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     When I wake up again I can hear the sound of rain as it pounds the window behind me. I open eyes and notice that the pretty girl is sitting on a chair next to the bed, watching me. She looks really upset but as soon as she notices my eyes open she troughs her arms around me and gives me a huge hug. 

     "I am so sorry, I forgot that when a normal person drinks a potion of healing for the first time it knocks them out.", she says as she releases me from her hug.  

     "It's ok, I am fine and at least my leg is better.", I say.

     My mind begins to buzz again with questions and before I have time to realize it I am already asking them.

    "How did you find me, where am I, why did you save me, and how?" I ask all at once.

     "Hold your horses I will answer them in do time but first how about I make dinner and you freshen up, ok?", she says in a persuasive tone.

     "ok fine." I say in a reluctant tone of voice.

     Suddenly another really important question comes to mind.

    "What is your name?" I ask.

     "Its Haley.", she responds, "What's yours she asks?"

     "Jaden.", I respond and with that she gets up and walks out of the room to make dinner.

     I carefully get up and put weight on my leg. Thankfully it doesn't give out this time. I walk over to the window wall to see outside. There was a raging thunder storm going on outside. When I was finished looking outside the window I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. After my shower I changed into the clothes Haley laid out. "Wait a second how did my clothes get in the game,"? I thought, "I guess I'll have to ask her that too,". I then pick my phone up and check it. I press the one button on the phone and the screen lights up. The time says it is 9:22pm and that I have a full battery. I slide the slider to unlock the phone and am surprised to see that my phone still works but not so much that it can't find service. 

     I screw around with my phone a bit a more until I start to smell food cooking. My stomach as if on command rumbles. So I put my phone done and walk out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen. As I approach the kitchen the smell of food gets stronger and stronger and I get hungrier and hungrier with each step. When I finally do enter the kitchen I am greeted by Haley and Lucy in cooking aprons making what looks like a feast of food.

     "Is the food almost ready?," I ask, "I am starving."

     "Yea almost." Haley Replied.

     "Great, so is there anything I can help with?" I ask.

     "Well you can set the table if you want,". Haley replies.

     "Ok sure thing.", I respond.

     So Haley hands me the silverware and plates, and I set the table. Right when I get done setting the table Haley and Lucy come in with tons of food. 

     "Dig in.", Haley said.

     I lost track of what I was eating after my first serving, the food was just so good (even though it was inside a computer game). After dinner I couldn't bare to wait any longer to ask my questions and they all just came out.

     "How and why did you save me?" "How did you find me?" "What were those cat like things?" "How did they not kill me?" "How long have I been knocked out?" I ask.

     "Well I carried you back on my horse, you looked like you needed help and I didn't want you to die. I was walking back home from hunting when I heard the creeper blow up, so I ran over to see what happened and I found you. Those cat things are called Zetherions. They stopped chasing you when the creeper blew up. Lastly you were out for two days the first time and 10hrs the second time." She answers.

     "Oh, well thank you so much for saving me.", I respond

     "No problem" Haley answers.

      "I can't image what I would have done it wasn't for her?", I think to myself.

     I really think I may be starting to like like this Haley girl.


Hope you guys enjoy the story so far. :)

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