Chapter 9 - the Olympus

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We stand at the train station, waiting for the train to the Statue of Liberty. It's 1 pm and we've just finished lunch. Fire is again a Grand Danios who stands by my side. Thalia is really exited to show us New York. "Almost every statue here is a robot! The are made to protect New York if some of Kronos' beasts would come." Thalia tells us exited.

She rattles off about so many different things. So many, that my head might explode. I look around on the train station. It's a dark place with a lot of shadows. Some of them almost look like they are moving... There are only two other people besides us. The man turns his head and looks at me. His eyes were almost black. I hurry to look away.

Finally the train arrives. We walk inside to find some empty seats. "How long does it take the train to arrive at the Statue Of Liberty?" Caleb asks her. "Hm, about 10 minutes I think." She answers. "Great. Where did I lay my camera?" Caleb looks in all his pockets. I just sit with the camera in one hand and dog-Fire's line in the other. "Flame, have you seen my- oh, thanks." I hand over the camera. "Haha. It's good you have me to keep an eye on your stuff!" I laugh. "Yep!" He laughs to. We chat a bit more. "We're here!" Thalia jumps up and walks over to the door.

"Welcome to the Statue Of Liberty!" Thalia says. "On your left side you can see a hot-dog stand. On your right side you can see the Statue." Thalia says with her guide voice. I giggle. "Wow. She's big!" Caleb says fascinated. "What did you expect?" Thalia asks. "I don't know... Maybe a 30 feet tall statue? I don't know..." He says.

"Haha! She is 151 feet and 1 inch tall! 305 feet if you count the satchel with!" Thalia was almost rolling over of laugher. "Wow..." Caleb says again starring at the Statue. "Try to sit on the top in her crown and look down on all the people down here. They must look like ants!" Caleb says to me. "Baby ants." I laugh.

Later -after eating a hotdog- we head towards the Empire State Building. When we get there Thalia has told us almost everything she knows about the gods. And that isn't a little bit.

We stand in the elevator on our way to the highest floor in the building. When it stops we walk out on the roof. Caleb looks down. "We are really high up." He says a bit nervous. "Are you afraid of heights?" Thalia asks. "No, I'm afraid of falling down." He answers walking in to the middle of the roof.

Thalia nods thoughtfully and walks over to a little door. "Are you coming?" She asks us. We go into the golden elevator on the other side of the door. "Hold on! This is going to be fast!" Thalia warns us and pushes the button. I hold the bar there goes along the sides of the elevator. In the same second the elevator starts. It's shooting out of the building and continues up.

"Ah, Caleb!" A voice rungs out from the enormous golden temple. "And Thalia!" The voice says. "Who is your friend?" "This is Flame." Thalia calls. "Come inside." The voice, which must belong to Zeus, says. Thalia goes trough the enormous doors. We follow her. The inside of the temple is just as beautiful as the outside. We walk trough five rooms to get to the hall where the gods are. And they are just as enormous as the temple. Then I better understand why everything is so big!

Zeus sits in the middle of a semicircle of gods. The god on his right side must be Poseidon, the god of Sea. On his left side sits a goddess who must be Athena, the goddess of wisdom. All the gods look at us when we enter the room. Especially Poseidon looks interested in me. Maybe it's because of my powers. I mean he's the god who created the Cyclops, the ones that wakes the weapons to the demigods. Maybe he wants a person to keep up the fire...

Zeus rises. "Caleb and Thalia! How nice to see my two children again!" He says. "Who are you?" He asks. "I'm Flame. A fire fairy from The Hidden World Charn." I introduce. "Aha. And your orange friend?" I look at Fire. She's a dragon again. "This is Fire. She's our dragon." I say. " Our? Can a dragon have two Riders? Who's the other one?"

"That must be me." Caleb says shy. But, of course, it's the first time he meets his father. "So my almighty son is also a Dragon Rider! Did you hear that, Poseidon! My son is Dragon Rider! Haha!" Poseidon looks grumpy on Zeus. "Yes, I heard it!" He says. Thalia just shakes her head of the gods. "Zeus! Be nice! We still have guests!" Athena says.

We stay in the Olympus for half an hour. When we come down in the lobby again I change Fire into a dog. Thalia says goodbye to the man at the desk. He's eyes were strange... I stop. The man's eyes are just like Kira's! And the chauffeur's! He also had those mysterious eyes... I turn around and run after Caleb and Thalia. They are waiting outside.

"There is... There is something wrong!" I gasp. "What do you mean Flame?" Caleb looks nervous. "The man behind the disk... Man in train... Kira... Chauffeur... Black eyes..." I can't breathe. It's almost like someone is trying to choke me. I rattle. Caleb grabs me before I hit the ground and black out.

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