Chapter 12

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A/N: I added a song with this chapter called Without You by For King and Country. Just saying that this song will be used for a few chapters. Give me feedback on what you think. Thanks for reading. Enjoy.

I did as mom asked. April had passed out. It sucks so bad. I was a major part in planning her surprise sweet 16 party. Her parents went and picked up her drivers license yesterday she wasn't expecting it for another month but she passed and she had a total cancer perk. It's something she gets that other normal kids don't get. She told me she loved me I gave her her promise ring I had crafted for her. She went for more gifts. I was in a conversations with Don from band when I heard a scream and happened to look over and see her on the ground. April,I had yelled and took off sprinting at the same time as mom. Her best friends and a pile of people were crying already. I went into shock. I completely froze.Tears were sliding down my cheeks.Leo---Leo---Leo,my god help me get her into the house,mom yelled getting my attention finally and I ran with her in my arms carrying her into the house with her tank on my back. I laid her gently on the bed. Mom came running inside grabbing some of my things from the hospital and her medical bag. She ran to us as quick as possible. Leo go call 911 right now I don't have time if you want me to save her,there's not enough time to drive her there ourselves,mom said and I grabbed my cell off of the desk. I watched as mom pulled her wig off I was shocked to find that she was bald. When did that happen I wondered. I frantically cut it on and dialed 911. Hello what is your emergency,the dispatcher asked. My girlfriend April Carver just passed out outside she isn't waking up we need an ambulance as quick as possible,she's still breathing she's still alive,my mom is caring for her she's a nurse but she needs medical attention from a hospital we don't have what we need,please hurry,we can't drive her ourselves there isn't enough time,I informed her. What's your location,the dispatcher asked. 2134 off of 11 it's a private drive,I said. We are sending someone right away,the dispatcher said. Thank you bye,I said ending the call. I ran over to mom and April. Her heart rate is dropping so is her oxygen level,if they don't hurry we may lose her,there is only so much more I can do for her we are running out of time where is the gosh darn ambulance,mom called out. Mom hooked up a mask and slid it around her head. She was still unconscious. Come on come on please hurry,I silently prayed to the ambulance. Then I took in the noise from outside. It was really windy we had limbs going everywhere and it was pouring. Crap,they could be a while,I thought. Mom I think the storm is slowing them down,I said to her. Crap,I don't know how much longer she'll make it without the treatment from the hospital,crap crap crap,she said. I was holding her hand and watching her for any changes. Finally,15 minutes later,I heard the ambulance arriving as the sound of sirens were growing closer. They came running in with a stretcher and medical bags. I stepped away from her. By then,I was hoping they weren't too late and I stood there crying and started to sob into my hand. I fell to my knees crying till I finally heard her heartbeats getting steadier. They exchanged our mask for their mask. After she was stable enough to move the loaded her on a stretcher and loaded her into the ambulance. The wind was howling and it was pouring. I had my waterproof bag with both our clothes and other things we might need with me. Mom was driving separate and I rode with her. We pulled onto the main road. About halfway to the hospital,April started failing again and alarms went off. I moved and started crying into my hands my head resting there. If she dies I have nothing for the rest of my live. The ambulance stopped. There is a tree in the road,traffic is backed up we aren't getting through anytime soon,calling for helicopter backup,the driver said. They worked quickly and intubated April. They were trying so hard. I called mom and told her to go on I hoped she got there before us if not if April gains consciousness in there she's going to be terrified. I'm to unsteady to be in there not that they would let me. Thank god the helicopter finally arrived. Air travel wasn't best in the rain but we didn't have an option we were running out of time she would die soon without treatment. The helicopter came and they loaded her. We made it and the rushed her in. They told me to stay where I was but I followed. Mom came in soon afterwards,soaking wet it's still pouring. I watched through the glass window. Mom moved into her view. She needed an emergency bone marrow transplant or she won't live through tonight. She has a match already. They ran her again she was already sleeping. I waited in the waiting room and fell asleep before mom eventually came out. The surgery was successful now we were waiting for her to wake.


All I remembered was my birthday party and passing out. As I was being airlifted to the hospital I opened my eyes. I saw the hands moving above me and his hands holding mine. I blacked out again. I saw them tell him to stay back but he still followed and the lights blurring together over me. They were telling me to hold on that they had me. In every way I was holding on. They ran me into a room and closed the door. Leo was standing at the glass window watching everything. I don't want him watching this. She's gonna need bone marrow,good thing we found a match today she won't live through the night without it cancer is too advanced,I'm glad we searched,my oncologist said. I opened my eyes a slight centimeter. Sarah climbed toward the front where I could see her since she arrived. April,baby girl,it's okay we've got you you need emergency bone marrow surgery okay,she said. A mask over my nose and I counted back from ten like they said. I didn't even make it to 3 before I was out. They pumped the bag breathing for me and ran. That was a long surgery but I'm stable and alive I need to wake up. I have to text Emily and Tristan when I gain consciousness I'm sure Leo has everything I'll need. I'm gonna have recovery time I might be in here over prom. Actually I know I will but I have a plan I'll have to talk to Sarah alone.

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