Chapter 14

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A/N:The song with this chapter is Heart Like Yours by Willamette Stone from If I Stay again.Enjoy.

One of my doctors and Sarah came to visit me after lunch yesterday. I am hoping to be out of here by the time for prom. They informed me that my lung tumor has shrunken enough they can safely remove it and I can do the surgery as early as tomorrow. Then I wouldn't need a tank to carry with me at prom. Leo has been informed of this and he won't leave ever. He never has. I have sometimes waken up to see him sleeping on our grasped hands. This would also hopefully help to keep fluid from filling on my lungs the only problem is that this type of tumor can return I did the surgery anyway. I gained consciousness a couple hours afterwards. I felt funny under my nose. I felt around and noticed that there were no nubbins. I am finally breathing on my own again. I was so happy. That was when Leo came into my room. Look you're okay you are breathing on your own,he said. I know I love you,I said as we hugged. I love you too he said and kissed me gently but quickly. The doctor then soon came in. He informed me that because of needing to monitor me for rejection of the bone marrow I am not to leave the hospital for another two weeks. I would hopefully be able to leave by May 30. What about prom,I asked,it is on May 17. I'm sorry,I'm afraid you are just to sick to be leaving,he said. Thanks anyway,I said as he walked out. Leo hugged me seeing my tears. What's the matter,he asked. I just really wanted to go to prom with you,I said. I know I wanted you to too but I can stay here at the hospital with you,there's no point going without you,he said. No Leo I want you to still go even if I can't,you are in this hospital too often I said. Tonight I want you to go and rent your tux and sleep at home,I added. But,he got out before I cut him off. No buts Leo it isn't healthy I can see the purple circles under your eyes getting worse each day and what about your schoolwork I will be okay I'll be here after school if you want to come then okay,I said. I love you,I said. I love you more,he said and leaned in. He hugged me first then we kissed goodnight. He left the bag with my clothes and stuff in it. I don't want to crush him tomorrow because I get the results and I'm not sure the bone marrow worked. I grabbed my book and my phone. It was charged. I dialed Sarah. She was still working for now. Hey,Sarah,I've got a question,I said. Hey,April,what is it,she asked. I was wondering that maybe the doctors will let me go home for a few days a week earlier than planned,I want to try to go to prom,my other doctors might think I'd be okay,I know I'd be okay,can you get me a dress,shoes and whatever else,I asked. April,I will try my best and if they say yes I'll FaceTime you so you can pick out the dress,then I'll keep it in the car,she said. Sounds good thank you and let me know soon,bye,I said. Okay your welcome I will,bye,she said. About 30 minutes later,I was being wheeled into the conference room. I haven't seen Emily and Tristan for a few days I'll have to text them later. In the conference room was all of my doctors and most important Sarah. I had my grey hat on. We are all here obviously because my results have come in and for two because I want to discuss the reasons why I can't go home for a few days a week early,I need to be at prom,I said. Okay,starting with your results,one of the doctors began. As I've studied the recent tests and scans,I'm happy to announce that your lungs have fallen into remission for now because there is still a chance that the tumor can return,your Leukemia has almost completely disappeared we will have to do some more chemo to try to kill the rest,I've never seen a recovery like this,the doctor said. Okay,so since I'm doing so well why can't I go home and go to prom,I asked. Why don't we have a vote,I added. All in favor of me going to prom,I said. Every hand except for one went up. Dr.Hartman. Why are you in favor of me not going,I said. It isn't safe,he said. Why,I asked. It is a huge risk as much as you think you aren't still sick,April,you are still a very sick girl,he said. I understand that you aren't telling me anything I don't already know,I said. I guess I will go with yes but I don't like it it is very risky,he said. Good all in favor,I will leave the 17th of May,thank you,I said. I texted Emily without a reply so I asked to be wheeled to her room. I sat in the doorway. She wasn't there. Tristan was sitting with his head in his hands,crying next to her bed. What's the matter,I asked after being left in privacy and rolled myself in. Emily,--sniff--she's so sick,she caught a fungal infection they took her in for surgery she's so sick they are doing everything they can to save her,he said. Oh my god,I said. It isn't looking good,---sobbing---April if I lose her I have nothing left,no reason to live,he said shakily. I stood and carefully walked closer even though I'm not supposed too. I put my hand on his back and pulled up another chair. Tristan look at me,she is going to be okay,I said. I hugged him and we just sat there silently praying for her as we comforted each other. Hours later she was brought back in. Thank god he yelled. Shh,I said. He ran to her side and I returned to my wheelchair. She weakly opened her eyes. Tristan,she said. I'm here baby I'm right here,he said. April,she noticed me. Yeah,I said rolling closer. You're breathing on your own,she said. Yeah I was coming to tell you,I'm almost in remission,I got cleared to go to prom,I said. Yay,she whispered. Tristan had a tight hold of her hand. You need to get better I am leaving for prom the 17th that's in a week,I said. I will,she said. Okay I'll be back soon I'll text you I said. I rolled out of the door. I got back to my room but just barely before I began bawling. I could tell she was losing I saw it in her eyes. Poor Tristan I thought.

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