New Armor

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I have been here eleven days now and I am really enjoying myself. I mean I have gotten to fight monsters, no school to stress about (even though I am on summer break), my friends are with me, and I got an awesome girlfriend. Right now I am playing a card game, that I barely get, with Dj when my stomach rumbles, so I get up and take a break from the card game.

"Come on we are in the middle of the game!", Dj complains.

"Yeah but I freaking don't get this game and I am starving!", I reply.

"Whatever", Dj replies annoyed, "Ben, how about you play?"

"No I don't...", I am already walking out of the room before I hear the rest. The girls are out riding their horses right now so it's just me and the guys here.

Haley showed me the horses earlier and their names are Hazel and Sunspot, they are both girls. Hazel is black and SunSpot is a light brown horse with a white spot on here back. I don't know how to ride a horse so I won't be riding one anytime soon.

The flowers I gave Haley are sitting happily in a vase, on the table when I take a step into the kitchen and towards the fridge. Trying to think of what to eat, bacon pancakes pop into my head. They sound really good, so I get the stuff out that I need to make them. I start to hum a song about bacon pancake as I cook.

A glorious smell fills the kitchen, so good in fact that it brings the rest of the guys into the kitchen.

"What is that awesome smell?", Dj asks.

"It-is-bacon-pancakes!", I shout happily. Everyone is over-joyed with my answer.

Not too long after that, we are all happily sitting down eating breakfast. With fork in hand, I reach for the last pancake but my path is blocked when another fork stabs itself into the table in front of my hand. I look up to see the evil fork stabber himself, Dj. A crack lighting sounds when I see him. No really there was a crack of lighting. It is has been a rainy day so far. The reason why the girls chose today to ride their horses', I have no idea. Ahh I am getting off topic! Okay back to Dj.

I pull my hand back real fast and give him a look of what-the-heck!

"My pancakes!", He defiantly points out.

"If they are anyone's pancakes, they should be mine! I am the one who keeps having knives thrown at him by Jadens' psycho girlfriend!", Ben joins in.

"No." Dylan, Dj, and I say at once.

"Ben my psycho girlfriend has nothing to do with this!", I point out. We all break out into an argument, while the poor pancake sits alone on its plate.

"How about we sword fight for it!", I suggest. I suggested this because I know I can win. My plan is shot down though when Dylan points something out.

"Jaden you have already had six and we each have only had three, so quit being such a carnivore and let us have some!"

"Ughh fine", I reluctantly agree.

"Okay now that Jaden is out, what should we do to figure this out?", Ben chimes in happily.

"Whoa wait, you guys...."

"Jaden shut up!", They say in unison. I just get up and walk to the window.

It is raining really hard now. "I wonder what the girls are up to?" I think. My thoughts wonder for awhile after that. When I break from my thoughts I see that the others are in the living room now. They are having some kind card tournament for the pancake. A sneaky thought plants itself into my mind.

Sneaking back to the table, I take the pancake and my fork. "My pancake", I say in a childish/pleased tone. I then start to sneak up to my bedroom. When I am one footstep from the steps I hit a squeaky board. The others turn and I bolt up the stairs with the others in hot pursuit. I charge into my room and slam/lock the door behind me.

"Haha they are mine now!", I say childishly. Banging and yelling are coming from behind my door. I just sit on my bed, put my headphones in, and begin to eat my pancake. The flower the golem gave me is in a vase next to my bed. Sad thoughts come over me for a couple seconds but I push them to the back of my mind.


My pancake is in my belly now so I cautiously unlock and open my door. To my surprises my friends aren't at my door anymore. Like a ninja, I sneak out of room and down to the first floor. They are nowhere in sight. "Hmm where are they?" I think. My question gets answered sooner than I think it will, when someone tackles me. There is a thud when me and Dj hit the floor.

"You ate our pancake!", Dj complains.

