Chapter 1 - the Meteor

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I lay in bed, staring at the roof. I can't sleep. The thoughts in my head can't stop spinning. What was with that meteor? It's the best way to travel in Space. But it's used of both good and evil guys. I hope it's not an orc. Or a bad Dragon Rider. Then are Earths days over. I must find out. The orcs doesn't look like a human in any way, but humans just can't see it, they just think of a really tuff guy.

I go down in the living room to my parents. They are watching the news about the meteor. The Government is sending some people out to see what kind of meteor it is. It's a little one, so it must have been some sort of elf. Or maybe a pixie. Or one of Santa Claus Helpers. I hope so. I'm looking at the television. They've reached the bottom of the hole. The cameras zoom in at an orange oval stone. It looks like.... A Dragon Egg! Oh my god!

I need to save it! It can't combine with a human! And they must not scan it. Then they'll find out about the Hidden Worlds! I can't let that happen! I'm out of the door in the next second. Up on the bike and then full power (+ a little magic.) I reach the school in 2 minutes. They are still at the hole, trying to lift the egg up.

I'll use a little magic to hold the egg down till they give up for today. And then I'll take it with home. I sneak up on the roof of the school, and then no one will see me. OK, now for the magic. I close my eyes and imagine the egg being held to ground with a thick tie. It's working and just in time. They are just beginning to pull it up of the enormous hole.

Now I just have to lay here and wait for them to go home. I just hope it won't take that long, because I can already feel my powers disappear. I don't hope I'll need to take my energy from my diamond necklace. It's only for emergency. I close my eyes again and try to take energy from the plants around me.

About an hour after I threw the spell, the humans begin to leave. So after half an hour more, I can cancel the spell, climb down the roof, pick up the egg, and hurry home. But there is one problem. The egg is huge. I need to wait until everyone is asleep. And it's only 1 pm! I'm going to throw another spell to protect the egg. Then I'll come back when it's getting dark. So said, so did.

I'm standing on the top of the hole with my eyes closed, mumbling the spell, when I hear something. "What are you doing?" It’s a boy. "Nothing!" I answers too quick. "Well this 'nothing' seems to me as something." I turn around to look at him. It's Caleb. Caleb I've liked from since I moved in. He's smiling that cute smile of his. "What are you doing here??" I asked.

"The school is closed." "I'm here to see that weird stone everyone is talking about. I thought I would wait until there weren’t others here. But I was wrong about the last part." He answers and winked. I'm confused. "Why do you want to see the stone?" "I could ask you the same thing, Flame." He knows my name! He speaks again. "I think it's interesting that a stone can look like that. It's almost like there is an inner glow, like a fire." I'm speechless. "Wh-what?" I stammer out. It's almost like he knows. Knows about magic and The Hidden Worlds.

"I know it sounds weird." He says, looking down on his shoes. I'm just starring at him. "But what about you? What are you doing here?" "I'm- I'm- I'm going to write an essay about mysterious things on Earth, so this is just perfect timing." What?! How stupid am I??? An essay?! Stupid mouth! "Do we have an essay?!" He sounds shocked. "No! No-no! It's just me. I want to write an essay. Or my parents want me to." I answer.

He relaxes. "Ok, I thought in a minute. 'Cause if we had, I was skewed!" He laughs. He's so sweet! "I just have some weird parents. It may be there I have it from." I answers, looking down on the egg. "You're not weird, you're just special." He says. I look at him. His cheeks are getting red. "It's therefor I- I like you." Did he really say that?!

"What?!" I answer, totally confused now. "I said I like you." He says again. "I heard you first time, but- What?! You like me?!" I'm speechless again. "Yes, but I understand if you don't like me." "No!- I'm mean yes!- I mean.... I like you too!" Nice, now I'm talking Volapuk! His smile gets bigger. "You're so cute, when you talk like that." Does he really mean that?! My head is a mess of thoughts. "I'm...- I'm… " I can't finish the sentence. Not with him looking at me like that.

I'm dizzy. I sit down on the grass. "You like me??" I say again. Gosh, how stupid am I? "Yes." He sits down beside me. "I did since you started in 3rd class. When you moved in here. I remember first time I saw you. You had a yellow and orange dress on, and your hair was loose down on your back. You looked almost like you were on fire. And it fit your name too."

I can't say a word. "C’mon please say something?" I stared at him. He likes me! I began to smile when it sank in. HE LIKES ME!! "Wow. I'm like...- it was almost the same time I began to like you! I'm like- Is this really happening??" I ask him. He laughs again. And he hugs me! HE'S HUGGING ME! I start laughing too.

We just sit there, in the grass, with our arms around each other. Then I ask: "why me? You can have any of the girls on the school - why me??" "I could ask you the same thing - why me?? You can have any of the boys on the school." I'm look confused on him. "Are there others who likes me? I mean like - every other boy in school bully me and call me all sort of things like weirdo or nerd?" I'm so confused.

In Charn, you always said the truth. But that’s not how it works on Earth. Here are you lying to almost everyone. "It's just something some boys do... I don't really understand why. I think it's just to get attention. Like, you paid attention to them, right?" "Positive." Answer I after a little thinking. We're silent in a moment. We’re just sitting and staring at the sky.

Suddenly it came to my mind why I where here. The egg! I can't save it when Caleb is here!


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