Chapter 7. The End

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"Raining again, ughhh", I think to myself as I wake up and look out my window. "I wonder if dirt blocks get muddy", my mind asks. I then make my mind pay attention to what's going on around me.

Haley is still fast asleep next to me. She looks really cute when she is asleep. I decide to let her sleep and get up. I head to bathroom and then downstairs to see who's up. Ben and Crystal's doors are open, so they most have already left. When I get downstairs Dj and Lucy are cuddling on the couch. Dylan wasn't in his room and isn't downstairs.

"Where's Dylan?", I ask, "Oh and get a room you two."

"He's in the basement and you are one to talk, Mr. I-Kiss-My-Girlfriend-Every-Ten-Seconds", Dj replies.

"Okay and shut up!" I walk to the kitchen and make myself a quick bowl of cereal. When I finish eating I head to the basement to see what's Dylan up to. He is in the middle of painting his armor on a table when I get downstairs.

"That looks cool",

"Thanks," he says without looking away from painting.

"Do you mind if I paint my armor too?"

"No, not at all."

"Cool." I mentally reach into my inventory, take out my armor and place it on the table next to Dylan's. He hands me a brush and some paint. The colors I choose are grey, black, and red.

I finish up painting all the diamond plates candy apple red and decide that is all I am going to paint today, so I just leave my armor out to dry. Dylan on other hand is still hard at work painting. So far his helmet and chest plate are all black with a series of green line patterns all over it. As for the leggings and boots, they are just black.

"I am going to head back up stairs, k?", I ask.

"Mhhmm", is all that he says.

"And you should really stop and let the armor dry because we will be leaving soon," I add in.

"Yeah you have a point." He puts his brush down and stands up. He is wearing a long sleeved button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a bow tie, a pair of suspenders, a pair of glasses, and black pants. His outfit kind of makes him look like the doctor.

"Do you like Doctor Who?", I ask.

"Heck yeah I do!" That right there was the beginning of a half an hour Doctor Who conversation.

Our conversation was interrupted by Haley coming down. The clothes she has on are a pair of jean short shorts and a green tank top with an unzipped light grey hoodie on over it. I notice her finger nails and toe nails are all painted light blue. She also is wearing her hair down today.

"Good morning guys", she greats.

"Good morning", Dylan replies.

"Good morning babe", I say as I hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Did I hear you guys talking about Doctor Who?", she asks curiously.

"You sure did", Answers Dylan happily.

"I love that show!", she says excitedly. Again we had another long conversation about Doctor Who.

After this conversation we head upstairs to join the others. Lucy is in the kitchen cooking something and Dj appears to be fiddling with something on the coffee table in the living room. Haley heads off to talk to Lucy and I go over to Dj.

"What are you doing?", I ask him.

"Just working on Lucy's cat claws. I want to add wrist gauntlets that have blades in them."

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