An Enchanting Kiss.

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Ben leads us up a coupe flights of stairs to a room with weapons, tools, and armor hanging from the wall and in chests. Its kind of like Haley's and Lucy's but with less weapons.

"Take whatever you need and you guys' weapons and armor are on that shelf in the corner.", Ben points towards the shelf with our weapons on it. I walk to the corner and pick up my iron chest plate. There's a large gash running down it diagonally. I stare at it thinking how close I came to death there. "If you hadn't had that amour on you would be dead for sure." Ben says breaking me out of my trance.

"Yeah.", I respond kind of shaken up.

"I have better armor for you now though." Ben says as he walks to chest and pulls out a full set of diamond armor. "I can't believe I am actually going to wear diamond armor!", is all I can think. Ben hands me the set of armor, I thank him, and then I put the armor on. The armor was a lot lighter then I thought it would be. "You can enchant it to if you want.", Ben says, "My enchantment and potion room is upstairs, so when you guys are done picking out your weapons you can head on up and enchant them."

"Okay thanks." I say.

"I am going to go get my armor now, meet me downstairs when you guys are done enchanting your stuff.", Ben says.

"Okay will do." I respond. When Ben leaves the room I walk back over to the shelf and pick up my bow. I start to examine the bow to make sure that it is still okay. After examining it closely for awhile I decide that it's okay and slouch the bow across my shoulder. I look over at Haley to see what she is up to and to my surprise she is staring at me. "What is it?", I ask.

"Oh it's just that I think you look very handsome in diamond armor.", Haley kind of looks shocked that she just said that out loud and starts to blush.

My mind races to think of a good compliment to say back to her but all I manage to say is, "Thanks and so do you." There is an awkward silence between us for a couple seconds until Haley breaks it by saying thank you.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud sorry.", Haley says in a part apologetic and part embarrassed tone of voice.

"Oh it's fine, you don't have to be embarrassed that you think I am handsome and have a crush on me.", I reply.

"I am not embarrassed, I just didn't want to embarrass you. Oh and you wish I had a crush on you.", Haley replies in a playful tone.

"Uh huh sure Haley and I don't have to wish for you to have a crush on me if you already do." I reply. This is the first time I have really flirted with Haley and its fun. Haley and I just burst out laughing.

"Well you have a crush on me.", Haley retaliates when she stops laughing. She walks over to me and starts to lean in towards me, like she is about to kiss me.

"If I did have a crush on you what would be wrong with that?", I ask as I lean in towards her.

"Nothing.", she replies. Our lips are two inches from each other and getting closer when she suddenly steps towards the side and trips me. I cover my face as I slam into the ground. Haley starts cracking up.

"Hahaha you thought I was about to kiss you and you were going to let me." Haley says playfully, "That just proves you like me." She reaches a hand out and helps me up.

"Yeah well I can't deny a kiss from a pretty girl.", I say as I get back on my feet..

"Oh so now you are saying I am pretty, you defiantly like me then." Haley replies.

"No I don't.", Is the only response I can think of.

"Yeah whatever you say, you and I both know you are head over heals in love with me.". she says, "Well maybe I like you back but right now isn't the time for that we got to save Lucy." With that Haley grabs some knives and leaves, leaving me alone in the room.

With the words maybe I like you back echoing in my head, I put my quiver of arrows on my back and sheath my sword. I leave the armory and head up the stairs to the enchanting and potion room. When I enter the room I see Haley standing by the enchantment table with an exhausted look on her face.

"Are you okay?", I ask her.

"Yeah I am fine, just enchanting things kind of makes me dizzy and tired.", Haley responds, "Well not just me really anyone who is not used to it, here come over and let me show you what I mean. I walk over to Haley. "Now place the item you want to enchant on the table." I place my diamond sword on the table. When I get near the book it opens on its own and I begin to look through the book until I find a page of hieroglyphs that interests me. I tapped the page with my finger and I instantly got dizzy. I started reliving every time I killed a mob, mined ores, or killed a boss all in a couple seconds. Some of the memories were from before I even entered the game. Then as suddenly as it began it ended and I was left sitting on the floor dizzy and trying not to get sick to the stomach. I look at the sword. It was glowing a purplish color and written in small hieroglyphics on the blade are fire aspect II and sharpness III. I don't know how I can read it but I just can.

"Are you okay?", Haley asks worriedly.

"Yeah I am fine and now I know what you mean. I think I hate enchanting things", I respond as Haley helps me up to my feet.

"Yeah so do I." Ben says as he walks in the room. Haley and I both look over at him. Something about him looks different in diamond armor. I mean he looks about the same height as before and he still has brown hair with pale skin. Its just he looks different. I give up trying to see what's different about him and look at his armor. His armor is all black and has a skull painted oh the chest plate. His helmet has a pull down visor that went over his face in combat to add protection.

"I want a visor like that on my helmet", I exclaim.

"I can make you one when we get back but we have to save Lucy first.", Ben says.

"Okay.", I respond.

"Okay, I know exactly where the village is, so you guys just follow me.", Ben says, ":you guys ready to go?"

"Yeah we are" Haley and I both respond in unison. With that we head down to the first floor and out the door.

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