Chapter XXVI

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Grisha was gone for most of Sunday and Eren almost forgot about him being there. Levi on the other hand did remember and had to remind Eren. They were cuddling on the couch and Levi started to get up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Eren asked.

"Your dad will be home soon," Levi said sitting up.

"Oh c'mon, I'm sure he won't think it's weird. What's wrong with petting my Neko?"

"Nothing, it would just be awkward."

Eren sighed and sat up and embraced Levi. He didn't hug back which made Eren worried. He pulled away from the hug and looked Levi in the eyes.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yes," Levi responded simply but obviously still disturbed by something.

"Levi I want to know what's bothering you so I can help you, trust me," Eren said earnestly.

Levi looked away and sighed. "Are you ever ashamed of me?"

"What do you mean?" Eren asked confused.

"I just wonder if our relationship would be easier on you if I was not... male and maybe if I was human."

Eren's eyes widened, he didn't understand why Levi would ever think that he didn't want him for anything other than what he was.

"Hey," he put his hand on the side of Levi's face and brought him to look Eren in the eyes again. "I love you for who you are, you are smart, talented and loyal to those you care about. Regardless of whether you're a Neko or not, you are still Levi. You are perfect."

Levi could feel heat rising to his cheeks, he tried to look away again but Eren stopped him with a kiss.

"Besides..." Eren put his forehead on Levi's. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm incredibly gay."

Levi couldn't force back a smile and this made Eren giggle.

"Have I ever told you how adorable your smile is?" Eren asked grinning.

"Shut up," Levi said but maintained the small smile.

"You know, I don't care if people know about us. If we told people it wouldn't really change anything, everyone we know is very accepting and if anyone else has a problem with it, then that's their own issue. I honestly have just been waiting when you are ready to tell people and I'm okay with waiting until you are comfortable."

This filled Levi with both happiness and guilt. It erased all doubt he had about Eren's feelings for him but now he felt guilty that Eren was perfectly comfortable with them while Levi was hesitant.

"I'm sorry," Levi said as he tried to draw into himself.

"Hey, you're used to being alone, I know this is new to you. I don't want to push you, I want to take this slow. I love you Levi," Eren said sincerely.

Levi looked at him, not sure if he was going to cry or not. Eren kissed him quickly in an attempt to comfort him and scratched behind his ears. He was successful, Levi began to purr and he let go of most, if not all his anxiety from before. This would have frustrated him but Eren made him feel so calm to the point where he didn't care anymore.

Eren kissed him again and this time Levi kissed back. Levi felt as though Eren was the one holding him together. This new life he had built full of friends and love, it was daunting but he knew if he stayed with Eren that he would be okay. As their kiss started to become more passionate they both heard a knock at the door. They both pulled away quickly and Eren stood up quickly as Grisha walked through the door.

"Good evening boys," Doctor Jaeger greeted.

He looked between the two boys, Levi was laying awkwardly on the couch and Eren was a bit flustered. Grisha decided not to dwell on it though.


Monday morning Eren was rushing once again to get to work. Grisha didn't have to leave until later. Levi made them both breakfast and helped Eren get out the door as quickly as possible.

"See you guys later," Eren said running out the door.

"Bye," Levi said.

"Goodbye son," Grisha responded.

Eren left and Levi and Grisha were left alone together. Levi occupied himself with cleaning the dishes from breakfast.

"That happens a lot doesn't it?" Grisha observed, referring to Eren being in a rush.

"Yeah," Levi said.

Grisha laughed a little. "You handle him very well," he complimented.

"It's not overly difficult," Levi replied.

Grisha smiled and leaned back in his chair. "Levi?"


"I just wanted to let you know I really appreciate what you've done for Eren. I wasn't around much as you most likely know and when his mother died I still wasn't able to give him the care and affection he needed. You mean a lot to him and I hope you realize that."

Levi looked at him for a second and then nodded in understanding. "Of course."

"You really do like my son don't you?"

Levi felt fear rise in his chest. "What do you mean?"

"Well I have observed you both and you seem like the kind of person who doesn't like or trust people easily. Eren said that it takes awhile for you to warm up to people but I'm willing to bet you don't generally ever do even if you have known them for awhile. But for some reason you have chosen to trust and even care for my son. Which is not that surprising most people like Eren he has that kind of personality."

Grisha adjusted himself slightly in order to face Levi.

"What I'm trying to say is that I trust you to take care of my son."

Levi was shocked by this but he was able to respond. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Grisha smiled.

He left a few minutes later. Levi spent the rest of the day doing random cleaning. Eren came home a few hours later and Grisha couple hours after that. Grisha's flight was in an hour so they were saying their goodbyes.

"Be safe," Eren said hugging his father.

"Of course and you too," Grisha responded.

They broke the hug and Grisha turned to Levi. "It was an honor to meet you Levi," He put out his hand for Levi to shake.

"Likewise," Levi replied and shook his hand.

Eren smiled looking between the two of them. The father and son said goodbye and Grisha left for the airport.

"Well that was an adventure," Eren said reminiscently.

"You're a brat," Levi said and turned to leave.

Eren stopped him and gave him a kiss.

"Yeah but I'm your brat."

House Cat [Neko!Levi x Eren, Attack on Titan]Where stories live. Discover now