Chapter 45

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April's POV
I woke the next morning with a small low grade fever and was just slightly disoriented as to where I was. Leo had stirred next to me and that was when I had woke up. I didn't quite remember where I was since Leo wasn't normally with me in the same bed when I woke up. He noticed that I felt warm. This sent Leo and Sarah into a pretty big panic. They tried not to show it in front of me but I could tell they were worried. Leo looked like he was ready to cry. Fevers were never a good sign in someone like me who had previously beaten cancer who was supposed to be in remission. They were fretting over whether or not to take me to the emergency room. I quickly shut down this idea when I said in my raspy whispery voice,"no,no hospitals I'm okay I'll sleep it off." Leo disagreed with me. He didn't leave my side for the rest of the day even though I was super out of it and mainly sleeping the entire day. He ate in there when Sarah brought him food. She couldn't get me awake long enough to eat so they left me be. I knew if it kept up into tomorrow I'd end up at the ER first thing in the morning. I slept again,this time was really restless. When I woke again,it was around 4 in the morning,I couldn't breathe. I sat straight up grabbing my chest as the burning started. Oh no,not again I thought. I began to cough. I managed to get out a scream that was full of agony. It was all that I had left in me. I sat there trying to breathe,gasping and trying to pull the air into my lungs. Sarah must've heard my scream she pushed the door open and came running in,panicked a moment later. She caught sight of me and immediately came to my aid. She grabbed my shoulder to let me know that she was there. I could barely see the black spots were crowding my vision. April,you need to hang on for me,she said. Leo must've heard the commotion he came in then. He ran to my side and took Sarah's place as she ran out to try to find my old oxygen tank. I was about to pass out. I can't die like this,I can't! Finally a minute that felt like an eternity later,Sarah came back carrying my oxygen tank and a mask. Leo assisted me in getting it on me while Sarah adjusted the dials. I took deep gasping breaths as finally some air was getting to my lungs. Leo and Sarah exchanged a look. I knew what was coming. That's it,you're going to the hospital now,Leo said. Sarah ran to grab the keys while Leo put the tank onto his back and lifted me into his arms. He went running out to the car. We weren't sure how much oxygen was left in the tank so we had to be quick. He grabbed the blanket that was in the back seat and wrapped it around me as he pulled me close to his chest and I grabbed his sweatshirt with what little strength I had left. Sarah took off immediately. She'd call the others later to let them know where she went. I drifted off again. The last thing that I remembered seeing was Leo with tears running down his face as we got on the interstate. When I woke again I was on a gurney being pushed into the hospital. Leo and Sarah were on either side of me. I had an IV in my arm now I noticed,I could feel it. Sarah glanced back down at me and offered me a small,tight,and worried smile before looking up again as we entered a small emergency room cubicle. Leo was still with me and gave me a sad glance. I felt a small pain in my arm before things began to grow blurry as I lost consciousness for the second time that early morning. It was a severe case of pneumonia. I was lucky that I didn't die. We made it just in time. When I woke again around 3 days later in the ICU,I was still feeling really weak and tired. The only thing I truly noticed was that both of my casts were gone. I was so happy about that,I hated those things. They had replaced the oxygen mask with nubbins for the time being. Leo was with me. He was sitting in a chair next to my bed. He noticed I was awake as I took a deep breath in. April,thank god,he said. I noticed he almost got up but I grabbed his arm pulling him back down. I didn't want him to leave me yet. I wasn't strong enough to speak quite yet but he knew what I not only needed but wanted. He gently lowered the bed rail and climbed in carefully beside me. I slowly adjusted myself with his help to where I was resting on his chest. Though I was weak he held me and I held onto him tightly fighting hard for breath,my lungs still felt really tight. I laid on his chest burying my face in his shirt. I breathed in through my nubbins. Losing consciousness slowly I knew he saw exhaustion on my face. I was too tired to fight to stay conscious,it was too much for me. He lightly put his lips to my forehead in a tender kiss. It's okay,April, I'll be here when you wake up get some rest,he whispered. Then it was too much to take and my eyelids closed down over my eyes as I drifted unconsciously again. I was in the hospital ICU for a week. I was fully conscious the 6th day and I was feeling much stronger and not nearly as tired. I saw the relief clear in Leo's eyes as he looked at me. He helped me to adjust the bed so I was laying up a little higher in a sitting position. Sarah walked in a few minutes later with a small bag and two small coffees. April,thank goodness you're okay,she said and smiled at me. I could tell that she loved me as her own daughter now. The relief and joy was evident in her voice. She handed Leo a coffee and a egg biscuit from the downstairs cafeteria. Is there anything I can get for you,she asked me. I shook my head no. Thank you,I whispered. Well,I'll give you two a little privacy,you're Doctor is coming in a couple hours,they've decided to move your appointment to today instead of coming back this week and also because I'm off duty today,she informed me before closing the sliding door. Hey,you,he said quietly. Hey,I answered in reply. I missed you,I was really worried,he said honestly. I missed you too,you shouldn't worry I'm not worth all that I'm okay,I said. To me,April,you are worth it whether you're okay or not,he said sternly now being very serious. Okay,I whispered. Are you nervous,he asked me. Yeah,a little bit,you never know what they could tell me,I answered. I know but it's going to be okay whatever it is we'll get through it,he said then paused. Together,he added. I nodded and looked away. I could feel the tears building. I was 90% sure that it was back. He grabbed my hand and after I was sure the tears weren't coming I turned my head back toward him. He rested a hand on my cheek, his thumb slightly rubbing over it. I closed my eyes and leaned toward it.

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