Chapter XVII

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The morning after the break in Eren decided not to go to work. Petra was very understanding about it. When he woke up Levi was still asleep, he looked at the Neko's cute sleeping face for a couple seconds then went to the kitchen to make breakfast, before doing so he poked his head around the corner to make absolutely sure no one was there. Once he was sure, he sighed and opened the fridge. We really need to go shopping, he thought.

He proceeded to make scrambled eggs and toast. When he was nearly finished Levi walked in rubbing his eyes. They sat down at the table and started eating, then Eren's phone went off. He picked it up and Levi stared at him.
He mostly listened to what the caller had to say. After a few minutes he thanked the caller and hung up. He looked at Levi, who looked at him, curious. After a couple seconds a huge grin formed in Eren's face.

"That was Detective Nanaba, they interrogated that guy last night and were able to get the location of the rest of his people. They apprehended the whole gang this morning before they were able to change locations. It's over, you're safe!" Eren told him happily.

Levi blinked and then gave a small smile. He was honestly relieved, more for Eren than himself. Levi, like Eren, had only ever been concerned for the safety of his housemate, owner... friend.

"I guess things will be going back to normal now. Man, that was one intense weekend," Eren said, leaning back in his chair.

Levi nodded and continued eating. They finished breakfast and cleaned the kitchen together. Once they finished, Eren turned to Levi.

"So, what do you want to do since I have the day off," he asked.

Levi shrugged and said, "I wouldn't mind just relaxing."

"I was thinking the same thing," Eren said with a smile.

Eren decided to get some painting done, Levi set up his keyboard in the art room. Eren loved listening to Levi play and the music seemed to help him with his work. Levi was honestly surprised with himself, he had never actively sought out the company of another person. He liked being with Eren, not just in his house, but also being around him. Levi would never admit verbally how much he loved laying on Eren, also letting Eren pet him, Isabel was the only one he ever let do that. Even then, her attention span was limited at best.

He simply felt comfortable around Eren, safe even. He had always been independent regardless of the fact he was essentially a house cat and was always living at someone else's house. He came and went as he pleased but with Eren it was different, he entrusted him with his money and any way that Levi could possibly use to leave. The truth is, Levi didn't want to leave, ever if possible. He cared for Eren, in a way he couldn't quite comprehend.

Later that day Erwin, Hanji and even Armin all simultaneously called to check in and see how the two were doing. After declining several offers of help with meals and other things, Eren assured them that he and Levi were doing fine.

The evening went on as usual, they decided to make dinner together. While they ate they talked about Eren's work along with other topics. Eren observed that Levi was surprisingly talkative. Not that he didn't like it, but it surprised him regardless especially after the events of the last couple days. Maybe confronting his past gave him some sense of resolve.

The event made Eren keep thinking back to when he met Levi and what had happened since then. He couldn't help but feel something more than just a relationship between and owner and his Neko with Levi. Or maybe even just a friendship. He cared about Levi more than any other person he had ever met and they hadn't known each other that long. The two of them, being slow to trust people, had come to trust each other completely. Eren knew all of this and the thoughts wouldn't leave him alone. He felt like he should act, but he didn't know what to do.

They finished eating dinner and decided to watch tv. This time Levi laid his head on Eren's stomach. Eren started petting him and started his show. Levi rarely payed attention to whatever Eren was watching, just Eren stroking him was enough to occupy his mind. When the episode finished Eren just let it run again. Levi looked up at him to see him completely lost in thought again.

"Oi Eren," Levi said to get his attention.

"Oh, sorry I was daydreaming again," Eren said sheepishly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good just, you know, still taking it all in. Never mind me, how are you doing?"

"Fine," Levi set his head back down but was still looking up at Eren.

"You sure, it looks like you have something to tell me."

Levi glared at him for being so insightful. "You're avoiding my question."

"And you're avoiding mine, come on you can trust me, what's wrong."

Levi sighed. "She told me where the money is."


"I didn't tell the police because she merely told me a place where she hid a clue to it's actual location. I got up early yesterday, found the clue and came back here with plans to give it to the police. Of course when I got back that thug was here. I apologize, I should should have told you all of this."

Eren stared at him for a moment and then sighed. He sat up slightly so that Levi was basically sitting on his lap and pulled Levi up into a hug.

"It's fine, but please tell me next time. You don't have to be alone you know that right? You have me and I'll always be here, you can trust me," he said sincerely.

Levi could feel heat rise to his cheeks. Was Eren just comforting him again? Are these things friends usually say to each other?

"I do trust you," Levi responded honestly.

"I'm glad," Eren grinned.

Levi just stared at him, so many unfamiliar emotions were running through his mind.

"Hey Levi?" Eren asked.


"... Can I kiss you?"


A/N: Hehe sorry ^_^

House Cat [Neko!Levi x Eren, Attack on Titan]Where stories live. Discover now