Chapter 12 - Percy and Annabeth

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It took about two hours to compete the meeting. Everyone had a lot of questions about the prophecy, questions I couldn’t answer. At last everyone leaved except Annabeth, who stayed with me in my guest room. “So, you and Caleb are together?” Annabeth asks me. “Uhm yes. We haven’t been together very long but– yeah, you know, we’ve liked each other since I started in human-school… I just don’t think any of us had enough courage to say it…” I tell her honestly. I’ve always been a bad liar, so I tell the truth as often as I can.

“He’s cute.” She says. “So, you and Percy?” I ask her. I have a little flame in my stomach that want to burst out on her. I look at her. Her cheeks turn red. “No! No, Percy is not my boyfriend!” She says quickly. I’m confused. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were together? The way you look at each other–“ “Percy looks at me?” Annabeth says.

“You haven’t noticed?” I ask her. To me it is quite obvious that they like each other. Annabeths cheeks turn redder. “N-no…” She stutters. “You really think he likes me?” She seems unsure. “Yes. I really think so.” I tell her. “It’s funny that something is so obvious to others, but you can’t see it yourself…” I say. She smiles a little at my comment.

We sit in silence for a moment. “Uhm Flame?” “Yes?” “Can you… How do I…? How did you find out Caleb likes you?” “Oh, uhm. He told me.” “How?” “The day after Fire’s egg fell down from the sky, he saw me when I tried to save her. We began talking. I didn’t save her that day because of him. So I went back there again next day, and found Caleb there again. It showed up that he forgot the day before that he wanted to tell me that he likes me… And I told him that I was a fairy. So… Yeah… That’s our love story…”

I smile to her. She gets a thinking look in her face. “Why did you want to know?” I ask her. “I thought that… uhm… I could maybe learn something so I could tell Percy that I like him…” I smile to her and give her shoulder a little squeeze. “You just tell him.” I smile to her. “You make it sound so easy…” She says. “Hm… I think it’s easy enough if you just find you courage.” I tell her. She gives me a little sad smile in return.

We sit in my room and talk about a bit of everything. I found out that Thalia only is here for a little holiday because she’s one of Artemis’ (the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity, protector of young girls, and the moon) huntresses, but Artemis let her have a week free every second summer. She also tells me about the other gods.

I’m not really in to the human gods, so it’s quite interesting to hear about them. The Titans as well. And how the brave Percy Jackson defeated Kronos, The King of the Titans, and sent him back in Tartaros last summer. I think Annabeth made some small changes in the history, so Percy came out even more heroic. But after all, it wasn’t Percy who defeated Kronos, but Luke Castellan was the one who actually won over Kronos, with the sacrifice of his own life.

Caleb wakes up next noon. I have sit beside his bed in the infirmary together with Fire since breakfast. Fire still sleeps. “Hi, Caleb.” I smile to him and place my hand on his cheek. “Flame… How… How long have I been sleeping?” He asks.

“About 30 hours.” I answer. “What happened? The last thing I remember was…” He thinks a moment. There is no doubt when he remembers what happened. His eyes get wide. “My… My mom… She blocked my magic center?” “No, but I think it was her idea… It’s very powerful magic in this spell.” I tell him. He nods a little. “Anything happened while I slept?” I’m thinking about the meeting yesterday. “No, not really.”

I smile to him. Suddenly Grover came inside to check up on Caleb. “Oh, you’re awake! Great! That will Chiron be happy to hear!” He says while his hooves clops on the floor. Caleb is just staring at him. “You’re half donkey!” Caleb blurbs out. Grover gets a very mad look in his face.

“By the gods! Why does everyone think I’m a donkey! For god sake! I’m a satyr! And satyrs aren’t half donkey! It’s goat! Goat!” As final he bleats an angry little bleating. ”Oh, sorry?” Caleb tries. “Both you, Percy, Bianca, and Thalia thought I was a donkey! Why does it always have to be kids from the Big Three?” He walks out of the door again, mumbling something about goats and donkeys aren’t even look-alike…

After half an hour, I leave Caleb in the infirmary with the wood nymphs. I walk down to the archery range to practice that a bit. But when I pass the stables I see Percy sitting on a bench with a black pegasus in front of him. “Hi, Percy.” I say. He turns around to see who’s talking to him. “Oh, hi Flame.” He says and smiles. “What are you doing?” “I’m just talking with Black Jack.” He says. I look at the pegasus.

“Hi Black Jack.” I say to him. “He says hi.” Percy tells me. I smile to them. “Oh well I’ll leave you alone then.” I say and turn around. “Wait! Flame? Can I ask you something?” Percy calls after me. I wonder what that could be about. “Uhm, sure? What’s up?” He looks a down on his feet. Black Jack takes to the sky and leaves us alone. Percy makes a signal for me to come and sit down beside me.

“So, I heard you talked with Annabeth yesterday?” I tilt my head a bit. “Yes? We just talked about a bit of everything.” I tell him. He nods a little. “Did she… uhm… say anything about me?” He asks quietly. Oh, that is so cute! They really both like each other! Oh, love. I smile. “Yes she did.” I answer. “What did she say?” He looks like a kid who asks for his birthday present. “Why do you want to know?” I ask him. “Because… uhm… you see… I really like her…” He stutters. “You know what she said about you?” He looks hopeful at me.

“She said she likes you too.” I tell him. “She just didn’t knew, how to tell you.” “She really said that?” “Yes.” “I have to… I have to tell her! But how do I do that?” He looks at me like I know the answer. And in some way I did. Maybe I have learned something from my mom. “You just tell her. Go find her now!

Just say: ‘Annabeth, I really like you. You want to be mine?’ And then, when she says yes, give her a kiss. Easy!” I tell him. He thinks over it for a while. Then he nods. “Alright. Great! I’ll do that!” He says jumping up the bench and begins to run to the Athena cabin. Suddenly he stops at yell at me. “Thank you so much Flame!” And then he runs again. I smile and shake my head. I wonder if I looked like that when Caleb told me he likes me.


Hi guys! Please vote/comment/share! I need some ideas to the following part of the storie, so please comment if you got any ideas!! I'll try to upload as often as i can, but I need something to upload, and i'm running out of ideas for the story....... Please comment if you got some!!


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