Chapter 22 - Sasha's Story

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“You are in the headquarter of Dauntless. Dauntless is one of five factions in this city. There’s Amity, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor, and then there’s Dauntless. Every faction has some different qualities. Dauntless is to be brave, to be free of your fear. If you don’t like to jump of driving trains and high buildings and so, Dauntless isn’t something for you.

After the war of the factions, all the children are kept locked up safely, because many kids died in the war. So in each head quarter’s basement are dozens of rooms for kids. Except Amity, they are too peaceful. No one will harm them. We are taught all sorts of things down here. On -2 lies the shooting court. On -1 lies the classrooms, and so on…

Nate and I are twins. We got here almost a year ago. Normally you get here when you learn to walk, but mom and dad didn’t want to let us be here without parents. So they kept us in their house, hidden away from everybody. In the other factions they aren’t this harsh, but here in dauntless, everything is harsh. You need to be brave.

When the leaders discovered that mom and dad had us hidden, they took us with and then they send them to the Faction Games.” Sasha tells us. We all sit on the floor, because there isn’t other furniture than the steel-beds. I can see Clary has tears in her eyes.

“So, you’ve lived here in a year without your parents?” Percy asks concerned. Sasha nods. Suddenly I can feel that I haven’t much energy back. The spells are tapping me for energy. “Guys… I need to cancel the spells…” I say weakly. “…haven’t got much energy back…” Clary jumps up and grabs me before I black out. “Yes! Hurry! We can’t let you pass out!” She says. I manage to say the cancel-spell.

Finally I can breathe normally again. My clothes get looser and Clary’s hands on my shoulders grow bigger. At last we all look like the teens that came here with the others. The others!! I’ve totally forgot!! “Clary! The others! They must know that we found it!” I say so suddenly that she jumps up and lets go of me, but too fast so I hit my head against the floor.

“Argh! I’m so sorry Flame! You scared me!” She says helping me to sit up again. “I’m fine. Just tell the others.” I say. She nods and closes her eyes. Suddenly I look back at Sasha, who sits with wide eyes looking at Clary and me. “You… You… You are the ones from my dream!!” She says at last.

“You must be the one then.” I say to her. “But please tell me more about this world.” It takes her a moment to understand what I’m saying. “Oh, yes. Yes of course! Where were I?” “The Faction Games.” I say. “Yes. Right. The Faction Games is normally for those who don’t manage the initiation process –especially in dauntless– and they will fight in the Faction Games.

The Faction Games is a death game, where only one survives. The winner –and survivor– gets to choose a new faction. If he or she doesn’t complete the new initiation process they will go back to the games. The games are once in a year, right before the Choosing Ceremony. They are showed all over the city, on every television. There are also big screens in the headquarters if you would rather see it there.

Our parents are training right now in the training center in the middle of the city. There you learn useful skills till you have to go into the arena. There’s a new arena every year. Sometimes it’s a dessert, sometimes a forest, and so on. You never know, so you must prepare to everything. The tributes in there are mostly teens that chose the wrong faction to the Choosing Ceremony, but a few are also people who have worked against the leaders. Like mom and dad.

They are going into the arena together, so one of them has to die…” Tears begin to roll down Sasha’s cheeks. Nate lies on his bed with his back against us. My heart threatens to break into ten million pieces. “So, that’s what you want our help to. To help your parents out of the arena…” Clary says. Sasha nods. Suddenly Clary takes her in her arms and holds her tight into her body.

Percy walks over to the bed and places a hand on Nate’s shoulder. I can see his body shaking. I take some energy from my diamond and use it. The spell sends a warm feeling through me and out in the rest of the room. At last Sasha sits up again and wipe the tears out of her eyes.

“Thank you.” She says with shaking voice. I smile to her. Nate has also stopped shaking. “Nate says thanks too.” Sasha says. Nate sits up and nods. Clary frowns. “Can’t you talk?” She asks Nate with soft voice. He shakes his head. Clary’s eyes widens with sympathy. “Poor you!” She says and hurries over to hug him. He looks startled at her. She gives him a sad smile.

“We’ll help as much as we can.” I promise them. “When does these games start?” Percy asks after a moment of silence. Sasha thinks. “Uhm, the first interviews are tonight.” She says. “Interviews?” Clary asks. “Yes, so you can learn your tributes to know.” Sasha answers. “That doesn’t give us much time…” I say and look at my watch. Suddenly I jump up. “The others!! There’s ten minutes till we should meet!!” I say.

“How do we get out of here?” Percy asks. I take some more energy from my diamond and smile. “Magic.” I say. Sasha grabs my arm. “Don’t leave us here!” She says and makes puppy eyes to me. “Of course not! We would never do that! You are the reason we came here in the first place.” I tell her. She smiles and begins to jump up and down. “Yay! Nate, we’re gonna save mom and dad!”

“Okay, here’s what we do. Percy and I change into grown-ups again. Clary, Sasha and Nate, I’ll make you invisible. You can still see each other and us, but others can’t see you. You still need to be silent. Keep together. Clary, you try to hold on to them and follow us when we walk out. Ready?”

Everyone nod. “Great. Then let’s go.” I say the different spells and then we walk into the corridor.

A/N 29/7–13

Hi guys!! So first, remember to vote/comment!! I'll update sooner for every vote/comment i get!! This is going to be so exciting!! I hope you liked it so far! Then, second. I've edited some of the chapters, so maybe you would like to read them again, because i've changed a few things. For example: in Chapter 8 – Camp Half Blood it's not Piper but Drew who is the mean girl. You'll know why i made that change later ;P >:) But keep reading!! And vote/comment!!

Next chapter is going to be exstra long, so at least 2 votes and 2 comments on this if you want it before Sunday!! ;)

Clara! <4

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