Chapter 6 - the Family Meeting

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Caleb just finished his story about Fire, when my phone rings. "Hallo?" I say into it. "Oh, hey honey! You'll be home for dinner? What about asking your classmate over too?" "Uhm, 2 seconds mom!" I hold the phone away from my mouth. "Caleb, my mom asks if you want to eat dinner in our place tonight?" I look at him. He looks at he's mother, who nods. "Yes, I would love to!" I take the phone up to my ear again. "Yes, we'll both come." I tell her. "Wonderful!" She sings into the phone. "Jeramy, Flame and her friend will eat here to!" She yells to my dad. I can hear my dad from the background: "Alright, Sunny!"

"Oh, what do you want to eat, Flame?" "Hold on." "Caleb what do you want for dinner?" "Oh, uhm. I don't know-" "Don't be like that! Flame is asking you a question, then answer!" Clarisse tells him. "Okay. Oh, wh- what about some beefs maybe?" He says. "Can we have some beef, mom?" I say into the phone. "Yes! Yes, of cause!" She says. "When will you be here?" I look over to Caleb. "You can say you'll be there in ten minutes!" Clarisse says. "Okay, we'll be there in 10." "Great! See you, honey! Bye!" "Bye mom." I clap the phone down.

"Are you ready to fly?" I ask Caleb. "Fly?! You can fly?!" Clarisse asks on the edge of panic. "Well, yes. I'm a fairy." I say. "Caleb! Your crush is a fairy!" She looks like she's almost fainting. "Yes, mom. Goodbye!" He says giving her a fast kiss on the cheek. "See you later." He calls over his shoulder. "O-okay! Bye!" Clarisse calls after us went Caleb closes the door.

I take his hand again. Fire lies in my bag and we begin to walk around the house so I can set off, without anyone seeing me. We fly over the town again. The sun is almost setting. "Flame?" "Yes?" "Wh- what are your parents?" It takes me a moment to realize what he said. "My mom is a sun fairy and my dad is a wizard." I say smiling at him. "Okay, so they look like normal people?" I begin to laugh. "Hahaha! Yes, they are human-like." I say. We're almost there. Fire takes her head out of the bag to look at her surroundings. We land on the roof again.

After we climbed down from the roof, we headed to the front door. I walk in with Caleb following closely. "Hi!" I call. "Oh, hi honey! Hi, my name is Sunny, and you are?" "My name is Caleb." He says. My mom smiles to him and send me a thought: 'he's cute!'. If look could kill... She giggles and goes into the kitchen. We walk after her. "Flame, can you come out in the garden to help me grill these beefs?" My father calls. "Yes! Coming now!" I answer walking out of the garden door. My father stands by the grill. "Oh great. I can't turn it on!" He says. I giggle and send a little flame. "The beefs are ready!" I call into the house.

"Um, this tastes great, Mr.!" Caleb says. "Oh, just call me Jeramy." My dad says. "That doesn't change the taste." Caleb smiles to him. "Well, thanks!" "Well Caleb, how's your family? I would really like to meet them. They've done such a great work with your manners!" My mom tweets. "Um, my mom is doing well. I'm not sure about my father..." "Why?" My mom asks. "Um I've never met him before..." Caleb looks down on his plate.

"Mo-om, stop with those questions! It's embarrassing!" I say. She ignores me. "Uh I'm so sorry to hear that! Do you even know who he is?" "Uhm, yeah. Sort of. Nothing personally. Only how all others describe him..." "Is he famous or something?" My mom is so curious! "Sort of..." "Do we maybe know him?" "MOM! STOP!" I yell at her.

"Oh, Flame! Your- your ... Hair..." She whispers the last words. "Mom, stop the debriefing! I thought your powers make you feel others feelings!" I shout. "Shhh!" "Mom! He knows! He's a demigod! Stop it!" My hair is almost bursting out in flames. My mom looks shocked. She looks at Caleb. "Oh, sorry darling! I didn't know! We're not good at speaking with humans! I'm so sorry!"

I stand up, taking Caleb with me into my room. When we get there I begin to smell something is burning. I look over at Caleb that looks at his t-shirt, where I hold it. I quickly take my hand to myself. There was a big burned hole on the sleeve. "Oh, I'm sorry! ......For both me and my mom..." I say embarrassed. "It's okay." He smiles to me. "No! No, it's not. She can't stop talking if you already have a conversation with her! And-" "Stop." He says walking over and kisses me.

After Caleb went home I goes into the kitchen to yell at my mom. She is looking down on her feet all the time. When I'm done and leave the kitchen, I've made a black spot on the floor where I stood. All my clothes are made of special none-fire fabric from Charn. Most of magicians have it. I lay on my bed when my phone rings. I look confused at it.

'Unknown' it says. Who would call me? I press on the green button. "Hello." My voice is scratchy of yelling. "Hey sweety." A known voice says in the other end. "Caleb? Do you have my phone number?" "Yes, of course I've got my girlfriends number!" He says laughing. "Where?" I'm confused. I've never given my number to another person. I can't even remember it. "I stand for contact in class, remember?" He says. "Oh, yes! Of course!"

We sit for hours and talk about everything. Suddenly he asks: "do you want to go with me to New York City?" I blink surprised. "What? Why? When?" I baffle. "To New York. To have fun. And in two weeks. You know, summer holiday..." "Wait. To New York. Don't you mean 'Camp Half Blood'"? I smile to myself. "Maybe......" He says unsure. "Yes, I would love to!" I tell him. "You should meet the other demigods. Maybe not Aphrodite's daughters, but-"

"Why not them?" "You know. The daughters of the Goddess of love?" "Are you jealous?" He asks teasing. "Maybe a little..." I admit. "Oh, Flame! I would never have another girl but you!" I blush. I'm a little glad he couldn't see it. "So you're on?" "Yes! Yes I am!" "Great see ya tomorrow sweety!" "Night!" I can hear him reach for the off-button. "Wait! Caleb?" "Yeah?" "I love you" I say and click on the red button. I smile to Fire who lies in the end of my bed. "Goodnight, Fire." I say and fall asleep.

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