Chapter 42

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I was so relieved just to hear her voice and hold her in my arms. Beth cried so much. Just at the relief that she woke up she was so afraid and even though she knew it wasn't her fault,she blamed herself. April's recovery was first priority for all of us. We all knew it was going to be a challenge and had many meetings with doctors to discuss how soon until we could begin physical therapy and get her moving around again so she could come back home. First thing and they didn't sugarcoat it was that April would have to learn to walk on that one leg all over again. It would be a long and hard process. It will be painful and exhausting for her and she won't be able to do most things herself. They said they didn't advise it but they would let her go home with us providing mom or I was around all day to keep an eye on her and make sure she follows the doctors orders. April just wanted out,she hates being in the hospital. There are too many memories and not many of them are good she claims. That afternoon we met with her doctors to discuss where to move next. She had already begun therapy and excelled. They don't think it's necessary for her to keep going to it. They want to see her weekly up until the day the cast on her ankle and wrist comes off. They also reminded us that next week is her monthly checkup to see if she is still in remission or not. With that,they loaded us down with hundreds of things they think is necessary for April to come home and with that we moved to the front. They signed off on the discharge papers and made her appointment for next Wednesday. We got loaded up in the car and I climbed into the backseat with April. I had a feeling this would be the hardest part. Getting and riding in a car again. When the car started and mom began to back out,I saw April take in a deep breath and instantly I reached for her hand. I grasped it tightly in mine and squeezed gently to let her know that she had my support and that I knew she could do this. She tightened her grip as we pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. We're going to have a long road of recovery ahead of us. Especially before she'll be cleared to drive again. Definitely not any time soon if ever again. As we neared a stoplight she grasped my hand so tight that I wondered how she still had feeling in hers and how I had feeling in mine. I grimaced which she caught when she looked over at me. I looked down and then smiled at her. She realized how tight her grasp was then and she loosened it a bit. She smiled back at me though I could tell she was so scared of this car ride. She breathed a sigh of relief when we finally pulled into the driveway. Looking ahead I noticed her mothers car in the drive. Uh-oh this probably won't be good. Mom glanced back at me in the rearview quickly before April noticed. So she saw it too and she is thinking the same as me. April hasn't noticed yet. Once we got closer she recognized the car and came to the same realization as all of us. That this probably wasn't gonna be good. Not good at all.

I was finally released from the hospital today after the accident with Beth where I was unconscious,in a coma,for four days before I was conscious for a little while before I fell asleep again. I could tell that Leo was really worried and scared in just the way he looked at me. He had these dark circles under his eyes that made known his sleep deprivation. Beth has cried and I can tell she blames herself for what happened even though I know it wasn't,we all do. We've all told her that time after time again. I know she was worried too. I've beat cancer and to have me die in a car accident,it wouldn't be right. Of course the car ride back home wasn't no easy task. I could tell when I was squeezing Leo's hand too tight because he grimaced even though he tried hard not to and when he did tried harder for me not to see it. I loosened up. But then we arrived home to find my mothers car waiting in the driveway and I could feel as we all tensed in the car. We all had the same realization that this was probably not going to be good. Leo looked at me to kind of reassure me not to worry but that it would all be okay. I think we both knew that this will probably not be okay and neither one of us can't not worry about it. Okay well I guess we should get in there and do this,Sarah said. We both got out of the back seat and walked up the steps. With a deep breath,I walked in the door that Leo held open and walked in after Sarah. Leo followed us both. We walked in to find my mom yelling at Sarah's husband who was home for a couple of days from work. My mom looked up and saw Sarah first. "You! Why didn't you tell me she was in a bloody car accident,that she almost died and was in a coma for almost a week? I had to hear from someone on the bloody news that my daughter was hospitalized after an accident. Then I had to wonder why no one called me! Where is she?" My mom had basically screamed the words at Sarah with a fire I had never seen. She was fuming. That was when mom caught sight of my wide eyes. To be honest she was scaring me. I've never seen her like this before. April,she asked weakly. After seeing me standing there all of the energy seemed to drain out of her at once. Leo's hand in mine was the only thing keeping me calm. Mom,I whispered. Mom ran to my side and hugged me. I was so afraid I had lost you and didn't even get to say goodbye,she said almost crying by this point. Then she turned again. Looking right into Sarah's eyes said,April go pack your stuff you are moving back in with me and your father. No,I practically screamed. April,now,mom argued with me. No mom, I won't,it isn't their faults,at the time of everything they were concerned on my care and well being so that I would live,they didn't think of anything but making sure I woke up again,I said trying to regain my calm. But if they care so much why did they let you go to begin with,she asked. They care,I wanted to go,I was with my best friend who I never see anymore because I was so sick,it wasn't anybody's fault besides the person who ran that light and hit us,I said. I want you home with me,I miss you I want to be able to say goodbye if something happens,mom said almost to tears. I know I miss you too and I'll still visit but nothing is going to happen,I like it here and I'm getting good care to take care of me and get me to recover,I said. Please,mom whispered. That one word hung in the air. Mom,I---,was all that I got out before I began to fall. The world had turned black the only thing keeping me from the floor was Leo. He laid me down then carefully readjusted me into his arms bridal style and took me to our room and laid me on the bed. He was upset now too. See,she needs to be here this was your fault,getting her stressed out isn't good for her recovery,she just blacked out because you couldn't let it go until she is well again,I heard Leo yell. Then I was too far gone to hear anything.

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