"Yes I did and it was very good!", I respond. A knock on the door breaks us from our argument. Dj lets me go and answers it. I look over to the door and see that it is Gizmo just as Dj lets him in.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that you guys's armor is ready", Gizmo tells us. Now I forgot to mention this but the day that we were waiting to take Haley home, Gizmo saw how badly torn up our armor was, so he took measurements of us (including the knocked out Haley) for our armor sizes. He said we are going to love it and that when he finished it he would tell us.

"Yay, I can't wait to see it!", I excitedly point out.

"Me too but the girls aren't back yet," Dj points out.

"Oh yeah", I say sadly.

"If guys want you can just take the girls' armor back home when you finish up at the village. Then show it to them there", suggests Gizmo "Or they can come here on their own."

"Uhmmm, okay!", I decide after a moment of thought, "You guys agree?"

"Yeah" they reply one by one.

"Okay cool but can I get my jacket first?" I ask Gizmo and he gives me nod. I can hear the others start a conversation with him as I excitedly run to my room.

When I enter my room, I go straight for my clothes chest and find my camouflage rain coat. "Wow, last time I wore this was a couple weeks ago when I was paint balling with Dj" I think to myself, "That was back in the real world. Now I am here in Minecraft." Shaking my head clear of the thoughts of my family that were about to enter my mind, I begin to look over my coat. What surprises me is that the paint stains are gone.

"Hurry up Jaden!", I hear Dj yell.

"Coming!", I shout back. I put my jacket on as I run out of my room.


Rain drops fall onto my watch as I check it for the time. The watch says it is 11:49am. I am so happy that I found my watch in my clothes chest yesterday evening. It is a metallic dark grey. The only numbers it has are 12, 6, and 9. The 3 is a logo instead of a number. It has two lines after each number, which can make it a little confusing at times to read. The minute and the hour hand are white. Whereas the second hand has a blue shaft that ends in a white triangle. My uncle gave this watch to me and it means a lot to me because it is my first watch that isn't from a cereal box.

We are just now entering the village when I finish wiping the rain off my watch. The villagers are hard at work rebuilding it. They have done a good job so far because in the three days we haven't been here almost all the rubble from the destroyed huts is gone and is being replaced by new ones.

"You guys have done a very nice job rebuilding", I point out to Gizmo.

"Thanks, we villagers are hard workers and a lot smarter than we appear to be when playing the game", Gizmo explains. That sentence kind of lingers with me and makes me want to ask a question but I am stopped when we get to a stone brick and cobble building I have never seen before.

"What building is this?", Dj asks.

"This is the new forge. My house used to be our forge but we decided to build a new one. This building still isn't finished but we can make stuff" Gizmo explains. He leads us inside and it is really hot. I begin to take in the view of the inside of the building.

The building is 32x32. On one side of it there is a wall of black furnaces with anvils in front. On the other side there are some ordinary crafting benches and also some I have never seen before. Blacksmiths are running around here and there. Some are working at the benches and others are pounding away at hot cubes of molten iron. Then I notice that the others have gotten ahead of me so I quicken my pace.

When we get to the back wall Gizmo leads us through a double iron door and into a back room. Hanging on armor racks is our new armor, which freaking looks awesome. The armor looks like it is two armors in one. What looks like chain mail is behind plates of diamond. The armor is less square than ordinary Minecraft armor and it looks like it would mold better to our human bodies.

I can tell which armor is mine by the sign with my name on it. I walk over to it and begin to examine it. The chest plate is slim and has padded shoulder armor on it. Around the stomach the diamond plate armor breaks into segments for more flexibility. There is a nice shine to the armor as well. Shrugging my jacket off, I take the chest plate off the stand and slip it on. Man is this lite, even liter than ordinary diamond armor. It is also very comfortable and flexible.

The helmet also molds to my head more. It is a full head helmet, so it goes over my face. Once I have it on I realize that my vision isn't obscured like it would be with most helmets. I have also slipped the leggings on now and they too are flexible. Diamond plates run all the way down my legs with a blueish chain mail behind it.

"I have heard that you are a fast runner so I made the leggings extra flexible", Gizmo points out.

