Chapter XX

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The next few weeks were, to say the least, an adventure for both Eren and Levi. Both of them had not had very many relationships prior to this but they had enough experience to know that this one was different. Eren was constantly trying to be careful and not mess up. He had made tiny mistakes in his previous relationships and he wanted to do better, especially for Levi. On the other hand, Levi was focused on figuring out his feelings. Which was he found very difficult and he also didn't want to mess up. He wasn't quite sure he "loved" Eren yet but he acknowledged the fact that he did care strongly for his owner.

One afternoon while Eren was at work, Levi was trying a new recipe when he heard a thud coming from the hallway. He stopped what he was doing and went to investigate. When he got out into the hall he saw a pizza delivery person appeared to had tripped and fallen.

"Are you okay?" He asked walking towards them.

"Yeah, I'm good..." The person looked up at him and they both froze.

The person was a college aged girl, obviously wearing a uniform for her respective occupation. She had red, almost pink hair that was tied back in two little ponytails. Both their eyes widened as they recognized each other.


"Levi? Oh my gosh! Is it really you?!" She ran up and hugged him.

Levi attempted to keep his balance while trying to hug her back. He hadn't seen Isabel since they were kids. She let go of him and smiled brightly.

"I can't believe it, this is so cool!" She squealed.

"Yeah, you've grown," he observed.

"So have you! Although you're still on the short side big bro," she said nudging him goofily.

"Shut up," he said with a small smile and ruffled her hair.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I live here," he responded motioning to his and Eren's apartment.

"Oh yeah, duh, that makes sense," she said giggling at herself.

"You're working I assume," Levi observed motioning to the pizza box that was on the floor.

Isabel stared sheepishly at it. "Yeah..."

"Still as clumsy as ever, I see," Levi said smirking.

"Still as sassy, I see," she responded putting her hand on her hip.

"Who's the pizza for?"

"This door right here, I think," she motioned to the Springer's door.

"I should have guessed," Levi said rolling his eyes and he went over and knocked on his neighbors door.

Sasha opened the door. "Oh hey Levi, what's up?"

"Pizza," he said and Isabel sheepishly handed her the pizza.

While Sasha paid for the pizza, Levi asked. "Shouldn't be working?"

"My shift isn't until later," She said, eyeing her pizza.

"It might be a little bit jumbled," Isabel said apologetically.

"I don't care food is food," Sasha said happily, then said goodbye to the two of them and closed the door.

"I should probably get back... you know, actually, nah my boss won't care and I can just say I got stuck in traffic," lsabel said.

"You sure?" Levi asked.

"Yeah totally, I wanna catch up with you!"


Isabel followed Levi to the apartment and the sat down in the living room.
"Nice place," lsabel commented.

House Cat [Neko!Levi x Eren, Attack on Titan]Where stories live. Discover now