Chapter XXV

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It was a Friday evening sometime mid-March, Levi was cleaning up after dinner and Eren was on the couch messing around on his phone. Eren was in the middle of scrolling through tumblr when his phone began to ring and it was a caller he recognized. Levi wasn't able to see who it was before Eren picked up.

"Hello?" Eren answered.


"Hey," he stood up and started walking the hallway.


"Yes," he went into his room and shut the door.

Levi was left in the kitchen very confused. He figured there was no use wondering about it and he continued with what he was doing. Once done he sat on the couch and read. About fifteen minutes later, Eren came out of his room with an exhausted expression on his face. He dropped down on the couch next to Levi and let out a long groan.

"What's wrong?" Levi inquired, putting down his book.

"My dad called," Eren said distressed.

"And why is that so bad?"

"He's coming to town for work and wants to stay here to save on money."


"Tomorrow through Monday I think."

"That's not too bad."

Eren looked over at Levi. "You don't know him."

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Levi said.

Eren sighed and leaned his head onto Levi's shoulder. "Don't get me wrong, I love my father but I'm used to him being distant and him being here is just going to be awkward."

"Again, you'll live," Levi said patting Eren on leg, reassuringly.

"You're not being helpful," Eren whined.

"And you're stressing out too much."
Eren turned and curled up on the couch up against Levi. "I'm sorry ahead of time for how my dad's gonna be, he's a bit intense."

"I'll be fine."

"Thanks Levi," Eren said nuzzling his face into Levi's neck.

"Welcome, brat," Levi responded, he leaned his forehead up against Eren's.

"I love you," Eren said and kissed Levi quickly.

"You're a dork," Levi kissed him back.

"Yeah but I'm your dork," Eren reached up and played with Levi's ear a little.

Levi appeared to like this because he began to purr softly. Eren grinned and pulled Levi onto his lap, he kissed Levi on the forehead. Levi pulled him into a deeper kiss. This surprised Eren but he soon got over it and melted into the kiss. Afterwards Levi took Eren's had which was still caressing his ear. Levi licked Eren's hand a little.

"You're being surprisingly affectionate," Eren observed.

"Are you complaining?" Levi frowned.

"No," Eren said smiling.

They proceeded to cuddle for the next little while. Eren thought to how stressed he was just moments ago and how just being with Levi and talking to him immediately made him feel better. This made Eren all the more sure that he never wanted Levi to leave.


The next day Levi woke up even earlier than usual. He figured it would set both his and Eren's minds at ease if he did a full sweep of the apartment. Eren woke up about an hour later to the sound of the vacuum. He got up and walking into the kitchen yawning and scratching the back of his head. He started making himself breakfast and a few minutes later Levi finished his vacuuming.

House Cat [Neko!Levi x Eren, Attack on Titan]Where stories live. Discover now