"Thanks!" Once I finish admiring my armor I take a look at the others. All of our armor looks the same but it is different sizes. Djs' is a lot lager than mine. Bens' is almost as slim as mine but is still larger. That goes for Dylan too. I look at Haley's and Lucy's. Lucy's is small and slim just like her. As well as Haley's. The only difference between their armor and ours is the breast plates. Then I notice something. There is a seventh armor that is made for a female and it has no name.

"Hey whose armor is this?", I ask.

"Oh that's for your friend who shot down the arrow Herobrine tried to kill Haley with", Gizmo says nonchalantly. We all have our helmets off now and we all get the same confused face.

"Gizmo I thought you shot that arrow!", I admit. He gives me a look before saying,

"Me! Oh no no no, I am terrible at archery!" After he says that we all just stand there stunned.

"Gizmo have you met her?", I ask after a second.

"Yes I have, she is very nice and she claims she knows you guys", Gizmo tells us.

"Have you gotten her name?", Ben asks.

"No I haven't sorry."

"That's fine", I tell Gizmo. I look at the armor again and notice the shield/weapons on the wall behind it. Then I look behind all the armors and see more weapons and shields. Behind the mystery armor is a crossbow and a wide verity of different sized and colored crossbow bolts. The crossbow itself has two places to fire bolts. I want to pick it up and examine it but I decide its best if the person whose going to own it shoots it first. To get my mind off of wanting to shoot the girls crossbow I go back to where my armor is.

The weapons behind my armor are a new bow, a shield, and a lot of arrows. My new bow is a mixture of diamond and iron. I take my bow down from its hook and notice that the edges of the bow seem to be very sharp. Lastly the new arrows are a wide assortment of sizes and colors.

"I want to take a moment to talk about you guys's armor. It is made out of a diamond and iron alloy that is super strong. Stronger than diamond armor. Your armor was also hand forged and made," Gizmo informs us, "As you can see we have also made you guys some new weapons and some shields."

I look at others new weapons. Dylan has some new tomahawks that look like they could do some real damage. Ben got some miniature throwing scythes. Dj got what looked like some new bullet types. Haley got some ninja star looking things and some enchanted diamond throwing knives. Lucy got gloves with what looks like really sharp claws on them.

"Thank you so much Gizmo!", Dylan says happily as he examines his new tomahawks.

"It was the least I could for the heroes that saved our village" Gizmo happily replies.

"Guys we should sooo enchant this stuff when we get home", Ben points out.

"Yeah but we don't have an enchantment table", Dylan informs Ben.

"Oh yeah", Ben replies sadly.

"Wait, you guys can get one from the enchantment shop down the road" Gizmo informs us.

"You guys have an enchantment shop?", I ask confused.

"That's what I said isn't it."

"Yeah but I am just shocked."

"Follow me.", Gizmo says.

He leads us outside where it is still raining and down the road to a building with a giant enchantment table built on top. We walk inside and a little bell rings as the door opens. There are bookcases with enchanted books in them everywhere. I walk up and read one of the books titles. Inferno II Smite V. "What the heck is Inferno?" I ask under my breath.

"It is the next level up from Fire Aspect. Inferno causes the users weapon to catch fire which in turn causes more damage to the enemy but it is not limited to setting living things on fire. It can light blocks on fire and cut through almost anything", A raspy voice replies. I spin on my heel to see who was talking. An old villager with a wrinkly face greets my eyes.

"Oh, that's cool. How much for the book?", I ask.

"It's 50 emeralds!", The villager replies.

"Oh, uhhh I don't have any emeralds, so never mind."

"Then why are you here?" The villager asks annoyed.


"He is with me", Gizmo speaks up.

"Oh Gizmo what a nice surprise. I haven't seen you in ages!"

"No time to chat Henry. We need an enchantment table."

"Sorry but we are all out of....."

"What are you telling me that...."

"We are all out of ordinary enchantment tables. If you would have let me finish you wouldn't have gotten mad" Henry cuts in. "We have some more exotic ones in the back."

