Chapter 21

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A/N: Sorry a lot of chapters have recently been in Leo's Point Of View it's been easier instead of trying to write in April's right now but I promise the next couple chapters I  will try to have April's point of view in there somewhere. The song I added it called When I'm With You,by Citizen Way. Enjoy.

They pulled her into one of the ER rooms and pulled the privacy curtain closed in front of the glass windows. They had immediately begun hooking her to different monitors,fluids,and medications upon our arrival. Prepare an intubation tray,someone inside said. A bunch of alarms went off. Beginning CPR now,get me a crash cart and a defibrillator,someone else yelled. Prepare to shock,200,Clear,a male voice said. I peeked in the curtain and saw as April's heart started to beat again. When she was shocked she bounced up and then back down to the bed. I began to cry. We need to intubate now,someone announced. They began opening different packages and then slid her mouth open. They placed a plastic tube down her throat to breath for her. They connected a bag to the tube and would pump it every two seconds,slow and steady. April was still unconscious. I moved back as I watched them wheel her out and away fast,working over her as they ran talking to each other about her condition. Mom should've went with April but stayed with me,mostly because she hasn't slept doctors wouldn't allow her into surgery she isn't even on call today. She sat in the waiting area outside the OR with me. Mom fell asleep,her head resting on my shoulder,as I sat there worried about April and stared off crying at a wall occasionally watching my hands as I tangled and untangled them. A doctor came out to inform us that she is out of surgery and in the recovery room. It was a short procedure. April has another small growth on her lungs and it caused her to drown inside of herself due to fluid in her lungs. They have a feeling this won't be the last time because the tumor is just going to keep coming back. If she eventually retrieves remission and her immune system gets stronger then we will check into getting her onto a permanent medicine to control the tumor and keep it from coming back. They informed us that due to the time she spent without oxygen she may have brain damage and we will not know the extent of it until she wakes up. At that moment I saw them wheel her past us and into the critical care ward. They have her on assisted oxygen right now so they have been able to remove the ventilator. When can I go back to see her,I asked as mom sleepily looked at the doctor. Right now actually if you want I believe if she knows it's you it may help her wake up a little sooner,the doctor said. I stood. Do you want me to go with you,mom asked. I shook my head no. I need to go alone first,I said. Okay I'll come back when you are ready,she said. I followed the doctor down the hall. Be aware she isn't going to look normal her face is swollen from the meds we had to give her and she is really weak since her heart stopped and we revived her,she has tubes coming out of her lungs,a tube down her nose and of course the oxygen mask obscuring her face,the doctor said and pointed me to her room. I saw Kate in there. She had her hands on April's arm,looking down at it sadly smiling. She walked out as she saw me approaching knowing I wanted to be alone. April's  lips were no longer the deep blue color they were that night. I pulled a chair up and grabbed her hand. April,I'm here now baby,I'm here I haven't gone anywhere and I'm not going too,I said. All I heard in response was the beeps of the monitor as it recorded every forced breath the oxygen gave,her oxygen level,and most importantly her heart rate. Her heart was still beating she is still alive,I reminded myself as I almost cried. Leo,I heard her voice. Yeah,I said. You wanna know something,she asked. Yes I want to know something,I replied with a smile and tears welling in my eyes. You are my world,my life,my everything,you truly are the best thing to happen to me and I wouldn't have made it through without you I need you every second of every minute of every hour of every single day of my life,I love you,she said. You make me so happy I'm so lucky to have found you,you are my world and the best thing I've ever had happen,I need you more than you ever know,I love you too,I replied as I leaned in. I kissed her. Woah,what was that,I wondered as I shook it off and realized I was still in the same ICU room with April still asleep I never heard her voice. I sat in the chair next to her bed. I took hold of her right hand which seemed to be the only thing left alone. They had a blood pressure cuff on the other arm. I picked up her hand and massaged her fingers as I examined her plain tan beautiful hand with the perfectly manicured nails,it was freezing like always that never changed. I had tears welled ready to spill over. I love you so much you know I just want you to know I'm here I need you to wake up to get back to me,okay,I said. I got choked up on the last word and began to cry as I entwined our wrists and rested my hand on hers with our fingers connected. I just cried as I watched her sit there struggling to breathe,struggling to fight the hold this had on her. Mom came in sometime later and squeezed my shoulder as we watched April sleep for a few minutes before she was on shift. Then it was just me again as I sat there in the quiet listening to the steady beep of the heart monitor,the noise from the oxygen tank,the ticking of the clock on the wall. I watched the clock as it ticked minutes away. I thought about everything April and I had done. Our first kiss,the night under the stars,her treatments. All of it. Every second I ever spent with her. Some of the thought went back farther than that all the way to our first summer swim team where we first met. I knew something was different about her by the feeling she gave me in my chest when she looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. Especially as she smiled at me or whispered my name quietly as we sat next to each other. Leo,I heard April say. April?,I questioned as I stood to check on her.

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