Chapter 7 - the School

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I wake up to Fire, who keeps pushing to my arm. "Stop... Fire, stop..." I say sleepy. I look at the clock. It's 7.30 am. The school is starting in an hour! "Thanks Fire!" I say hurrying to get some clothes on. I pick a red summer dress. I hurry downstairs and make some breakfast. I also give Fire a bowl of meet. Then I'm out of the door. I reach the school 7.55 am. I have Math in first class. And my teacher is always early.

I park my bike and run up to 3rd floor. I reach the classroom just when the teacher turns around the corner behind me. "Oh, we're a bit late Miss?" She asks. "The clock hasn't ringed yet!" I say taking of my jacket. I find an empty seat. "Oh, well. Good morning students! Ready to learn?" She asks. I'm ready but it's so rarely I learn something. This is what we learned in kindergarten in Charn. Humans are so long behind other worlds. It's a bit embarrassing.

2 hours later she finally lets us go. I'm packing my things to prepare for next class when Caleb comes over to me. "Hi, beautiful." He says. "Hi, cutie." I answer. Some of the others from class look confused at us. When did we come together? We haven't really talked together and now we call each other sweet things? I know how they feel. It's really weird but at the same time not. I like him – he likes me. More complicated isn't it. I smile to him.

"Did we have any homework for next lesson?" I ask him. "I'm not sure. I can't think of other things than you." He tells me. I feel my cheeks warm up. But it’s not in the angry way. In the way, only he can make me feel. "Stop, the others are looking." I whisper to him. "Let them." He smiles. "Oh, and by the way, why did you just hang up last night?" "I, uhm... I think, I didn't want to hear the answer. If it wasn't the answer I wanted." I say looking down the table.

"You shouldn't be that!" He says looking into my eyes. "I love you." He whispers. My cheeks turned even redder. "You're cute when you blush." He smiles. I giggle. "Maybe it was a good idea to hang up yesterday. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have seen this." He says with his hand under my chin. I giggle again. "No, you wouldn't. Why did I hang up!" I say. Suddenly a girl from class pokes Caleb on his shoulder.

"Um, hi Caleb. Flame. When did you two come together?" She asks. I can feel on her energy, that she doesn’t like me. Maybe because I got Caleb when she didn't. "Friday." Caleb says short for head. The girl, Kira, gets upset. She looks hatefully at me. "You don't even know her. And she's a freak." Wow, she's rude! "And?" He asks. I don't even think he heard what she said. She walks angrily away.

After class Caleb goes out to play soccer with the other boys. I just sit in class and read. Suddenly Kira slam my book to the ground. "Who do you think you are?!" She yells at me. "How can you just take Caleb away from me?! 3 days and he's another person. What have you done to him?!?" She stands right in front of me bowed over my table.

"Would you please stop throwing my book?" I say as calm as I can. "NO! YOU. EXPLAIN. NOW!!!" I breathe out. 'No, Flame. Don't be as silly as her.' I tell myself. "Kira. What do you want?" My voice is calm. I repeat the line over and over. 'No, don't be silly. Calm down. No, don't be silly...' "I want you to tell me WHY YOU TOOK MY BOYFRIEND!" She shouts. "You weren't his girlfriend." I tell her softly.

I stand up to walk out of the room. She pushes me in the wall. "You little WITCH!" She screams up in my head. That was it. "Don't EVER call me that again." I say with a threatening voice. She looks startle at me. I feel my hair getting warm. "What?" She says confused.

"Oh, you don't like to be called witch? So, now you know the feeling of something happening, that you don't like! I don't like when others take my boyfriend!" She hooks me up at the wall. I'm just about to explode. She must have felt it, 'course she takes her arm to her fast. "Ouch! You... You- you burned me!" My anger disappears in seconds.

She must not find out! I look off handing on her. "Stop it. Before you hurt yourself. You can't get him. He chose me of a reason. It could be the fact that I would never try to kill other girls because of him. Or maybe it's because I don't look at his outer, but the inner." I say walking over to pick up my book from the floor, and heading to the school library. Kira just stand back, starring after me.

When the bell rings out from class, Kira still doesn't say a word. She looks like she has seen a ghost. Or realized what 'love' really means. Or maybe she's just too surprised that I said no to her. But my conclusion is, it has something to do with me. Caleb doesn't seem to notice, even though she sits right beside him. He just looks at me. I'm afraid he doesn't even hear what the teacher says.

And we have a test tomorrow. I send him a thought and turn a bit around to see if he gets it. He smiles to me. He sends me a thought back. 'I love when you smile'. It says. 'I love you too, but we have a test tomorrow so you should listen.' I tell him. In his next thought I can feel his hiding something. 'What's wrong?' I ask him. 'I... I can see the text... It looks like- like nothing....'

It blurbs out of his mind. 'What?' I'm confused. Then it makes sense in my head. I'm relieved. 'It's normal for demigods. Almost every demigod has it. Even Athena’s children.' 'Athena?' 'The goddess of wisdom.' I send him a quick smile. The rest of class, we just send each other thoughts. I also tell him about demigods and the Greek mythology.

After school Kira is still not 'here'. While all others pack their bags, she just sits and stares into the air. It almost looks like there is some sort of blackish film over her eyes. No one seems to notice. Caleb and I walk home to him. I've promised to help him with homework and preparing to the test tomorrow. We sit in Caleb's room surrounded by books.

I try to make him focused on the book we have in front of us by every time he solves a task he gets a kiss. It's the best motivation I can come up with. And it works well too. After two hours of practicing Math we take a break. "I have to say: well done, Caleb!" I smile. "I couldn't have done it without you." He smiles.

We start talking about New York. "Do you want to see other things than the camp?" I ask him. "Yes. The Statue of Liberty for example." He grins. "Alright! How long time do we stay there?" "I'm thinking of a week?" "Nice!" I lean in to him. I really like he's scent. It makes me feel home.

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