Running for my life

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I hit it with my sword and instantly regretted it because the thing just got angrier.

"Please don't hurt me!" I said

Apparently the monster doesn't like pleading because it tried to pounce on me. Instantly I dodged and started to run before the thing could even touch me. After running for a couple seconds I turn around to see if the thing is chasing me and to my not so much surprise the monster, or monsters at this point, were chasing me. There were like 20 of them at this point. On the verge of freaking out, I start to run even faster but even with me being a really really fast runner the monsters are still gaining on me.

What the heck am I going to.... BAM!!! A creeper blew up right next to me before I could finish the thought. The blast knocked me off my feet and into the air. I was weightless for what felt like seconds and then SMACK!!!! All the air in my body had left me and I sat there gasping for breath. To add onto that everything seemed to spinning. Then blackness.


I hope you guys like part 2 of my story. I am not that great of a writer but hopefully writing stories on wattpad will help improve my writing.

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