Hell is a Suckish Place.

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I stand up and look around me. I can't really tell because only nether brick surrounds me but I just know I am in the Nether. Although the Nether is all firey it feels very cold. Dark, evil, twisted thoughts -that I would never have- fill my head and an overwhelming helpless feeling passes through me. Its all I can do not to give up and just die. A loud scream breaks me from my helpness feeling and puts the fight back in me. "Haley!" I shout. I run in the direction of the scream. I am heading down a dark nether brick tunnel until I reach a large room that dead ends. I see Herbrine strangling Haley. She is flailing around. I charge at Herobrine and slash right through him. No really I slash through him as if he is made of thin air and then they just vanishes. It was my imagination! Then I notice dark figures moving in the shadows. My sword is already in hand when one of them charges at me. When it comes into the light I am scared. A ghost looking thing is flying towards me. It has gold glowing eyes and has diagonal red and grey stripes of varying sizes running down its body. Two arms sprout out of its torso but it has blades instead of hands. The teeth on this thing are sharp looking triangles. I slash the thing and it vanish in a cloud of grey dust. Five more rush at me from the shadows. I slash at one but it blocks with its blade hands. Pain surges through my back as one of the things (I think I am going to call them razor ghosts) slashes right through my armor and cuts my skin. I let out a cry of pain but I keep fighting. All my effort is being put into counting to fight. Grey dust is pilling up as I try to keep fighting the overwhelming amount of razor ghosts

There are just so many of them that the same hopeless feeling I had earlier is getting to me and I am on the verge of giving up when a bright light suddenly engulfs the room. Shrieks fill the room as the razor ghosts start to dissolve. I look behind me just as the light dies out. My eyes take a moment to adjust but when they do I see Ben and Dylan. I run over to them and give them both a huge hug.

"Thank you so much!", I say excitedly.

"No problem." Ben says happily.

"What was that thing that you used?" I ask after letting them go.

"Lets just call it my safety torch." Ben replies.

"Sorry to interrupt but we got to get out of here." Dylan cuts in.

"Yeah we do and have you guys seen Haley?", I ask desperately.

"No sorry, Herobrine grabbed us and took us here." Dylan explains, "We think we are in a maze."

"That is indeed correct and you must find the center of this maze in order to help your little friend and get out of here." Herobrines' voice sounds like it is coming from all around, "She is busy fighting one of my latest creations." Suddenly the ceiling shows Haley fighting a monster about six blocks tall. It had the head of a blaze, body of zombie pigmen, left arm of a zombie pigmen, right arm of a wither skeleton, the legs of a zombie pigmen, and four ghast tentacles came out of its back. Giant blaze rods circled the thing ominously. Clutched in each hand was a giant sword. In the left was a golden sword and in the right was a stone sword. They were fighting in some kind of arena. Zombie pigmen and wither skeletons were watching and I guess cheering- judging by the noises they were making.

The thing was shooting fireballs at Haley that exploded when they hit the ground and she was running around trying not to get hit. The front lower half of Haley's diamond armor had been cut off and her helmet was gone. Blood ran its way down the side of her face and out of her mouth. I noticed she was limping as well but my Haley kept fighting. She ran near the thing and slashed at its legs but her attack was stopped when the thing kicked her. My heart skipped a beat when she flew into the air and hit a wall super hard. Then the scene went away and the room went dark. "Better hurry boy." is all Herobrine's voice says.

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