Chapter 2. Weapon of choice.

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Haley,Lucy, and I joked and talked about stuff for a couple of hours before Haley finally said it was time we all get some sleep.

"Jaden let me show you to your new room" Haley says as she gets up to go to bed.

"Ok sure." I respond.

She leads me out of the living room and upstairs, until we reached a stairwell that had a door at the top of it.

"I suppose my room will be in the attic?", I ask.

"Yeah sorry, I mean if you want to stay in the room that you are in now thats fine.",Haley says apologetically.

"Oh no that's fine, I have always wanted to have a room in the attic.",I respond.

She leads me up the stairs and into my new room. The room was pretty spacious and it had its own bathroom. There was a double bed on the far wall of the room with a window right behind. Chests were on either side of the bed. On the wall directly opposite to the bed were more chests, a couple crafting benches, and some empty weapon and armor racks. Haley notices me staring at the armor racks says that I will be able to pick which weapon I would like to use in the morning. After that we say our goodnights. When she was about to leave the room I remembered a question I wanted to ask, how did she get ahold of my clothes? She told me that whenever someone gets sucked into the game a chest of their clothes appear in the game. Then she said goodnight again and left me alone in the room.

As I lay in my bed I think over all the events that have happened to me and how I am I actually inside my favorite game Minecraft. I also think about how my mom and sister might feel now that I have vanished. Then another grave thought slips into mind,where are Dj and Ben and are they still alive? I have completely forgotten about them and I feel terrible about it.

"I will have to go looking for them tomorrow!",I think to myself. I then start to fall into deep dreamless sleep.

I am awoken by Lucy standing next to my bed saying that breakfast is ready and to be down in five minutes. So I get up, get dressed, and head downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning", I say to Lucy as I put some bacon and eggs on my plate.

"Good morning.",she responds.

"Where's Haley?" I ask out of curiosity and because I want to see her beautiful face.

"She's outside tending to the horses." Lucy responds.

"I have another question, how did you and Haley get trapped in the game?" I ask.

"Well we were playing Minecraft when we stumbled upon a jungle temple that had a weird portal in it. We thought it might be a hidden feature in the latest update, so we decided to go into it. Then we blacked out and woke up here inside the game." Explains Lucy.

"Oh, well my two friends and I were playing durning a storm when there was a flash of lighting. Then I woke up alone in a forest. I haven't seen my friends since I got here either so we have to look for them today.", I explain.

"Ok we will but first you need to pick a weapon" says Lucy.

After we finish breakfast Haley walks in looking gorgeous. She is wearing a red skirt that stops just above her knees, a white shirt, a pair of light blue sneakers, and her hair is up in a high ponytail. She says good morning to me and asks if I am ready to choose my weapon.

"Yeah!", I respond. She leads me to a large shed in the backyard of the house. We walk into it and I see lots of weapons hanging on the racks and inside chests. There are bows, swords, knives, battle axes, tomahawks, throwing knives, spears, crossbows, and tons of other weapons.

"This is our armory, as you can see we have a lot of weapons in here. Pick whichever one you want.", Haley says as she watches the look of awe on my face. "Close your mouth too you will catch flys.", she adds in playfully.

"Why do two girls have so many weapons?",I ask.

"Well you never know what you will come across so it's best we are prepared.",

"Good point." I say. I start to look at the different weapons until I come across a bow. Something about it seems to draw me to it. I pick up the bow and I instantly know how to use it. I open one of the chests and grab some arrows then walk outside. I shoot an arrow at a butterfly that was about twenty blocks away, hitting it dead center.

"Impressive" Haley says in an impressed tone. "Looks like you have found your weapon but you should take a sword too."

"I don't know how to use a sword." I reply.

"You will a little bit trust me I know because whatever weapon you use a lot when you play Minecraft is whatever weapon you will know how to use inside the game." As she explains this to me she walks back into the armory and gets me a sword. "Plus I can teach you under one condition, you teach me how to use a bow." she says as she hands me the sword.

"Hmmm let me think, I mean I don't know if you have the skill to handle this weapon.", I say jokingly.

"Oh really huh well I don't think you can handle using a sword.", Haley retaliates. We both start cracking up. When we finish laughing I tell her that we have deal. The thought of my friends pops back into head then. I explain to her what happened and she agrees to us going to find them.


Shout out to my friends who are reading this and all of the others. :) Hope you guys like it so far.

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