Chapter XIV

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Armin got off work early on Fridays so him and Eren decided to meet up one day. Under Erwin's ownership a small cafe was added onto the library. Armin was already sat down when Eren got there. He got his drink sat down across from Armin. They started talking about random things. During a pause in their conversation Eren sipped his drink, then fell into deep thought and let out a long sigh.

"You okay Eren?" Armin asked, concerned.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine just thinking," Eren responds with a semi-forced smile.

"C'mon you can tell me," Armin urged.

Eren sighed once more and said. "Petra offered me the job of assistant manager."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yeah, it's just I didn't think this would a permanent job. I mean I love working at the shop don't get me wrong and the people are great and the work is enjoyable. I don't know... it's just..."

"I don't see the problem."

"I just thought after high school and college that I'd be going out and following my dreams or something," Eren puts his head in his arms.

"Well want are your dreams?" Armin asked.

"Huh?" Eren said looking up at his friend.

"Well, you went to college for art and you're doing well with that. On the off chance that you struggle with selling your art you have your job at the art shop to fall back on. On top of that you have Levi, you have been virtually living alone since your mom passed. I've seen the difference in you since he came into your life, you've been happier. If you're not a living the dream then you need to find out what you're dream really is."

Eren looked at the little genius wide-eyed and thought hard about what he said. He was happy, he had a good job that he enjoyed, he had good friends and he had Levi. He had everything that he could have ever wanted.

"You're right, thanks Armin," Eren responded after a few seconds.

"Welcome," Armin said smiling at his friend.

They both took another sip of their drinks.

"How are things going with being Hanji's assistant?" Eren asked.

"Good actually, she hasn't had me do anything too crazy yet. But she's a lot of fun to work with and I'm learning a lot," Armin replied.

"That's awesome! I figured you'd enjoy it."

"Yeah I'm glad I decided to do it."

"How about Erwin?" Eren smiled mischievously.

"What do you mean?" Armin asked blushing slightly.

"You know you and him seem very... you know, close."

"I... uh," Armin stuttered.

"It's cool man, you don't have to tell me."

"No, it's just, I like spending time with him. He's nice and we like some of the same things."

"Well that's something."


There was another pause until a huge grin formed on Armin's face. Eren looked at his friend confused.

"So, how are things with Levi?" The blonde Neko asked.

Eren was a little taken back by this and was internally debating the true meaning of his friends question.

"Good, we still get along surprisingly, he gets mad at me for making messes sometimes but other that that we're fine." Eren responded.

"That's good," Armin replied still with the same smile.

"What?" Eren asked defensively.

"Nothing, you guys are just really cute."

"Oh hush, like you can talk."

Armin laughed and the two continued their conversation, but on a different topic. About ten minutes later Eren observed a change in his friends facial expression. He looked surprised and then confused.

"Eren," Eren heard a familiar voice behind him.

He turned around to see Levi standing behind him, frowning.

"Hey, Levi what are you..." Eren started then stopped.

He had forgotten to tell Levi that he was meeting up with Armin. He stood up to face Levi, who was obviously unhappy.

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell I was having coffee with Armin today," Eren apologized sincerely.

Levi continued to glare silently. Armin got up nervously, slung his bag over his shoulder and said,

"I should get going I have to be at Hanji's lab soon."

"Oh okay," Eren hugged his friend goodbye and Armin left quickly.

Eren turned back to Levi. "I'm really sorry."

Levi once again didn't respond.

"I guess we should go home," Eren suggested nervously.

He grabbed his stuff and started to walk towards the exit. Levi followed and the entire ride home neither of them spoke. When they got back Levi already had dinner ready he just had to heat it up.

Eren set the table and Levi put out the food. Although before Levi could sit down Eren grabbed his arm.

"We need to talk about this," He said firmly.

"The foods going to get cold again," Levi deflected.

"Look, I'm sorry, I made a mistake and I'll try hard never to do it again."

Levi tried to looked away, but Eren pur his hands on Levi's shoulders and forced him to look at him. Levi moved his hands away but maintained eye contact. He sighed and said,

"I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn't have gotten so angry I was just... scared."

Eren looked at him, confused. Levi then stared down at his feet.

"I was being irrational," he paused.

"That doesn't make the fact you were scared unimportant, tell me what's wrong I want to help," Eren said.

Levi looked at him again. "I thought maybe you had gotten hurt or that you had... left me."

Eren was shocked by this but understood. He pulled Levi into a loving hug. Levi nuzzled himself into Eren's chest.

"I'm not ever going to leave you, that's a promise." Eren said.

Levi looked up at him and gave a faint smile. Eren smiled lovingly back.

"We should probably eat," Eren said.



A/N: Sorry do the shortness and fillerness of this chapter. Next couple of  chapters are going to have some fun plot stuff so consider this the calm before the storm.

Also the early updating is in celebration of me finishing my first Ereri, if you like generic high school AU's and lots of fluff as well as a probably poorly developed plot. Anyway thanks for the support and be safe, don't do drugs and all that. *AoT salute*

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