Chapter 4 - Unexpected

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"You thought so? Like, it never happened before?" Asks Caleb. "Yes." I answer. "And we can first find out when the dragon is old enough to talk. Btw, what should we call her?" "Dragons talk?! And how do you know it's a 'she'?" "Yes, dragons talk with their mind and thoughts. And I can feel that 'it' is a 'she'." I explain. "How can you feel that?" He looks at me in disbelieve. "Try to send her a thought." I say.

"How?" He's really confused. "Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Try then to send 'hi' to her. Or a picture. They are better to pictures." He closes his eyes and seems to be really focused. I can feel the dragon looks at him, and thinking of how fun he seems.
Suddenly the dragon catch the picture from Caleb. She lays her head to the side, trying to figure out what it is. Caleb looks at her. "I think she got it!" He smiles.

"She got it." I smile back. Abrupt Caleb gets focused again. I can see the picture too. It's us lying beside each other, sleeping. She had watched us after she marked us. "Caleb, we still need a name for her." I remind him. "Hm, what about Flame?" He smiles to me. "No, that's my name! If it should be something like that, then Fire, Glow, or Ember." "Fire then." He says. I look at the dragon. "Which one do you like the most?" I ask her. She gets a thinking look in her face. Then I get a picture with a big bonfire. "I think it means Fire?" She seems happy. "Alright, from now on, you're called Fire." 

Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone is knocking on the door. I look over at Caleb. "Hurry! Hide under the bed with Fire! Now!" I say. He hurries down under the bed with Fire in his arms. "I'll make you and her silent so you can't say anything." He nods. I walk over to the door and open. My mom stands in the door.

"Good morning dear. Do you come down to eat breakfast?" "Sorry mom. I've already eaten." "Oh, ok then..." She looks sad now. "Then I'll just eat with your dad." "OK. Bye!" I try to close the door. "Flame, what is that? The thing under your bed?" I look over at the bed. Fire's tale lies out from it. "Is that a dragon? Are you hiding a dragon here!?"

"No! I mean yes! But the egg had just cracked yesterday night! I wasn't hiding her!" I shout. "She knocked me out when she marked me!" My hair begins to glow of anger. "Okay, okay honey. I believe in you." I calm down a bit. "Can I see her?" "Uhm, yes, of course. Fire? Come here sweety!" I call. She looks out from the bed.

"Aww. How cute are you?" My mom says to Fire. "What did you say you've called her?" "Fire." I answer. "Mom can't you take Fire with down? I need some sleep. I didn't lye that well on the floor." I say, trying to get her out of the room. "When Dad can see her too. She may also be more hungry." My mom nods. "Alright honey." She begins to walk over to the bed. "No mom. Let her come to you!" I say quickly, so she won't see Caleb. That wouldn't end well. "Fire. Fire, come here darling." Fire looks at me then follows my mom out of the room.

"That was close." I sigh relieved. When I've checked the spell around my room still works, I tell Caleb to come out. "Ouch!" He says. "There isn't much room under your bed." I giggle. "Then you just could stop sneaking into my room without my parents permission." "I didn't! You told me to!" "I know that." I say walking over to kiss him. He kisses me back.

"I think I must go now. My mom won't be happy either." I smile. "Can we meet on the field down the lake tomorrow? We have to train Fire to fly." I ask. "Okay. One o'clock at the field." He smiles down at me. "How do I get out?" He suddenly asks. I giggle. "Same way you came in!"

Caleb climbs out of the window. I go after him. My room is on 2nd floor so he can't jump down. I take he's hand and prepare to fly. He gives me another kiss just when I'm about to fly. I laugh and fly up. I set him off 300 feet down the road. There doesn't live other than us on our road so no one sees us. He gives me a fast goodbye kiss and begins to walk home. I just stand there and look after him until he's just a little spot on the road. Then I fly home and try to sleep.

After 2 hours of sleep I wake up and get downstairs to my parents. When I come into the kitchen, my parents sit on each side off Fire cuddling her. She sounds a bit like a cat. I smile and sit down. "Hello Flame. Nice to see you up this early." My dad says with a grin. "What's the clock?" I ask sleepy. "3 pm, honey."

My mom says after checking her watch. "You're lucky this didn't happen on a school day." She says. "Then we would have you woken up at 6pm." My dad agreed. "Don't worry. I'm happy." I answer with a tired smile. "I would've fall in sleep in school then." "I don't hope you do that." My dad says looking quite serious. I laugh throwing my hands up. "No! No! Of cause not!"

Next day I wake up at 12.30. "Oh no! We're late Fire!" I hurry in a yellow T-shirt and some jeans and run downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning honey. Why so busy?" My father asks. "Uhm, I have a deal with a classmate. We shall make a presentation together." Sort of. I don't really lie well. "Oh, what is it about?" Damn! "It's about... Uh... Nature. We got about nature in biology class." "Okay, have fun then." The last he says loud so I can hear it when I hurry into my room again to get my bag. I stuff a beef down in it if Fire should get hungry.

It's 1 o'clock now. I'm flying over town with Fire in my arms. She looks fascinated down. Finally I can see the lake. I fly around it to find the field. I spot a little dot on the field. I smile to my self and plummet. I spread my wings a hundred feet over the ground and land softly. I walk over and hug Caleb. He bends down and kisses me passionately.

I giggle into he's mouth. "Hey sweetheart." He whispers into my lips. "Hey." I answer. Suddenly I feel something pushing to my leg. "And hi to you too, Fire." Caleb smiles and chucks her down her neck. She starts the cat sound again. I giggle. "I'm not sure she full-blood dragon. I think she must have a little cat in her too." Caleb also laughs. "Maybe you're right." "Well, I think we must start the training now." I say.

I teach Caleb how to call her and connect to her mind so they can talk to each other. Caleb is a really fast learner! I'm impressed that he's so open about magic. I also teach him how to make the quiet spell. He's very good at it. At 4 pm it begin to thunder. I make a force-shield so we want get hidden of the lightings, but Caleb is really fascinated of the storm. When a lightning fell he raises he's hand like to catch it...

And he did!

He just caught a lightning! How the hell did he do that! He isn't even magical and the only one who can do that is Zeus and Thor, the Gods of thunder and lightning from the Greek- and Northern mythology. Wait... No! It can't be possible! "Caleb! How did you do that?!" I shout at him. He looks REALLY confused. "The lightning! How did you catch the lightning?!?!

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