Chapter 8 - Camp Half-Blood

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I'm sitting on the plane right now with Caleb by my side. I've transformed Fire into a Grand Danios so we can have her with us. My mom has spoken to Chiron, the leader of Camp Half Blood, concerning our arrival. Caleb will have a bed in the cabin for Zeus's children and I'll sleep in the main house with Fire. Clarisse, Caleb's mom, has sent a tracker with us so she can keep an eye on Caleb if he gets hurt. He also promised her to send her an sms every 3rd hour except at night.

The plane lands in New York at 2pm. We find our luggage in the airport and head out to find a taxi. There is something mysterious about the taxi chauffeur, but I couldn’t point it out. I decide just to ignore it. We arrive at the camp at 4 o'clock. Chiron rolls out to meet us. "Hi, I'm Chiron. The leader of the camp." He says. Caleb shakes his hand.

"I'm Caleb. This is Flame." He says. "Nice to meet you, Chiron." I smile to him. "Oh, Flame. You and your family were the ones who escaped from Charn right?" Chiron asks. "Yes." I smile. "And you, Caleb. Son of Zeus! What a surprise you got! When did you find out? 2 weeks ago?" "Yes, something about that." He tells him. "How did you find out? I heard something about it wasn't your mother who told you?"

"Positive. Actually it was Flame who found out." "How, Flame?" "Uhm, it was quite obvious when he caught a lighting in a storm." I tell him. "I'm impressed of both of you, I have to say! Well, take your luggage and follow me!" He says start rolling his wheelchair into the camp. We hurry after him. "Caleb, here's the cabin for Zeus' children." Chiron tells him. "You just take an empty bed inside. Flame, you follow me." Caleb walks into the hut. Chiron shows me the main house and my guest room. After I packed out I walk back to Caleb leaving Fire in the room as a dragon.

I find him in the hut talking with a girl. "Oh, hi Flame. This is Thalia. She's my half-sister!" He tells me exited. I smile to her. "Hi. It's nice to meet you, Thalia. I'm Flame." "Right over." She grins. "You want me to show you two around?" "Yes, that would be great." Caleb says. "Yes thanks." I smile. Caleb's half-sister is really beautiful. Deep inside, I'm happy that she's his sister…

Thalia shows us everything in the camp. The archery course, the sword fighting arena, the stables, etc. Caleb is really impressed. And so are the Aphrodite daughters. They huddle together and whisper to each other when they think I can't hear them. I really don't like that kind of girls. I better like the Athena girl, Annabeth.

Maybe it’s because she already has a boyfriend. But mostly the reason that she's the kind of girl who fights with swords and is not afraid of breaking a nail. It's weird she's together her boyfriend, Percy, because they are so different. And then not. It's hard to explain. They are like Yin and Yan. It's the best way I can describe it.

At 6 o'clock the food bell rings. I'm starving. So is Caleb. I sit beside him at same table as Thalia. Everyone is placed so you sit with your cabinmates/siblings. It's only the Athena and Poseidon table, which are placed beside each other because Percy doesn't have any roommates, so he sits with his girlfriend; and me who sits at the Zeus table because I don't have a godly parent. When we're done eating everyone must held the leftovers into a holy fire to sacrifice it to your godparent to say thanks. I sacrifice my food Zeus to thank him for Caleb.

The following day Chiron wakes me up and follows me to the Zeus cabin to meet Caleb outside. He's without his magical wheelchair so Caleb gets a shock when I pull him out of bed. Chiron is half human, half horse. A centaur. "Good morning Caleb. Slept well?" Chiron asks. Caleb is too amazed to answer with words so he just nods.

"You want to take a ride? I have something to show you." Chiron says. That wakes Caleb up. "You mean like... On your back?" "Caleb! It's a one-in-a-lifetime thing to ride on a centaur! Say yes!" I whisper in his ear. He just nods. Chiron bows a little down so Caleb can get up. I fly beside them.

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