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Hi. Uh, i may delete this story soon, because i've rewritten it. The new story is called 'The Fairy On Fire' too, but i've changed it a bit. There's also another cover than this one. You can find it on my profile or in the external link. It's the one where the cover has a black background.

Of couse you are welcome to read this too, but it's not as good as the other version, because it was my first story, and my English is hell here. But check out the new one and comment what you think of it ;3 I always like to do things better. –Clara

Hi Guys! This is my first story so, please be nice ;) My introduction isn't that good, so please keep reading! It's just so you have a picture of the world we are in!! And this is a fanfiction, so i'll naybe have some quotes from the actual books... And sorry for spelling/grammar ;) There is going to be more action later too... And i'm sorry if i'm not holding to the plot in the books i mentioned in the description... But hold on! Please keep reading!! -Clara 

(Some characters aren't mine, but from the books in the description ;)

Hi, My name is Flame. Originally did I come from a world Charn, but I live on Earth now because there is no longer a Charn. My parents and I escaped when it got destroyed. So now we live here in the USA. I'm not a human; I'm a fire fairy. My mom is a fairy too, but a sun fairy. My dad is a man, but not like men from Earth. He can do some spells, but not as good as a wizard.

His best spell is the invisible spell. But no one here knows our secrets. They aren't ready to get the information about The Hidden Worlds. They would just destroy them. Like in Charn. There was a little world that discovered the secret and it ended up like this. So I must act like I am a human. That means High School. Urgh! I hate it, because I always get bullied. I've lived here for like 10 years, so I don't really remember Charn. But one thing did I remember. The night it all started.

I was 6 years old, and had just learned to fly right (it takes a lot of practicing) and was flying to school with my best friend. Her name was Alice. She was a sun fairy like my mom. Just as we reached the school, on our first day there, the school exploded.

I hadn't learned how to use my powers, and I hadn't control over my wings. So therefor blew the wind me up in the sky. But Alice knew how to control her wings, so she landed on the earth. But at the same time her feet touched the ground it exploded too. I was lucky. But she was dead in a second. Alice died as 5 years old, the day before her birthday. We fled the same day.


I'm on my way to school. On my bike. Because my parents won't buy me a car. And I must not fly. My wings are made of fire, so they are there only when I need them. My mom isn't so lucky. She can't walk in sunlight. Her wings are only visible in sunlight. Therefor am I glad, that I'm one of the rare Element Fairies. Only 3 other Element Fairies are known. A water, an earth, a wind, and then me, a fire. But that means I look weird to the humans. I've got light, glowing-in-dark hair and black eyes, which look like coal.

My first class today is Biology/geography. I really hate my teacher in this class. He doesn't know anything about geography. I mean like, there are many other countries than on his silly map! Idris for example! Humans are so stupid! Only believes in what they can see. Hmf! They don't believe in ghosts, unicorns, or even fairies! I mean, how stupid!

Some of the girls from my class are going to horseback riding on unicorns and Pegasus's! Some of them are even Element Horses! And they can't see it! Oh well, back to class. It was just an original Wednesday on Earth, when the meteor landed just beside the school.


So guys! I hoped you liked the intrudoction ;) see ya soon! And please vote! And comment! And Sorry for the shortness :) The external link is to my photos! ;) I'm sorry if there are spelling/gramma errors ;)

~ Clara

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