Chapter 14 - the Shadowhunters

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  • Dedicated to Sara Enkelund

 We sit in the main house again with all the other cabin leaders. Fire sleeps in the corner. “So, what do we do now?” Will, the cabin leader of the Apollo cabin, asks. “We’ll talk with the Shadowhunters. And I’ve decided to make it a quest for 4 of you demigods.” He pauses and looks around on the demigods. “I’ve selected Annabeth and Clarisse to select the two others they want to have with. Flame is also coming. You can select together after this meeting.” Clarisse and Annabeth stare hatefully at each other. “You shall take to the shadowhunters Institute of New York to hear what they know about this.” Chiron tells them.

Annabeth and Clarisse have a big fight of who they want to go with them. Annabeth wants Percy and Thalia, but Clarisse wants two of her brute siblings from the Ares cabin. I’m not sure why Chiron selected them both, but they need to come along soon. I stand in between them. “Why don’t you select one each? Then everyone is happy.” I say to them. They both stare at me like I’m an idiot. “We can’t just do that!” Clarisse says. “Why not?” I ask her. Maybe I shouldn’t provoke her, but I can’t stop. I look challenging at her.

“Because Seaweed Brain and the Tree Girl are so lame! I don’t want to look at them on a hole quest!” “Clarisse! Stop calling them that!” Annabeth yells at her. “I’m the only one who must call Percy that! And don’t even talk about Thalia. The only reason why you don’t want them with is because they both have stronger powers that you!” Clarisse’s face turns red. Annabeth keeps teasing her. “Remember the first day Percy was here and he made the toilets spit water all over you? That was a good day.”

Clarisse growls and throw herself at Annabeth. They both roll down in the grass. Clarisse sits on top of Annabeth, taking a knife out of her pocket. She points the knife on Annabeth’s cheek. “It’s a shame I can’t kill you. But I can still hurt you, so you can’t come with on the quest. The knife goes through the skin. Annabeth try to come up but can’t. Just as I see the blood, I act. I yell. “Vindr!” Clarisse flies 20 meters back.

Annabeth sits up and looks confused at me. Clarisse sits up too and swears. “How did you do that?!” Annabeth asks me. “It’s the Ancient Language.” I tell her. “The word I used means wind or air.” I say. “It’s a nice trick.” She laughs. Clarisse is on her feet again. “What the f*** happened?!?” She screams at us. “You!” She runs towards me with her knife ready to rip out my heart.

I lift my hand and make a wall of fire between us. “Clarisse, I don’t think it’s a smart idea to challenge me.” I say in a bored tone. Out of nothing her knife comes right at me through the fire. If it weren’t for Annabeth, who push me out of the way, it would have sit in my cranium right now. “Thanks.” I say. “No, prob. Now we’re tie.” She grins.

I look over at the knife, which is in the wall to the hilt. “She aims good.” I say. “Knifr!” I yell and point down in the ground for my feet. Five knifes flies down to the spot I point at. “Did you really have six knifes in your pockets, Clarisse?” I say to her though the firewall. She growls and yells things at me. Annabeth picks up one of the knifes for my feet.

“I don’t think Chiron will be glad to see this.” She says with a grin. “You dare say this to Chiron!” Clarisse yells from the other side of the fire. When Annabeth starts running up to the main house, or the Big House as she calls it, I let the fire die out. Clarisse gives me a cruel look and starts running to the Big House too.

It ends up Clarisse aren’t going with us though. Chiron decides Thalia to take her place. So Annabeth and Thalia decide to take Percy and Caleb with.

We stand on the top of the Half-Blood Hill. Argus is waiting at the camp’s car. Argus is the security guard of the camp. He is covered with eyes from head to foot. He never speaks, as it is said he has an eye on his tongue.

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