"What do you mean by exotic?", Dylan asks.

"Well come and see", Henry replies. He leads us into a hallway with some weird looking enchantment tables in it. Behind each table were bookcases. One of tables was green and had multiple books floating around it. Another was light blue with what looked like green crystals floating on the corners. We keep walking down the hallway until we reach an enchantment that is white with gold on the edges. A golden book is floating on top of it.

"This here is an advanced enchantment table. It allows you to get enchantments on items that shouldn't have that enchantment and it gives you higher level enchantments. The thing even allows you to upgrade enchantments but that is very hard to do. It might even give you new enchantments. Henry pauses for a second than says, "You boy, how about you test it out?"

"Me?", I ask. He gives me a nod and I step up to the table and repeat the process I used when I enchanted my sword. My new bow is on the table and I have just now chosen a page. I tap the page and the same thing happens. The memories of me killing mobs flash before my eyes and then they just stop.

My hands are gripped really hard on the sides of the table and I am trying not to vomit. Once I have myself under control I look at my bow and five enchantments are on it. Power V, Sharpness I, Knockback IV, Scatter Shot III, and Quick Shot II. "Wow this thing can kick butt!", I think to myself.

"What did you get?", asks DJ. I tell everyone my enchantments and they are impressed.

"Me next!", Dylan speaks up when I finish.

"How about we buy the thing first?", Gizmo suggests.

"Fine", Dylan says flatly.


It Is about 5:30pm now and we are chilling in the new house with Gizmo, who wanted to stay so he could show the girls their new armor. We have managed to finish the thing, even though it is raining. The house is now five floors tall including the basement. We have two floors of bedrooms just in case we meet more people who need a home.

Everyone (excluding me) is upstairs enchanting things but Ben, who is helping me cook. The enchantment table ended up costing 80 emeralds. Luckily though Gizmo was able to talk down the price and he ended up paying 60 emeralds. Oh and as for the mystery girl we haven't seen her.

"Sooo Jaden, do you think I am going to meet a girl in this game like you and Dj did?", Ben asks me. I have my back to him and I think for a second.

"I don't know Ben, sorry", I say after a moment.

"Neither do I but I sure hope I do", Ben replies in a hopeful tone, "I mean you and Haley just look so happy together. Same with Dj and Lucy. I feel like having a girlfriend would make this whole being in Minecraft thing more fun", Ben says after a moment.

I turn around and face him "Ben the more I think about it, the more I think you will get a girlfriend too, don't worry", I admit. He smiles at me and seems like he is about to say something but he is interrupted when the front door opens. A soaking wet Haley and Lucy come walking in the kitchen.

"Hey hun", I say to a shivering Haley as she walks up to me and hugs me. She then lays her head on my shoulder.

"So cold", is all she says.

"Sorry about that", I say as I wrap my arms around her to warm her up. She is slowly getting my hoodie wet but I don't mind.

"How was the ride?", Ben asks curiously.

"It was great!", Haley speaks up, "minus the rain though."

"That's good", Ben says.

"Jaden what are you wearing under this hoodie?" Haley asks.

"Oh yeah that's my new armor. I must have forgotten to take it off when I changed my clothes. Want to see it?"

"Let me shower first, okay?"

"Okay. Oh yeah and just so you now Gizmo is here."


"To show you your armor."

"Oh alright. I am going to go shower now." She gives me a quick kiss on the lips and then walks off.

Right as she is about to go upstairs I jokingly yell, "Hey, if you need any help in the shower just ask me." She just shakes her head and smiles.

I turn to say something to Ben and it appears he has vanished, along with Lucy. "Oh well", I think.


30minutes later I have just finished dinner when Haley comes back into the kitchen. She has her helmet in one hand her sword in the other. The new armor looks amazing on her by the way.

"What's up?", I ask.

"It's time we go to The End.", Is all she says.


Wow 1051 reads that's amazing.thank you so much everyone for reading my story. You guys are so awesome. Hope you guys liked this new part and plz vote/comment. C, ya.

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