept through his alarm for whatever reason. He quickly got dressed and hurried out. Levi passed him a bag containing his lunch as well as two pieces of toast. He thanked and said goodbye to Levi and ran out the door. When he got to the lobby he saw something out if the corner of his eye. He picked up what he recognized to be a titan doll, he put it in his bag and ran to his car.

He got to work just in time when he got there Sasha grinned at him. "Sleep in this morning?" She asked.

"Yeah." He responded tiredly.

She laughed and he just smiled back. The rest of the day went by normally, he chatted with some regular customers and worked at the register. By the time there was only an hour left he found himself looking at the clock every minute which didn't make time go by any faster. Petra came up to him when there weren't any costumers.

"'Sup Eren?" She asked.

"Not much," he responded. "How are you?"

"Oh you know, avoiding paperwork."

"Sounds about right."

She laughed a little at this. "I honestly didn't think running my own business would be this much work."

"Well at least you're good at it."

"Yeah, I like to think that."

Just then one of the shops regular costumers walked in. Her name was Sara (A/N: Just a random name I put in), she came in often during Eren's shift. She smiled and waved at Eren and Eren waved back.

Eren looked back at Petra. "She sure comes in here a lot," he observed.

"You do realize she has a crush on you right?" Petra asked.

"What? How can you tell?"

"I'm the boss, I know all," she said sarcastically.

"Very funny," Eren responded in equal sarcasm.

"Seriously though, she flirts with you constantly, I'm surprised you haven't noticed."


"Yes, from my experience no one comes to a little pottery shop five times a week, even if they are extremely creative."

"Oh, I guess I should say something."

"Probably, are you by any chance in a relationship right now?"

"Um... Uh, why do ask?"

"I know you're not into women but most people notice when someone is flirting with them. If you really haven't noticed Sara's obvious advances towards you it means one of two things."

"And what are they?"

"You're either that oblivious or you're seeing someone therefore you aren't looking out for someone flirting with you."

Eren sighed. "Fine, I have a boyfriend."

"I knew it!" Petra's smile widened.

"Yeah, yeah but anyway, what should I say to Sara?"

House Cat [Neko!Levi x Eren, Attack on Titan]Where stories live. Discover now