Chapter 15 - Training With Shadowhunters

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After we found our rooms and packed out and so, a bell rings to call us for dinner. Clary helps me finding the dinning room. “I also had so hard to find around here.” She tells me. “It’s a quite big place. What do you use all this space for?” “Nothing really. It has more than hundred rooms. We must always be prepared to help other shadowhunters, and Downworlders too.” She smiles to me.

We walk inside a huge room with a long table across. There are about hundred chairs at the table. The others are already here. Maryse talk books with Annabeth who sits beside her. Isabelle, Thalia and Percy discuss some different kind of weapons on the other side of the table. Alec, Jace and Caleb talk about their skills. Clary and I sit down on each side of the table, me besides Caleb and Clary besides Jace.

“…Son of the mightiest God in Greek mythology, you have a dragon and your girlfriend is a super-rare fairy race. Is that right understood?” Jace asks Caleb. “Uhm, yeah… Sort of, I think…” Caleb answers him. “Okay.” They seem impressed. “Since when am I a super-rare fairy race?” I ask them. “”You are rare here.” Jace pulls his shoulders. “No, I’m not. There are many fairies like me on Earth. Okay, maybe not fire-fairies, but I know about ten other fairies here in New York. My friend, Marlene, is a moon fairy, and she lives just around one of the clubs, called Pandemonium Club. It’s a pretty awesome place.” I say.

“You know Pandemonium Club?” Clary asks. “That’s where I first saw the Shadow World.” She looks at Jace who smiles to her. “You almost made that demon kill me.” Jace grins. Clary gives him an elbow in the side. “When we’re done eating, do you want to go training with us?” Jace asks. “It would be fun to see how you fight.” “Yes!” Thalia shouts. “I want!” “Perfect!”

We finish eating and Isabelle takes Annabeth, Thalia and me to get some training clothes. Thalia loves it because it’s all black leather. Annabeth isn’t much for having on the gear, but her pride ends up winning. When we come up to the training room, the boys are already there. And Caleb looks good in black. I walk over to him. “Why aren’t you wearing black more often? It suits you.” I tell him. He smiles. “You look great too, but I must admit that I better like you in red.”

Thalia is already picking some different weapons from the wall. “You got some pretty weird weapons here.” She says. “But why haven’t you got any weapons of celestial bronze?” All the shadowhunters looks confused at her. “Cele-what?” Jace asks. “Celestial bronze. You know, the only metal which can hurt monsters?” “Our weapons are made of steel or adamas. I’ve never hurt of celestial bronze.” Alec says. “Neither have I.” Isabelle adds.

“Percy, show them what celestial bronze can do.” Percy nods and put his hand in his pocket. Out of the pocket he takes a pen. “A pen?” Jace says. “You fight with a pen?” “Yes.” Percy says and uncaps it. Swish. Percy’s pen folds out to a sword. “This is my sword, Anaklusmos, which means Riptide.” Percy explains to the gawping shadowhunters.

“That is an awesome trick.” Jace says. “How do make it fold up like that?” “It’s made by my fathers Cyclops under the sea.” Percy says. “Even the children of Hephaestus think it’s hard to make it so tiny. But they are still good.” “Do you have any weapons made by them?” Alec asks. “I do.” I say and take of my necklace. Thalia sends me a huge smile. I winkle the chain around my wrist and press the ruby. A little click is heard when the spikes comes out. I do as Thalia though me and whip it against one of the dummies.

Bonk. The head of the dummy hits the floor. “Wow.” Alec says. “Nice job.” Jace grins and pick up the head. “Thanks.” I say. “Flames necklace is made of celestial bronze and silver, so it hurt both monsters and mortals.” Thalia says. “Not that we hurt mortals, but it’s a good idea to be sure.”

“Wait, so this celestial bronze can’t hurt mortals? And with mortals you mean…” “Everyone who can die. Monsters don’t really die, they are just sent to the darkness of Tartaros where they can rest till they got enough powers to be set free. It can take a week or a thousand years.” Annabeth explains. “Okay… Do you think it will affect demons? I mean like, they can’t die either, they just disappear to their dimension or where they now came from.” Isabelle says.

“I must admit that I’m not sure…” Annabeth answers. “We must have that tested!” Jace says glad. I think he really likes his job as shadowhunter. “Jace. That must wait.” Clary says. Isabelle starts talking too. “Shall we start training? It’s a good idea that you also learn how to use our weapons. If your weapons can’t kill a demon, you’re screwed.” Isabelle walks over to the wall with the weapons and picks one of the knifes. Thalia does the same.

Isabelle and Thalia start competing of whom the best knife thrower is. Jace and Percy have a swordfight. Jace is surely the best, but Percy is quite good as well. Alec teaches Caleb how to do archery. Alec is pretty well, both to archery and to teach others. Clary and I practice some knife fighting against each other, but neither of us is well at it.

We train for an hour or so, until it was totally dark outside. Then we walk back to go to bed. I find out that Caleb’s room is just around the corner of the corridor my room is in. So after Clary had followed me back to my room, Caleb knocks on my door.

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