The Stronghold.

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I have just filled everyone in (including Haley who is giving me the silent treatment and she has every right to do it) on what Gizmo wants us to do. After a little hesitation because of what time it is, we decide to go. We head out the door and begin on our way to the village. The whole way to the village Ben, Dylan, and Dj ask Crystal all kinds of questions. I decide not to be in their conversation and stay more in the middle of the group, Haley and Lucy are linger behind everyone talking amongst themselves. Haley has her helmet on, so I can't see her face and for some reason I keep turning around. "Stop that!", I tell myself mentally when I look behind me for like the twentieth time.

I am really beating myself up about what I said and I really should. To keep myself from going crazy though I start to focus on what's going on around me. It is drizzling and it is kind of cold. My question about the grass blocks getting muddy was answered. They do get muddy, very muddy. I mean even with these awesome boots Gizmo gave me I am still kind of having a hard time walking.

My mind starts to wonder off to thinking about Haley again and I physically shake my head clear of those thoughts. I now begin to tune into the conversation Dylan, Ben, and Dj are having.

"Yeah he is really cool", I hear Crystal say mid conversation.

"How long have you been playing Minecraft before you got sucked into the game?", Ben asks.

"Honestly about two weeks. I am a complete noob. So noobish in fact, that I haven't even enchanted anything while playing the game or while in the game", Crystal admits kind of embarrassed.

"Then how did you get those enchanted swords?", I join in the interrogation. All for of them kind of jump and turn around. They looked shocked that I was paying attention.

"I found them and named them myself", Crystal explains after a second.

"What enchantments do they have?", I ask curiously.

"Death's Furry has Sharpness IV, Bane of Arthropods II, and something called Wither IV. Then Sky's vengeance has Unbreaking X, Sharpness II, Smite III, and another enchantment called Water Aspect II."

"Wait I didn't know Wither was an enchantment", Ben says confused.

"It isn't", I inform him, "I also have never heard of Water Aspect. It most be one of the new enchantments you get with those other tables. Where exactly did you find those swords?"

"They were in a weird pyramid/jungle temple thing I found when I first got here", she explains.

"What about that crossbow Gizmo made?", I ask when I remember it.

"Oh yeah that, it's in my inventory", she tells me.

"Is that your primary weapon?", I ask

"Yeah I do better with crossbows then swords."

"Yeah I used to do better with a bow myself but now with the training Haley has given me in sword fighting, I am really good with swords", I explain.

"Awww how cute. How long have you two been dating?"

Guilt hits me like a ton of bricks. I know it has been six days (it has felt so much longer) but I don't know if we are still dating. I mean are we just taking a break, mad at each other but still dating, or the worst of all broken up. Well the least likely of people in this moment of time saves me and answers for me.

"Six days.", Haley speaks up. I wish I didn't have this helmet so she could she the look of gratitude and relief I have. Now is finally the chance to talk her and I am starting to slow down so I can catch up but then I realize we are at the village. "****", I think.

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