The hunt for my friends.

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After Haley agreed to us looking for Dj and Ben we got right down to business. I ran up to my room grabbed my phone, a quiver, two stacks of arrows, and some iron armor. I then ran back downstairs and grabbed a water bottle. Haley walked in the room wearing diamond armor. There was a holstered sword on her back and a number of throwing knife holsters with knives in them strapped all over her. Her armor was light pink and had flowers with pink flames coming off of them painted all over it. It actually looked pretty cool.

"So I am guessing when someone is inside the game they can paint armor?", I ask.

"yep!", Haley responds.

"That's cool!", I say as I admire her armor. She looks really pretty in it. I am trying to decide whether or not I want to tell her she looks pretty in it or not but Lucy walks in before I can decide. Lucy was wearing diamond armor that was painted red. Her helmet was red too but it had snake eyes painted on either side of it. She also had a double bladed diamond sword strapped on her back.

"You guys all ready to go?", Lucy asks.

"Heck yeah!", Haley and I both respond in unison.

I check my phones clock right when we leave and it said it was 12:00pm. "We still have a while till sunset.", I think to myself. We start the hunt for my friends by heading North for about two hours, then South for about another hour until we finally stop for a break. I am starting to doubt that my friends came into the game with me or that they are even still alive. I begin to panic and I guess I have a worried look on my face because Haley walks over to me and places her hand my shoulder.

"Don't worry Jaden we'll find your friends, we just have to keep looking.", she says in a soothing voice.

"Thank you for reassuring me.", I say. Haley hands me a sandwich saying that I should eat a little bit before continuing. So the three of us ate lunch together.

When we finish lunch we continue on our journey until we reach a jungle biome and it starts to get dark. Haley then says we should set up camp for the night. To bad we never get to set up camp though because at that exact moment a spear comes flying out of the foliage to the right of Haley and lodges itself deep into the ground two inches in front of Haley. She screams and falls backwards onto the ground. I instantly notch an arrow and shoot the arrow in the direction where the spear came from. Seconds later there is a loud squeal followed by a thud. Lucy runs over to where the squeal came from while I run to Haley to see if she is ok.

"You okay?", I ask Haley as I reach a hand out to help her up.

"Yeah I am fine.", Haley says as I help her up. When she gets to her feet she looks me straight in the eye and it seems like she is about to kiss me. A loud shriek comes from Lucy's direction and puts an end to Haley and I's moment. Haley draws a knife from one of the holsters and I notch an arrow as we charge towards Lucy. We come crashing through the foliage and into a small clearing that is filled with angry looking Pigmen.

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