Chapter 17 - A Weird Dream

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I stand on the edge of a cliff. There’s a good view from the high point. The hills are green and the sky is blue, and the smells here are wonderful. Down in the valley long under me I see a little village. Everything seems so nice and peaceful. In the horizon I see something that looks like a huge diamond in the sunlight. I spread my wings and fly against it.

When I come closer I see it’s a city with huge towers made of glass, which reflects the sun, and has flags on the top. There where one flag on each of the 4 towers. One with a fire on, one with an eye, one with a scale out of balance, and one with two hand holding each other. Down in the streets under me I see a lot of people. In one part of the city they all wear black. Then in another part they all wear grey. There’s also a part where they all wear a blue piece of clothing and a part where they all wear black and white. Outside the city, which is surrounded by a huge wall all around it, all the people wears yellow and/or red while they work in the orchard.

In the middle of the city there’s a huge hall made of glass. Inside the hall there’s some young persons fighting against some dolls, shooting arrows at targets and so on. ‘A training center.’ I say to myself. The training persons all look like they are about 17 or 18 years old. There are older people also some people on the sides who seem to keep an eye on the others. Suddenly one of the training persons throws their spear down and run to the doors. But at the same second he touches the door, a blue light comes through the room and his dead.

I sit up in my bed. “A dream. Just a dream.” I tell myself over and over. When my heart stops beating like I’ve run a marathon, I look at the clock beside my bed. 7:47 AM says the red light. I stand up and walk over to the bathroom. When I look in the mirror I see two black lines under my eyes. Oh, goddamn! It’s clear to everyone that I didn’t had a good sleep.

I skip through my head to see if my dad has taught me something to get rid of that. Oh, yes! I say the spell and the black lines under my eyes disappear. I finish and take some clothes on. Clary’s book still lies open on my bed, but on another page. The page it’s now on is a drawing of a green, hilly landscape with a glass-city in the middle of a valley. Just like the city in my dream. She also drew the different people with their clothes, and the glass hall in the center.

I take it with me down to the dinning room where Isabelle and Thalia already sit. Clary comes in when I sit down on my chair. “Clary, you forgot this one in my room.” I hand it to her. “Thanks.” She smiles to me. Thalia and Isabelle are talking loudly about some weapons and jewelry and a combination of these two. “Clary, something strange happened this night.” I tell her. “Your book laid in my bed when I fell asleep, and I must have turned the pages so it laid open on the side with drawing of the glass city in the green valley. And the weird part is that I dreamed about this place.”

She frowns. “Which glass city?” She hands the book over to me and I find the drawing. “That’s weird. It’s long time ago, I dreamed of this place. And with long time ago I mean, before I knew about Shadowhunters and magic and so…” “You’re right. That is weird.” We think about it for a couple of minutes. “I think we need to tell the others.” Clary says. I nod. “But I must say, you don’t look like you’ve dreamed.” She says smiling. I smile back. “A little magic trick.” I tell her. “Nice.”

The doors open and in comes Alec, with Jace and Percy right after, talking about something with the sea. I got this feeling that Jace is really interested in Percy’s powers. Jace sits down beside Clary and me, and Percy besides him. Alec sits down on the other side with Isabelle and Thalia. After a moment Annabeth comes in too. She sits down beside Alec and start talking books with him. “We’ll tell it when everyone is here.” Clary whispers in my ear. I nod to her.

When Caleb and Maryse finally show up and find a seat, Caleb besides Percy and Maryse besides Annabeth, Clary starts. “Flame and I have something to tell. Last night Flame had a dream of a hilly landscape with a glass city in one of the valleys. It almost looked like Alicante, but I could tell it was not.” She opens her book to show the others the drawing she had drawn.

“No, you’re right. It does look a bit like Alicante, but it’s not. Especially with those people.” Maryse says. “But Clary, what is so special with a dream?” “Because I had the same dream some time ago.” Clary answers. “The hall in the center looked like a training room. Don’t you agree, Flame?” “Absolutely. It was definitely a training room.” I answer. Clary takes the book and turns a page, so it shows another drawing. This drawing shows the training room from street view.

“This is the training room from outside. I stood on the street with a group of black-clothed people.” Clary says looking over at me to get an agreement. “I didn’t saw it from street view.” I say. “I saw it from above… But I saw a black-clothed crowd under me.” I take the book and turn to a blank page to place my hand on. I make a show-spell to make the scenery from my dream into a picture in the book. When I lift my hand again everyone is silent.

The page, which before was blank, is now a colorful picture of the glass city seen from above. Every single detail is there. Even Caleb, who has seen my powers used a quite lot of times by now, is stunned. “This is how I saw it when I flied over it.” I say to break the silence. “That is an amazing ability.” Jace says looking with big eyes at the picture. “Yeah, I’m not as good to draw as Clary is.” I say honestly.

Clary’s cheeks turn red. “I’m not that good…” She starts, but gets interrupted by Jace. “Have any of you any idea of where this is?” He says shifting through the three pictures. “No.” We say at the same time. “Nothing? Really?” I pull my shoulder. “It could be in any World.” I say. “Any world?” Alec sounds puzzled. “Yeah, there are more than a million Worlds excluding this. I came from a world, which doesn’t exist anymore, a dead world. New worlds get born, while old dies. It’s the circle of life.” I explain.

“Okay… So our odds to find out where this is are…?” “One to hundred million, at least.” I answer. “This aren’t gonna be easy.” Alec says. “You think?” Jace answers him with so much sarcasm that Alec’s cheeks turn red. “Oh, c’mon boys!” Isabelle interrupts them. “It doesn’t help if you two comes to a fight. We don’t need a boy with a broken arm.” It was clear she mean that it was Alec who would get that broken arm.

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