Chapter 1

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A/N: I added a song for this chapter it is called Stitches by Shawn Mendez and Hailee Steinfield.This is my second book and I hope you enjoy.

I believe we get choices in this life.Those choices make our story which we can share.I didn't get a choice to choose but this is my story. This is my life. I better start at the beginning.
It was the other day. The dreadful day. Government class day. For a high schoolers I could have expected more. That means Phys. Ed. Day. I was already feeling tired but I don't know why. It wore me out being my first class of the day but I am athletic and don't normally feel this tired. It wore me out and I felt as if I could sleep right then and there. I knew I might because government class is all politics and is awfully boring and 2 hours long. I accidentally had walked to the Algebra 2 room instead. Finally,in that class having to walk slow and stopping to catch my breath frequently while holding onto the wall for support. Luckily my close friend Beth waited with me making sure I was okay and didn't need help. I was okay for now and I made it on time but barely. I skipped my locker because I didn't have time. I was hoping I didn't pass out here in the hallway. Algebra 2 is a long way from Government class and having to stop made it way worse. I think that considering our age and such that they are working us way to hard especially today because it is brutal. It is so hot outside.In the class I sat down,feeling relief flood through me but I knew it wouldn't last long. It never does. I was still catching my breath,breathing heavily. I had my ID tag that everyone is required to wear around my neck. My ID tag said,"April Carver" and my grade,and age.Like any normal person I was panicking inside and basically dying with questions like, what's happening to me,what's going on,why is this happening,and it's never happened before,has crossed my mind dozens of times in that short amount of time. I was still breathing but it was still heavy and labored. It was hard to breathe and gosh was I struggling. For some reason that day the class seemed even more boring and made me even more tired than I already was. I seriously hope nothing's wrong and I really hope I don't black out,I thought. I tried to pay attention and 45 minutes into the 120 minute class I felt tired and even more so to put it in other words I was feeling exhausted. I started breathing even heavier,started getting dizzy,feeling lightheaded,and was heaving small watered down quiet coughs. My eyelids were slowly getting heavy, as they very slowly closed,despite my attempts to keep them open. I fell to the floor,out of my desk,as I passed or blacked out. Everything was very quickly black as I lost consciousness. Am I dying,I wondered. I seriously hope that this isn't the end. I've got to much to live for and to many people I care about to hurt them. The last thing I heard before I fell to the floor unconscious onto the hard floor was someone shout my name. Our teacher of course flew into major panic. I know why though because it's not everyday a healthy kid passes out in the first few weeks of their first year of high school. I can't even remember our teachers name which is bad but I've forgotten many important things as of lately. I wonder why this has been happening to me and why it's hard to breathe sometimes. I guess I'm about to find out and what I find out will totally change my life forever and will haunt me. Our teacher ran and called the office staff after checking for my pulse. The office went into panic and got the nurse and also called 911. They were sending an ambulance. The office of course did not know how to move me to the office so everyone else wouldn't panic and so that they wouldn't disturb other classes that were going on around us. I don't know if they called my parents. No matter how hard life or this gets I'm not going to quit,or lose hope either. Then our nurse of course found a backboard so the nurse and some office staff ran to get me to the front before the paramedics got there. They were going to have to strap me to it. They will have to do it quickly and quietly,carry me out. I noticed that everyone was staring and giving me worried looks. In the classroom they once again checked my pulse and it was slowly dropping from where it was really rapid a minute before but if it gets to low then I can probably die. It's mostly because I am struggling to breathe right now. They very quickly moved me onto the yellow backboard but did it very carefully. They strapped me to it. The teacher had opened the door as the nurse and office staff lifted my body and walked or ran with it or shall I say me. Finally at the front doors the paramedics arrived and very quickly and frantically began to work on me. They connected me to fluids and gave me dozens of medications. They slid an oxygen mask onto me. Once my pulse was steady and I was stable, they carefully lifted me from the backboard onto the stretcher,covering me with a sheet,and strapped me to it. I opened my eyes once,saw the oxygen mask,my surroundings a blur,things were sliding in and out of focus as I closed them again. I was awful tired and I had just passed out but my breathing was normal again. I was so confused as to what was happening. All I remembered was feeling sick,sitting in government,the world slowly spinning,as the world faded away and my eyes closed with me falling to the floor with the floor greeting me very quickly. They took me to the closest hospital which was 15 minutes away. It was SMC. There they made sure that I was stable but the hospital was full and they didn't know what to do. They loaded me and the medics onto a helicopter and flew us to the hospital 45 minutes away from there. They notified WMCH which was the big hospital on the way there. We arrived there and I was still unconscious I should be waking up soon,at least I hope. I then remembered the name of that hospital and that my 6th cousins mom works there as a RN or a registered nurse. I noticed his mom Sarah waiting amongst the team that was waiting for my arrival but the helipad. They unloaded me and while running me into the hospital,I opened my eyes. Sarah was working up and over my head. The medical staff noticed a few bruises on my cheek,arm,and leg from where I had fell. There was another even bigger bruise on my back.The weird thing is it doesn't hurt at all and that those bruises appeared awful quick. The medical staff had noticed that too. She looked down,hoping that I was conscious because they needed to know my name and who I was and hoped I could tell them although I had a name tag on. I blinked a couple times,it was bright in here and really sterile. They all had masks over there mouths and noses which keeps them from spreading germs. I heard her gasp and go,April,as if she was asking a question. Through her latex glove she moved a piece of hair out of my face. The rest of the team said,what? Sarah pulled the mask down and said,her name is April Carver. Okay,a doctor said and yelled to the receptionist before putting a medical bracelet with my name on it around my wrist. We have to hurry and find out what's wrong with her before she slips any farther,the doctor said. Another nurse slid two different meds into my vein on my hand. I went to ask questions but my words slurred together before they came out of my mouth as my eyes very slowly closed and I lost consciousness again. Just then a bunch of alarms went off. Darn it,they all yelled. They put my fluids on the stand on my gurney. After minutes of doing who knows what to me the alarms stopped because I was stable. They started to run with me.

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