The Pigmen Village.

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The sun had just began to rise as we walked out the door of Ben's house. I turn around to see what the house looks like and to my not so much surprise it was a tower. I could tell it would be a tower by how many flights of stairs there were inside of it. The tower was a built on a hill in the middle of a huge jungle biome. It was pretty wide too, maybe about 32 blocks. After looking at the house for a couple seconds I turn back around and run to catch up with Haley and Ben, who had gotten a few blocks ahead of me. When I catch back up to them I hear Ben telling Haley the plan for how we were going to save Lucy.

"When we get to the village Jaden will climb a tree and lay down cover fire with his bow. I will run in and distract them while you sneak in and find Lucy. There is a fort looking building at the center of the village, I think Lucy might be in there. Once you have found Lucy just throw this in the air.", Ben hands Haley an item that looks a lot like glow stone but is has blue and red spots all over it. Ben sits quietly for a second before asking, "Are you guys clear on the plan?"

"Yeah I am.", Haley responds.

"I am too.", I reply.

"Okay good because we are almost there.", Ben says.

A question that I forgot to ask Ben crosses my mind. "Ben how did you get Haley and I back to your house?"

"Oh, I carried you guys back", Ben says in nonchalant tone. Haley and both look at each other both knowing that Ben isn't strong enough to carry us both all the way back to his house.

I then ask the question both Haley and I were thinking, "How?"

"With a potion of strength duh, it was my last one too.", Ben says in a we-should-have-known-this type of voice.

"Oh, why didn't I think of that?", I question myself.

"Because you are stupid." Ben answers in a joking tone, Haley giggles a bit at this. I am about to say something back when Ben puts up his hand to shush me. "We are very close now, so Jaden climb that tree over there and get ready to start shooting."

"Okay.", I respond. I wish Haley and Ben both good luck. When I am about to start climbing the tree Haley puts her hand on my shoulder, gives me a serious look, and tells me that if I see any pigmen sneaking up on her, kill them. She smiles at me and then leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek. A tingly feeling rushes through me.

"Good luck.", she says. Haley grabs Ben by the hand and runs off. I sit there for second recounting what just happened before I remember I have a job to do. I turn around and start to climb the vines on the tree. The sun has begun to shine over the horizon when I reach a branch near the top that looks like it could hold my weight. I crawl unto the branch slowly and get myself positioned. When I get myself situated I take a look around the forest below me and I notice Ben walking into the village. The village is not to far from where I am and is pretty large. It has a road running right up the center towards the bunker. I notch an arrow and watch as he takes something out of his pocket and throws it at a nearby hut. The hut instantly explodes into a fireball. I hear the explosion seconds after it happens. Pigmen in golden armor came swarming towards Ben. They had helmets on that covered their faces and some of their helmets had horns on them.

Ben reaches in his pocket and pulls out two pick axe sized scythes. He throws one of them at a pigmen and starts hacking through the rest of them with the other one. I see a pigman coming from behind him and let my arrow fly. I notch another as I watch the arrow sink into the pigman and kill it. I let my other arrow fly at a pigman that Ben didn't seem to notice.

I look around to see if Haley has gotten in and see her hiding behind the wall surrounding the stone brick, bunker looking building, in the middle of the village. She looks like she is trying to figure out how to get the two pigmen that were guarding the thing to move. To help her out I notch two arrows, line up the shot, and let the two arrows go. The arrows fly through the sky and right into the heads of the two guards at the same time. I look over to Haley as the two Pigmen fall dead. Haley looks in my direction and blows a kiss then disappears into the bunker thing.

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