The girl

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I wake up to find myself lying on a bed in a small room. I begin to look around the and notice that the wall behind me is made completely of glass. Their was a double chest sitting to the left of me with a picture of a creeper above it. On a table to the right of me was pile of clothes with my phone next to it, I had my phone in my pocket when I got sucked in. I get up out of bed and almost pass out from the pain. My left leg gives way and I fall onto the ground with a loud thud. I instantly hear footsteps come rushing towards the door.

A beautiful girl about 14 or 15, with a worried look on her face, comes rushing through the door and into the room.

"Are you okay?", she asks

My mouth doesn't seem to want to work, wether from pain or the girls beauty I don't know. She has black hair that fell just below her neck, perfectly blue eyes, and a beautiful face. She was wearing a pair of small hoop earrings in her ears, there was a long skinny scar that ran across her cheek. She also seemed to be exactly my height if not a bit shorter. The pain in my leg also seems to have gone away. The girl seems to notice my checking her out because she started to blush a bit.

"Take a picture it will last longer and answer my question!", She said playfully.

My mouth suddenly began to work again.

"Yea I am fine", I said, "well except for my leg" I add in as the pain starts to return.

"Yea I had just left to make a potion of healing when you woke up.", she said.

"Is it ready yet?", I asked hopefully

"No sorry, but it will be soon I promise. In the mean time though have this!", she hands me a bowl of what I thought was mushroom soup but while drinking it I figure out it's actually chicken soup. It is so good that I gulp it all down in seconds. Instantly I remember there is a hot girl in the room and I start to blush a bit embarrassed by my eating like a pig. Luckily she doesn't seem to mind because she starts laughing and I join in with her. Oh yea p.s. even her laugh is cute.

After a couple of seconds of us both laughing we seem to realize at the same time that I am still laying on the ground, so she helps me back up into the bed. After she helps me into the bed a thought suddenly flies into my mind, "How did I get here and how am I still alive." The creeper blast should have killed me and not to mention the monsters. I was about to ask the question but there suddenly was a knock on the door. A short girl that looked about 14 was at the door holding a potion.

"The potion is ready.", said the shorter girl.

"Thanks Lucy." the pretty girl replied.

The pretty girl takes the potion from Lucy and hands it to me.

"Here drink up it will help your leg heal"

I take the potion from the girl and drink it. I always thought potions of healing would taste like cough medicine but it ended up tasting like cherries. The pain in my leg seems to die down instantly. Then everything goes black.

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