Considered a Date.

839 18 9

When I wake up it is very near sun set and Haley is still asleep in my arms. I gently shake her to wake her up. "Looks like someone finally got tired." I say to her as she wakes up.

"Yeah training you is what wore me out," she replies happily, "and anyway you make a really good pillow."

"Thanks, I get that a lot.", I state.

"Oh you do don't you. That means you have let other girls sleep on you.", She says in a matter of fact tone.

"Well I am just providing a shoulder to rest upon.", I say back jokingly.

"That's very gentleman like of you.", she says. I notice that she hasn't made any attempt to move and that I still have my arms around her. We go quite for a little awhile. I sit here enjoying the moment when a thought comes to mind.

"Haley, how long have you been inside minecraft?" I ask.

"Three and a half months to the day.", She says back to me.

"Oh wow three months, that is kind of a long time!.", I say in a shocked tone of voice.

"Yea, but it has been fun, with a little ups and downs along the way though.", She replies, "How is your time going so far?"

"Pretty great, I mean I met you didn't I?" I say back to her. She blushes and giggles a little bit when I say this.

"Aww thank you and things started to become great when I met you too.", She says back in a very pleased tone.

"Thank you.", I reply. She stays sitting in my lap while we sit and chat a little while longer before she finally gets up. "Aww don't get up.", I complain.

"Sorry, I was comfortable too but we have to get going. It will be getting dark soon and we still have to walk back. Anyway we will be coming back tomorrow so you can teach me how to use a bow", She tells me.

"Okay sounds great.", I say to her. I stand up and start to stretch. Haley picks the blanket up and puts it in the basket, as she does this I notice that she has a bandage around were the fairy cut her. "Does it hurt?" I ask.

"The cut? Yeah it does a little bit.", she says to me.

"Well do you want me to kiss it and make it better?" I ask playfully.

"Sure.", she says. She holds her hand up and I am surprised that she actually took my offer. I take her hand in mine and kiss it. She smiles at me and keeps her hand in mine.

"You aren't letting go are you?", I ask her.

"Nope.", is all she says to me. I pick up the basket In my other hand as we walk hand in hand out of the clearing and through the cave. Once outside of the cave I notice that the sun has already begun to set. I am a little worried that we will not be home before the sun sets. To keep my mind off it I bring up a subject that had come to mind earlier.

"Haley we are going to need to build a new house. There isn't enough room for us all.", I say to her.

"Yea I know that, we will have to get started on that tomorrow. Are you any good at building?", she asks.

"Heck yea I am!", I exclaim.

"Good, Lucy and I have enough resources to build a new house.", she says to me. The walk back to the house seems to be taking a lot longer than it did to get there. Half the sun has already disappeared behind the horizon. Haley tightens her grip on my hand a bit.

"You okay?", I ask her.

"Yeah just a bit nervous. It is getting darker a lot faster than I thought it would.", She say to me.

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