Chapter 16 - Clary Tells Stories

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“Hi. Can I come in?” Caleb asks. “Yes, of course. What’s up?” I ask him. He comes in and closes the door after him. “I just thought that it is a bit time since we have been alone, you know, just you and me?” He has a hopeful look in his eyes. Smile to him and clap on the bed beside me. He sits down beside me. “And what do you mean with ‘just you and me’?” I ask teasing. He smiles and bends over me to give me a kiss.

We sit like this for an hour or so, kissing and cuddling, until Caleb needs to get back to his room. I lay down on my bed, when there’s another knock. I wonder who that is? I open the door. Outside Clary stands looking a bit shy. “Uhm, hi. I don’t hope I waked you?” She says. “No, no. Uhm, come in.” I say. “I’m sorry to come so late, but I got something to ask you, and I didn’t want the others to know…” She starts. “What is it?” She really wakes my curious with those words.

“I was just wondering that– uhm... Do you have any special powers? I mean like, if you are a fire fairy can you then throw fireballs and so? Do you use energy on it? Does it–“ “Wow, wow. One question at a time.” I laugh. “Yes. You can say I have special powers. Not for other fire fairies, but for other living-beings. I can make fire and fireballs and on. And it doesn’t require energy to make that kind of magic for me, but other thing can do. For example when I use the Ancient Language.”

Her green eyes shine while I talk. “That’s so amazing. Please, can you tell me about your home world? It sounds so magical.” “It was a world called Charn. I lived in a little village just outside of the capital. It was a mighty city. It lied on a hill and the King and Queen lived in a palace where they had a view over the whole town from the top. It divided a great river in three, two on each side and a little in through the city, to make an easier way to drinking water. Oh, it was a great view with all the white roofs down the whole hill. It shone like a diamond in the sun.”

Clary nod thoughtfully. She opens a drawing book she had with her inside my room and begins to draw. I look curiously and puzzled at the paper she drew on. After a couple of minutes she showed me the result of her drawing. “Wow. That is amazing, Clary! It looks almost like the real capital!” She smiles shyly at me. “Thanks. Please tell more. How did you get to our world?” She says closing the book again.

“My father is a magician. He and some of his friends had just finished a project about making some rings that can take you to the Other Worlds. They work like in pairs. There’s a yellow one and a green one. If you put on the green one when you are in a world, nothing happens. But when a yellow ring touches your skin, you’ll vanish out of that world and into The Silent Forest. It’s like an in-between-place. In that forest you’ll see a lot of pounds. If you wear a green ring when out walk out in a pound, you’ll find yourself in another world.

My farther had, as I said before, just finished these rings and they were ready to use. So we took the yellow ones on and vanished, just as our house exploded. When we came to the Silent Forest we just jumped down in a random pool and then we landed here on Earth.” I finish my story. Clary’s eyes were big and round. “What about the others in your world? Did anyone else get out alive?” She asks. “I’m not sure. It’s hard to tell. But as far as I know, Queen Jadis destroyed all living beings in Charn.”

“How could she do that?” Clary asks frightened. “Do you mean how she destroyed a whole world coldblooded or what kind of magic she used?” “Both, I think.” “Well, Queen Jadis had always been cruel and coldblooded. She even killed her own parents I think. But the magic she used was an old secret word that only the Kings and Queens knew. And even not all of them wanted to know it. Queen Jadis used a lot of time to find the Deplorable Word. When you use it, the thing you are aiming at turns into dust at a second. But it only works on living beings. Queen Jadis aimed at everyone, so everyone became dust.”

Clary’s face has turned greyish while I was talking. “So… Everyone you knew who hadn’t escaped in time became dust? That’s so horrible!” “If they weren’t killed in the war.” I say. Clary gets a sorrow look in her face. “I suppose you knew some who got killed.” She says softly. I nod slowly. “Do you want to talk about it?” I look at her. She looks understanding at me. I begin slowly.

“It was on my first day in school. My friend, Alice, and I where flying together, both excided to start. But just as we reached the school when it exploded. The push from the explosion sent me up in safety in the sky, because I hadn’t really learned how to fly properly. But Alice knew and she landed on the ground. But the same second her feet touched the ground another bomb exploded and separated her in thousand pieces.”

I discover that my face is wet of tears. Clary puts her arms around me and holds me tight into her. “I’m so sorry about you loss. It must have been terrible.” She says. I nod. “Have you ever tried to lose almost everything you hold dear?” I ask her. To my surprise she nod sadly. “Oh, yes. Yes, I have. But it has always turned out good, well almost always. I’ve never lost anything as for real. You know Jace? Actually he has been dead two times, but he came back to me again. The first time, it was my father who killed him.”

She sees at my face expression and explains. “Well, it’s a long story, but shortened, my father was an idiot and didn’t have a brain or a heart. He wanted to call down an angel, and force it to make him an army to kill all the Downworlders. And Jace came in his way. I changed something in his spell –or what it now was– and made the angel become under my will instead of his. The angel, Raziel, killed my father for having made this summoning to revenge.

And Raziel gave me one wish, which I used on Jace. That caused a lot of problems later, which actually lead to Jace’s other death. You see; I stabbed him with the archangel Michael’s sword, to burn out the evil that my brother (I have a weird family relation…) had put into him. And he died of the heavenly fire which burned inside of him, but of one another reason he awakened again.” Clary finishes.

I’m speechless. “What was that with your brother?” I ask. “I didn’t knew I had a brother before my mom awakened after being tortured by my father. And he has a lot of demon blood in his veins because my father mixed it in my mother’s food when she was pregnant and then taught him how to become a murder. My father made a different kind of mix when he saw that demon blood caused no humane feelings in my brother.

So he mixed angel blood in another woman’s food, Jace’s mother, and that resulted an overpowered Shadowhunter as he wished. So he mixed also angel blood in my mother’s food when she was pregnant with me, although he didn’t knew she was pregnant. She fled from his when she found out, into the mundane world, where I grew up.”

Clary looks at me to see how I react on her story. “Wow, your father really sounds like he didn’t think twice.” Clary laughs. “He didn’t think once!” She tells me. “But he liked joking around with me. Once he told me that Jace and I where siblings; it was just after we began falling in love with each other. But actually Jace’s mother died just after he was born and my father killed his father. So Jace grew up with Valentine (my father) as his father. This is a very confusing story, I know. But in fact, both by brother and father were insane. I mean like, my brother wants to marry me!”

“What?!” I say. She nods. “Yes! He wanted to make me a devil-shadowhunter, and then marry me. “I agree with you. That is insane.” Suddenly the big church bells rang and indicated midnight. “Oh, we’ve talked for ages!” Clary says. “Sorry I hold you awake! See you tomorrow!” and away she was. I look at my bed. She forgot her drawing-book. I hurry to the door and look out, but Clary is already gone. I’ll give it to her tomorrow. I close the door again and walk over to my bed to get some sleep. But my curiousness went off with me. I open her book to find the page where she drew the capital of Charn.

I fall asleep with the book opened with the drawing of Charn.

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