Chapter 21 - Inside The City

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Thalia walks over to the river and looks down. “I can’t see anything.” She says. “Exactly! This spell works so everyone under this spell can see each other, while others can’t!” I explain. “That’s awesome!” Annabeth says. “It’s even better than my cap!” Most of us look puzzled at her. “I’ve got a cap that makes the one who wears it on invisible.” She explains.

“Well, are we gonna get into the city today or what?” Isabelle asks impatiently. “Yes. Let’s go.” I say. We sneak over the hill and down in the valley. The house and the orchard outside the wall are crowded with laughing people in yellow and red clothes. We sneak around the trees and try to be as quiet as possible. It was easy for the shadowhunters, because they just draw a silent rune on their arms. It was harder for the demigods, but we all made it to the city wall.

“What now?” Annabeth asks. “Watch and learn, demigod.” Jace says and takes the stick he uses to draw runes with, out of his pocket. “We shadowhunters can loose almost every hurdle with our steles.” He grins and sets the end of the stick – the stele – on the wall and begins to draw. Suddenly a hole comes in the wall, just big enough to a person to pass through.

We walk in and look around. Stand behind a huge block of a house, so no one could see the hole, but we hurry to close it anyways. “Great! If you can cancel the invisible spell then we walk, one group at a time, out and mixes up with the crowd.” Jace says. I cancel the spell and start talking. “We’ll meet here in three hours. We also need a signal to the others if we find something, or if we are in danger.” The others nod.

We all think for a moment. “Do you know any spells who can make us connected?” Annabeth asks. I shake my head. “Nope. I can connect with your mind, but that’s not a thing I want to do…” Caleb shudders. “…And I can only do that with one person at a time.” I continue. “Hmm…” She says.

“Any runes?” She asks Jace. “Not anyone I know.” He says looking at Clary. Suddenly she looks like she’s going to faint. Jace is by her side in half a second. She’s extremely pale. Finally she opens her eyes again. “Now there is.” She says with a tiny voice. Jace lays a stele in her hand and she begins to draw a rune on him.

“You draw that on me too.” She says. He does what she says with a nervous mine. When he’s done they stare at each other for a moment. Then Jace begins to laugh. “This is so cool, Clary!” He says. Clary smiles weakly. “Now you draw one on Alec, and Alec, you draw one on Jace.” She instructs them. I look curious at the rune on Clary’s arm.

“I have the gift to make new runes.” She explains. “This rune’ ability is that the one you draw it on, can read the drawers thoughts, basically. But only like basic thoughts like ‘help’ or ‘I need you’ or something like that.” Isabelle and Clary also draw the rune on each other, so they can hear each other too. Then Jace, Annabeth and Caleb leave.

The next are Alec, Thalia and Isabelle. When they disappear around the corner, we stand in silence. Finally Percy breaks it. “So, where do you think there’s the best chance of finding a magic child?” He asks us. Clary and I look at each other. “Well, actually I didn’t saw any children here, except them in the training center. And they weren’t really children.” Clary says.

I think back on my dream. Clary is right. There were no children in the streets in my dream except the teens in the training center. “Neither did I.” I say. “They must hide them somewhere…” The others nod. “…And it’s up to us to find out where.” Percy finishes my sentence.

Clary looks a bit scared. “How should we find the kids?” She asks. “And why do they hide them?” “That’s a good question, Clary.” Percy says. “Flame, you shouldn’t have a spell, so you can see through things?” He asks me. “No, I don’t think there is such a spell…” I answer. We think for a minute.

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