Chapter 15

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A/N: The song for this chapter is Today by Willamette Stone. It is again from If I Stay.
Sorry. Enjoy.


Today I woke early in the morning and grabbed my phone. It was 9am. I called Sarah. We only had so much time before Leo would be coming after school. Hello,she said. Hey ready to get your dress shopping on wish I could come,I said. Yes I'm ready,she said and hung up. How strange and rude I thought.  A minute later,Sarah and Kate came around the corner of my door with a wheelchair. Surprise,they said. They slid my IV on the stand and started wheeling me. We went into several stores at the first few I didn't find anything. Finally our last stop was JC Penny where I finally found the dress. It went to the floor. It was dark blue. It was a spaghetti strap. It had little sparkles all over it.I had several choices I liked but I've got three more proms so I will be okay. Sarah paid for the dress. We went looking for shoes and finally found a pair of silver wedge heel sandals I loved. She paid for those. We then had to go back to the hospital because Leo would be coming from school soon. It was 2:59 when we made it to the hospital. We left the dress and shoes in the car. I made it back to my room just in time and made myself look normal in the hospital gown. Good thing because Leo walked in a few minutes later. Sarah winked at me. We were keeping a huge secret from Leo to surprise him. He finally left that night when I fell asleep.

One week later...

Emily was finally beginning to improve over the course of the week. Leo came in his tux and I made him leave for prom so he wouldn't be late. As soon as he was gone,Sarah and Kate ran into my room. Kate put me in the wheelchair due to the hospitals policy and Sarah had the dress bag. We ran to Emily's room since she couldn't come to me. In her room,we worked quick. Kate had already removed my IV. Sarah had picked me up another spare wig specifically for tonight. I had the dress on. Emily had helped me do my makeup. I barely recognized the girl in the mirror. I put the wig on and was going to wear it like it was plain. Emily came up. Hold on. She pulled out a curling iron. She braided the hair back into a gorgeous bun and Sarah stuck a comb with little gems in it. Emily curled the loose strands. Sarah slid a necklace and earrings in. They were hers. I slid my shoes on. I looked in the mirror and lifted the bottom of the dress an inch. I twirled and looked and smiled at them. Tristan came back in. Look at you,you are gorgeous go have fun for me,Emily said and hugged me. I'll see you when I get back,I said. Tristan was in by then. He hugged me tight. Beautiful,he agreed with Emily. I'll text you all later,I said as Kate hugged me goodbye. I would be walking the rest of the way to the car. Sarah led me out to her Pilot. We rushed there too. I had tried to get ready quick but they hopefully won't be too far into dancing. I climbed in the backseat since the windows are darker. Leo was going to be so shocked. I did not want Leo to be tied here in the hospital with me all night it is his Junior Prom I don't want him missing it just cause I'm sick that is the main reason I made him leave and he listened. Of course one of my doctors didn't think it was safe. He left not happy that I made him. Sarah convinced my doctors I needed to live and get out or I could become depressed. I helped. Since it worked she bought me a dress,shoes,and a necklace,bracelet,earring set. I had to wear my hospital bracelet but no mask.This was going to be one of the best nights of my life with cancer.

I shouldn't have left her there alone this isn't the same without her. Of course an hour into it and I was bored already. But what could I go she kicked me out. I heard a voice behind me. Can I have this dance and picture with this lovely boy dressed for prom,she asked. I knew it was her ,it was April,she was the only one capable of this. Well get over here don't leave me waiting,She said as she grabbed my arm finally walking without an oxygen tank behind her. I walked over and saw mom. She took our pictures. I'll be back later,mom said. April smiled. How,I asked a smile spreading over my lips. We are miracle workers and we convinced them to let me come a few days ago so I can stay home for a few days and I wanted to tell you but we wanted to surprise you your mom did all the shopping like helping me pick out this beautiful blue dress and the rest of it,April said with an innocent look on her face. We had went shopping while you were at school,I added .We danced and laughed and had fun together. We were genuinely happy and she saw people she hasn't seen in what feels like forever. We kissed during our slow dance it was romantic and everybody,who was apparently watching us,started clapping when we were finished kissing. Going home we went to bed and was actually content for once. We managed to sleep all night without an interruption. I am a boy afraid of losing her and she is afraid of losing me. We live every moment in the now afraid of missing it and the greatest moments of our lives that will one day only be memories. I want to make memories with her so that if she doesn't beat this then i will have pieces of her to remember her by.

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