Chapter 25 - An Unexpected Relationship

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OMG!!! I'm so sorry!! I haven't posted in more than a week!! Sorry!!! And then it a short chapter!! T-T I'm so sorry!! I promise to puplish next chapter ASAP!! But remember to Vote/Comment/Share. Please comment what you think about it! I really appreciate when you do that!! Thank you!! –Clara

There is some breakfast in the kitchen, which we eat in silence, everyone with their head filled with thoughts. I can see Sasha has cried in sleep. Her and Nate are making one of their silent conversations. When everyone is finished, Annabeth starts the planning. “Okay. First we need to find a way to get inside the arena. Any ideas?” She says, looking at Sasha and Nate.

They think for a moment. “Well, I don’t think there is another way than the way the tributes comes through…” Sasha says. Nate agrees with a nod. “And how do they come in?” Thalia asks. “They come out of the ground. There’re some rooms under each arena where the tributes are made ready. Then they go into some glass-tubes and get transported to the surface.”

Sasha looks around on the thinking faces. “How can you come down there?” Jace asks Sasha. “No one knows where the arena is, except for a few leaders and the Gamemakers… And the entrance is even more secret…” Everyone thinks about that for a moment. “What then?” Caleb asks. Annabeth answers with another question. “Can we trust anyone of the leaders?”

Sasha shakes her head. “Not anyone I can remember…” Suddenly she looks over at Nate with a puzzled expression. I tune in on their conversation. …friends are a Gamemaker? Who? Sasha asks Nate. Plutarch Heavensbee. He wants to stop the games. Don’t you remember him? He came to our house to make plans with mom and dad to start a rebellion so the games will end. I don’t think he has given up on that… Nate answers.

I interrupt their conversation. Do you think he will help us sneak in in the arena? Sasha and Nate look a little surprised over at me. Yes. I do think so. Nate answers. How can we come in contact with him? I ask. Nate pulls excusing his shoulder. The others around the table have noticed the silent conversation between us. “What are you doing?” Asks a puzzled Caleb.

“Nate just told me about a friend of theirs who works as a Gamemaker. But we don’t know how to contact him.” I tell them. The others look a little confused but nod. “How do you communicate here? Do you use cell phones or what?” Annabeth asks. Sasha and Nate look puzzled at each other. “What’s a cell phone?” Sasha asks.

“What do you use then?” Isabelle asks a little confused. “Well, letters. And sometimes mom and dad retrieved a dove…” We look at each other. “You use letter-doves here?” Annabeth asks fascinated. Sasha nods. Percy elbows Annabeth in the side. “Focus.” He tells her. She blushes a little and elbows him back.

“How do we find these doves?” Jace asks. Sasha pulls her shoulder. “I have no idea. Mom and dad only answered the doves; they never sent anyone to start the conversation…” “I think we must find another way… None of us know how to use dove-letters, right?” I ask.

“If anyone could, it should be you or Annabeth…” Percy says. The other demigods nod in agreement. “I can’t…” Annabeth says. “Well, then we need to find another way.” I say. “Let’s see if there’s anything in the house.” Alec suggests. Everybody nods and starts too search the house for anything that could look like a communication system.

After about fifteen minutes someone call from the other end of the house. “I think I found something!” I run into a huge room with thousand of books and computers. “Why haven’t we seen this before? It’s huge!” Clary says looking at the many different books on the shelves.

“I think we’re in the Erudite headquarters library.” I say. “I don’t think anyone, even an Erudite, could have a library this big.” “Then we have to hurry.” Isabelle says and I sit down in front of one of the computers. Maybe there’s a mail-program or something. “This computer looks pretty much like the ones on our school.” Caleb says. I look at the computer he stands in front of. “It actually does.” I say.

“But we need to focus.” Clary says to me. I look back at my screen. “Here!” I say. “I think I have found a mail- Wait, no. I’m not sure what this is…” Caleb is searching on the look-alike-computer from our school. “This is actually the same kind.” He says. “Here’s the e-mail. I try to log in.” He types his e-mail and password in.

“It works!” He says and grins to me. I roll my chair over to his. “Well, now we just have to find Plutarch’s e-mail account.” I say. Clary pulls out a book from the shelf. “This is like a phonebook!” She says. She opens the book at starts flipping the pages. “P… P… Pl…” She mumbles. “Here!” She says triumphantly and hands me the book.

I show it to Caleb, who starts typing the e-mail. “What shall I write? ‘Hey Plutarch, we just want to know if you can let us into the arena? XO, Some teens you don’t know.’?” I shake my head. “No, definitely not. Write this:

‘Dear honored Gamemaker Plutarch. We want to get a private audition with you, as soon as possible. We have got some information that we think you will find very interesting. Please answer as soon as possible. Sincerely, Flame Gray.’” I say. Caleb types it in in the e-mail. He adds his own name too. ‘Caleb Carstairs’

The others come over to us to see what we are doing. Suddenly Jace frowns at Caleb. “Your last name is Carstairs?” He asks. Caleb nods puzzled. “Yes. Why?” “That’s a shadowhunter name.” Isabelle answers. “What? But I’m not a shadowhunter? I’m a demigod.” Caleb says confused. What the hell is going on? “I really think we shall have a talk with your mom when we get back home.” I say. “Maybe there’s something in the locked room inside your head that can answer this…”

“Locked room?” Clary asks. The other shadowhunters looks just as confused. “Caleb has a mind block in his head.” I tell them. Clary’s eyes widen. “A mind block?” I look puzzled at her. What is so interesting about a mind block? “Yes?” She looks over at Jace. “I would really like to know if it’s like mine…” She says. Jace nods.

“You’ve got a mind block too?” I ask her. She nods. “Yes. It’s almost gone, but there’s still some small things I can’t remember…” She says. I look at Clary. “Do you really want to find out if it’s the same? I can tell you, but it’s maybe not that… uhm… comfortable?” I say. “How?” She asks curiously. Caleb and Thalia shudders.

“Well, I can sort of ‘walk into’ your mind… It’s not a fun experience, for some it can have a few… uh… consequences… I once tried on Caleb… I found a corner of his mind that was locked, and when I tried to open it, he… um… fainted…” I say slowly. Clary looks at Caleb. “I’ll take the risk. I don’t think it’s worse than the Silent Brothers…” She shudders.

I nod. “Maybe you shouldn’t say that too fast…” Thalia says. “It took Caleb almost two days to wake up…” Clary thinks for a moment. “I’ll do it.” She says. “Okay. Maybe you should sit down. I won’t try to open it, just see if it’s the same.” I say to Clary. She nods, finds a chair, and closes her eyes. “The only thing you should do is relaxing your mind.” I tell her and close my own eyes. She gives a single nod. Well, here we go.

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