Chapter 27 - We Get A Bad Surprise

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Thalia comes back after a couple of minutes, with Sasha, Nate, Caleb and Annabeth. Annabeth is walking with a laptop in her hands. “How much can you eat?” I ask them. “I’m pretty hungry.” Caleb says. Sasha and Nate nod. Annabeth just keeps looking at the computer screen. “Great!” I say and place some more meat on the pan. Then I make my hand glow white of heat and place the pan on it.

“How much do you want it to have?” I ask. Sasha and Nate stare at my hand. “Medium, thanks.” Caleb says. I smile and concentrate the heat on Caleb’s beefs. I feel the heat in it. After a couple of seconds I remove the pan from my palm and lay the beef on Caleb’s plate. “Now I better understand why your dad called you at the BBQ, the night I was at your house.” He grins.

I smile and turn to Sasha and Nate. “How much would you want yours to have?” Sasha blinks. “I don’t know. Im not sure what it means?” She says. Nate shakes his head. “You never ordered a beef before?” Percy says with his mouth full of meat. Sasha shakes her head. “We’ve never had meat like that before.” Percy’s eyes widens with sympathy.

I hurry to say something before he can come with any more comments. “I’ll just make a beef to you. Then you can taste how you want it next time!” I say. I place the pan on my palm again and concentrate the heat, so the two beefs on the pan gets well-done in one end, and a little red in the other. I lay the beefs on their plates. “Here you go! Hope you like it.” I smile and make the last meat for myself.

We eat the rest of the meal in silence. Sasha and Nate eat and eat. When everyone is finished, we have about ten minutes before we are going to meet with Plutarch. Everyone packs their weapons and hides their amour under their clothes. Sasha and Nate are nervous. I can’t blame them. We are going to their home, where they haven’t been since they got taken away from their parents.

When everyone is ready, I take Sasha’s hands in mine. “Okay, Sasha and Nate,” I say. “I’ll make a portal now. You’ll be the first ones to step through, together. The only thing you need to do is thinking of how it looks like in there. For example, think of your room. Or the living room. It doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that you’ll have to think of the same. Can you do that?” I ask them.

They look at each other, then they nod. “Great. I’ll make the portal now. Everyone must hurry through, it takes a lot of energy to hold it open.” Everyone nods. I turn around to face the wall behind me. I place my hand on it and start the spell. When I let my hand fall again, there’s a glowing spot on the wall, the size of a door.

“Sasha and Nate, now it’s your turn.” I say, stepping away from the glowing door. They step closer and look at each other, nod, then walk through. I make a gesture for the others to follow me as I walk through it too.

The golden hurricane from the portal whirls around me and tangles my hair. When I’m finally through, I stand in a small living room. Before me, Sasha and Nate look around in their old house with big eyes. “It looks just like when we left.” Sasha mumbles quietly. Nate nods.

I look around in the room. There is a carpet on the floor, a sofa and a television stands over in the corner. All the furniture is black. There’s two doors in the room, one of them I suppose leads in to a bathroom. A tear rolls down Sasha’s cheek. “Just like we left it…” She says again. I place my hand on her little shoulder. “It’s alright. It’s alright.” I tell her.

She turns around and hides her face in my jacket. I lay my arm protecting around her. I can feel her small shoulders shake of crying. The portal behind me opens again and spits someone else out. I look over my shoulder to see Clary with her red hair tangled into a huge mess on her head. My hair surely doesn’t look any better.

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