Chapter 19 - A New Mission To A New World

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I'm so glad to have the shadowhunters with now!! ;D They are so fun to write about!! Soon there'll come some more divergent/the hunger games in the story, so hold on ;) Remember to vote and comment!! Each time I get a vote/com. I'll update a day earlier!! So do it!! ;P –Clara

It is pinch black in the pound. Finally we see light coming from down under us, and the Institute grows bigger and bigger. We soon stand in the dinner-room again in the same circle as we left, except my dad stands between Clary and me. “Where are we?” My father asks. “We are in the Shadowhunters Institute in New York.” I say. He looks puzzled at me. “Come. Then we can also can hear what the hell you where doing here in The Silent Forest.”

“We can sit in the drawing room.” Clary suggests. We all walk down to the drawing room except Thalia and Isabelle who disappears into another room. We all find a place in the sofas and chairs. “Suddenly Maryse appears in the door. “Oh, you’re already back? Did you find your father?” She asks. “Yes. Maryse, this is my father Jeramy. Dad, this is the head of the NY Institute.” I present them.

Maryse holds a hand out. “Hi, nice to meet you.” She says. My father takes her hand. “Hi…” He’s really puzzled. “Great. Dad, you start explaining what you were doing in The Silent Forest.” He looks around on the others. “Start. They all know about all that.” I tell him.

“Okay… I was cleaning my jacket when the bag with the rings fell out. I picked it up but in the wrong end so the rings fell out in the carpet. I couldn’t see them so I felled my way till I found them. Lucky for me I found the green one first. But I didn’t thought about putting gloves on, so when I found the yellow ring, I vanished to The Silent Forest.

And you know how the forest make me, so I took a walk into the forest and fell down in a pound, but I hadn’t my yellow ring on, and I still held my green in the hand, so I disappeared into that world. First I thought I was in Whales, but then there were this weird city, that looked like it was made of glass, and–“ “Wait!”

I interrupt him. “A city of glass? Did it have four towers with a flag each?” I ask him. He nods slowly. “How did you know?” “Later… Keep on telling.” “Okay…. Where were I? Oh, yeah. So, when I found out that I wasn’t in our world, I messaged Sunny and she said that I should go into The Silent Forest again and wait for her or you. So that’s what I did. Now your turn to tell me everything that have happened since you took of to New York City.”

“Caleb and I arrived at Camp Half-Blood the same day, and Chiron showed us our rooms. There we met Thalia, Caleb’s half-sister, and she showed us around. We also met the other demigods-” I point around on the other demigods in the drawing room. “- And learned how to swordfight and shoot with arrows and so. One day Thalia took us with in to see the Statue Of Liberty and Empire State Building.

We also heard a prophecy from their oracle that mentioned the shadowhunters, so we took of and arrived here yesterday, where Maryse said we could sleep here. So today at breakfast, half an hour ago actually, while we disgusted a dream both Clary and I had had about the city you were in, I got a message from mom that said I should go get you in The Silent Forest. The rest you know.”

“Okay, so you say that everybody, except us, in this room is either a shadowhunter or a demigod…” My father says. “Yes.” He looks quite overwhelmed. “And does mom know anything about what has happened here?” “No, I forgot to answer her message!” I say, hurrying to write a message to her:

Dear mom,

Sorry I haven’t answered before now. Dad is here with me right now and we have talked about how foolish he has been. I’ll send him home soon.


All the others have been totally quiet while we explained our stories, but now everyone starts talking. “How do we find the pound your father fell down into?” Someone asks. Another asks. “What do we do with Flame’s dad? He can’t be here if we take off again.” And another one asks. “What do we do now?” Finally Maryse claps her hand and everyone goes silent. “First, how can we find the world your father fell down into?” She asks me. I look at my father. “Dad, do you still remember that dream-teleport-spell?” He thinks for a moment. Then he shakes his head.

“No, but I can still the Ancient Language. I can send you to the city with that.” I nod. “Yes, of course! What about ‘take me to the city of me dream’? Can you translate that?” “Yes! Do you have any paper?” The last is meant for Maryse. She nods and walks over to a desk in the corner and comes back with a paper and a pen. “Thank you.” My dad says and starts writing.

When he finishes he hands it over to me. “Here you go my dear. Do you need any more help?” “No, that’s all. Thanks dad. Now go home and give mom both your and her rings to her. That’s a lot more safe.” He nods and stands up. “Do you need anything to your travel home?” Maryse asks. “Oh, no-no! I’ll just make a portal.” He says. Maryse gets a shocked look in her face, but my father doesn’t see it. “Bye, everyone!” He says and mumbles a spell, walks into the wall and disappears.

The others are speechless. It takes me a moment to make them come back and help me prepare to our travel. “Okay, we need some weapons and food. Can you loan us some? Oh, and weapons too. We must be sure to could defend ourselves, because I don’t think others will be affected by the celestial bronze.” Jace nods. “Follow me to the weapon room.” He says and marches out of the door with Percy and Caleb in the heels.

“I’ll get Thalia and Isabelle.” Annabeth says and disappears too. “I’ll find some gear to you.” Alec says. Clary and I follow him out. The door to the drawing room closes behind us just as Annabeth comes out from another room with Thalia and Isabelle right after her. “Gear and weapons.” Alec says shortly when he passes them.

We meet in the drawing room again after twenty minutes. Everyone has black shadowhunter-gear on, the demigods supplied with shoulder-plates and shin-guards of celestial bronze and the shadowhunters with fresh runes. Everyone has weapons in their belts. The shadowhunters also have got some knifes, which looks like they are made of ice. I recognize them from yesterday as Seraph-blades.

“Great everyone is here. All have a pack of food?” I ask. All nods. “Good. Do like earlier when we should to The Silent Forest.” “Aren’t we going there again?” Thalia asks. “No, we take a short cut.” I say. “Nice. Go short cuts!” She says high-fiving Jace. Annabeth rolls her eyes at her. “C’mon! We don’t have all year! Stand still!” Annabeth tells them.

“When everyone stands with their hands in each others I say the spell in Ancient Language. “Taune nose du dras abr pömnuria draumr!” (Take us to the city of my dreams.) In the first seconds nothing happens. But then everything turns black and you fell like you stand in a tornado. “Hold on to each other! Do not let go of one another!” I yell to them.

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