A/N whole chapter

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Hi! This chapter is a message! Not a part of the story!! But still, please read it! It's important!!

Well, I read the first chapters through, and.... I decided to rewrite the whole beginning. I'm not sure if I'll create a whole new story, or just upload them here, but it means I won't be writng anything new the next couple of days... But here you get the introduction to it, and please say if you like this or the other better!! Please!! Thanks!!


My name is Flame. On Earth, my name is Flame Gray. You may be wondering why I say ‘On Earth’, but that’s because I’m not from here. Originally I came from a world called Charn. But it doesn’t exist anymore. The whole world is dead because of a war between Charn’s two queens. They destroyed everything – saying only one word. Nobody knows The Word anymore, but it’s best that way.

We were the only escapers from Charn, my parents and me. Nobody else survived The Word. We were just lucky that my father had just finished his magic rings. All of us have a pair of rings. A yellow and a green. If you touch the green one nothing happens. But if you touch the yellow one, it sends you to what we call the Silent Forest.

It’s kind of like a central station between the worlds. It looks like a forest, with giant trees everywhere, the treetops so vegetated that they are blocking the sky – assuming there are one… It’s so silent that you get the feeling that you can actually hear the trees grow. No birds are singing, no fish disturbing the surface of the world-ponds.

To get into a world you have to change your ring from yellow to green. When you are wearing the green ring, you just jump into a pound, and then you are in a new world. Easy! Of course there are other ways to travel between the worlds than through the Silent Forest, but it’s kind of difficult. My dad can create portals to places he’s already been, but nowhere else.

I weren’t very old when Charn got destroyed, maybe seven or eight. I remember flying to school with my best friend Alice. By the way, I'm a fire fairy. Alice was a sun fairy like my mother. My father is a wizard. He’s pretty good at making invisible spells. He thinks it’s fun to prank humans while invisible. If you live near Orwigsburg and, for example, if your hat flies away, it’s probably him…

But no humans know about magic. There’s something hiding it, making normal humans see things their brains can cooperate with. Some of the magic creatures in this world call it glamour; other calls it the Mist. At first, it was really strange for us to act like blind humans, but we learned how to pretty fast. We also did some research on the different mythologies, magic creatures, and history of the human race.

To be a human also means to do as the humans do. That includes high school. In Earth-years I'm sixteen, so I’m just at the end of my freshman year. The intellectual level here is just way too low on Earth compared to Charn. The only classes I like are History and Latin/Greek, because I’ve got the same teacher in both classes, and he is super-cool. Sometimes he dresses up in full amour from the ancient Greece, sword and all.

And it’s also the two out of three classes I have together with Caleb. He’s this super-hot and cute guy, with brown hair and eyes, and a sweet smile. Unfortunately for me, he’s one of the popular targets for girls. I don’t even think he knows my name. And I’m not the type of girl he likes; he’s always together with those giggling, short-skirt, make-up girls, not the ones like me, the girl in the back of the class with those weird, black, glowing, creepy eyes, never attending to any parties and so on.

But, whatever. My parents would never let me date a human anyway. They are afraid that I might say something I shouldn’t… Not that anyone would believe me. But still…

Well, this is the story about my life and some of the strange things that can happen in this world. Hope you’ll enjoy…

Cover for the new story on the side ------>

The story is called 'The Fairy On Fire – New'  ;P

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