Chapter 23 - We Run And Make A Plan

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Hi guys!! Long chapter!! Hope you'll enjoy it!! Just remember to comment/vote. Two votes to get the next chapter before friday! So vote away!! – Clara

We easily get to the elevator. There’s still no one else around in the corridor. When we reach the lobby, two black-clothed men guard the door. “Where do you come from?” Asks one of the men with a deep, dark voice. “We were just down to lock up a kid, who had ran away.” I say, but get ignored. The men only look at Percy.

“As my partner just said, we were just down to lock up a kid, who had ran away.” Percy says to them. They look suspicious at us, then nod and let us pass. When we get outside I feel a hand on my arm, but there’s nothing to see. Clary. “Why are all here jerks?” I ask Percy. “I mean no one will even look at me!”

Percy pulls his shoulders. “Where are we going now?” He asks. We walk down one of the streets. From time to time I feel a hand on my shoulder, or hair brush my arm. “We’re going to the center. We need to find out what they are doing to Sasha and Nate’s parents.” I say. I hear a soft sob behind me.

“Clary.” I whisper. “Tell the others to meet us at the training center in the middle of town. On the side to the round tower with the hands holding each other.” “Abnegation.” I hear Sasha’s voice whisper back. I nod slightly. Then I feel to prick on my shoulder. I guess it means that the others will meet us there.

Finally we reach the training center. We follow the round wall till we stand between that and the cylinder formed tower– the Abnegation Headquarter. After two minutes of waiting time, the first group arrives. Jace frowns when he sees Percy and I sanding alone. “Where’s Clary?!” He asks. “Right here!” Clary’s voice comes out of nowhere. Suddenly Jace tumbles a few steps back and hugs the air.

“Why are you invisible?” He asks. Then he gives Percy and me an extra look. “And what the hell happened to you?” I look down. I still have the older-spell. Annabeth and Caleb look at their boy/girlfriends with a mixture of puzzled, disgusted, stunned and snigger expression in their face. “I would like to know that too…” Annabeth says, looking at 25-year-old Percy. Percy looks at me.

“Cancel?” He asks. I know exactly what he means. I gesture to the others to walk into a small side street. After I secured the place with invisible and non-hearing spells, I cancel the spells on Percy, Clary, Sasha, Nate and myself. When we’re all normal/visible, Jace, Annabeth and Caleb bombs us with questions. “Silent! We’ll explain when the others arrive.” I yell over the questions.

After five minutes more the other group arrives. Jace walks over to them to show them our secret street. “Great, now where all here. First thing, who are those kids?” Annabeth asks. Sasha and Nate, who have been sitting with their backs against the wall in totally silence, look up.

“This is Sasha and Nate.” I start. “We found them in the dauntless headquarters basement. The have told us a lot of facts about this city. For example, that the ones who trains in there,” I gesture to the training room, “trains to the Faction Games, games where you shall kill each other to get out.” I pause to let it sink in. “Sasha and Nate’s parents are with this year.

We have promised to help them, if Sasha would help us with the prophecy. And I’m quite sure that Sasha is the child mentioned. She has had a dream vision about Clary and I.” The others look stunned. Some even sit down on the street. “So, what you say is, that this girl has had a dream vision about Clary and you, and that she is a magician and the child in the prophecy?” Thalia asks.

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